Chapter 993, Aggressive Trio

Just when Feng Ming’s three people were desperate, the accidents suddenly occurred, and the few purple lightnings that had been slow and long suddenly became swift, and the eyes of the fast-finned swordfish flew past.

The iron finfish was shocked and hurryed to the side, trying to escape the attack of purple lightning, but it made it happen.

As it evaded, the purple little lightning turned a corner and chased it and shot it.


What is this ghost? !

How can you turn? !

At the beginning of the cloud, the hands were still waving, and more purple lightning flashed over. They were much faster than the previous small lightning, and they all attacked in the direction of the iron finfish eyes.

The iron finfish was so scared that they couldn’t care about Feng Ming’s three of them. They turned and fled, and the small lightning behind them was chasing after them. The iron finfish simply collapsed!

Special, who can tell it, what is this ghost thing? ! I knew that this little girl was so perverted, and what did it say would not provoke her? ! Help! Who will save it!

It is a pity that although the iron finfish swim fast, those little lightnings are faster, and a few small lightning bolts are on the eyes of the iron finfish.

The iron finfish tumbling up in the water, then the belly is facing up and the dead is up!

At the beginning of the cloud, the body of the iron finfish was collected into the storage ring, and then the three people of Fengming said: "Let's go ahead and try to go out early!"




The three views of Fengming three people are refreshed again!

It turns out that lightning can turn in the water!

The original lightning also knows to confuse the enemy!

It turns out that the little nine sisters are abnormal on land or in the sea!

Ah, no, it seems to be more abnormal in the water!

No wonder she chose the ocean scene, she was sure!

It’s a day, they thought they had changed the little nine sisters very abnormally, but I didn’t expect that the most abnormal situation would only be more abnormal. The little nine sisters can bring them huge impact every time. It is really a enchanting!

At the beginning of the cloud, the three-person group continued to move forward, and the front of the water floated and swam over two giants.

Each piece is hundreds of feet long, and the scales on the body are gleaming. If it is not without claws, it looks like a legendary dragon.

"Sawtooth arowana, fifteen-order sea beast, ferocious, although there is no spiritual attack means, but because of its huge size, it will directly bite the opponent when attacking, and its body is strong, the general spiritual attack can not It causes damage. Its weakness is also the eye." The cloud first described the opposite sea beast simply and neatly.

Feng Ming three people think that the beginning of the cloud is simply not a human being. Not only is the spiritual power metamorphosis, but the memory is also abnormal. They are always together, and they do not know when she saw these records. It is estimated that they have been turned over in the bookstore. Just remember, it is really a blow to people.

"Small nine sisters, how do we deal with these two sawtooth fish? Or just the way?" Feng Ming whispered.

"Well, let's confuse them first, then see the machine again." The two heads are more difficult to deal with than one head. Moreover, these two sawtooth arowanas are one step higher than the previous iron finfish, and the difficulty is much greater.

The two-toothed arowanas have now reached the front of the four people, and the huge eyes show a sullen look. They feel that it is too simple to kill these four weak humans.

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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