Chapter 9930 Candied Haws

The old man Xin Lei watched for a while before saying:

"This picture is too vague. Even if it is clear, it is difficult to find. There are tens of thousands of Hongmeng circles in an alley like this. How can you identify this?!"

Yun Chujiu also knew that it was too difficult. Although there were many buildings on both sides that looked like shops, the words on the plaque were not clear at all.

At this moment, Er Gouzi suddenly said, "Little fairy, look at the pattern on the upper right corner of the second building on the left. Does it look like a bunch of candied gourds?"

Dog's tail grass can't help but slander, candied haws? Know to eat in one day! Who is all right to paint candied haws on the wall of his home? Unless it is a shop selling candied haws!

However, when it looked carefully at the place where Ergouzi pointed, it was surprised to find that the fuzzy shape really looked like a bunch of candied haws.

Dogtail thought sourly, what about candied fruit? ! There are more shops selling candied haws, but there is still no way to determine where this alley is.

Then, it heard Er Gouzi mumble: "Huh? Why do I look familiar with this candied haws?"

It's nonsense to slander the tail of a dog! No one has seen candied haws before, and everyone looks familiar.

"Yeah! Little fairy, do you remember that a bunch of candied haws were sent over on the Baqiyu stone platform? The paper wrapped on it was torn to pieces by the puffer fish." Er Gouzi said with a startled surprise.

The dog's tail grass naturally remembered this incident. The puffer fish was beaten by Yun Chujiu for this incident and was hungry for several days.

It remembered that the bunch of candied haws was indeed different from the candied haws it had seen before. There were seven fruit bunches on it, and each one was a different fruit, showing seven colors.

Although the pattern on this painting is very vague, it can be vaguely distinguished that the shapes of the seven fruits are different, and the colors are not all the same. They look very similar to the bunch of candied haws.

Yun Chujiu also stared at the pattern, remembering the oil paper wrapping the bunch of candied haws.

The oil paper was torn by puffer fish and thrown away. Although some fragments were found later, it could be seen that it was a map, but the words on it could only recognize the words "Qiqian".

She once suspected that "Qiqian" was an evil prison that belonged to the Buddha Prison just like Baqiyu, but after her later investigation, there was no "Qiqian" in the other seven evil prisons, so where are these Qiqian?

Yun Chujiu asked the old man Xin Lei: "Senior, have you seen such a candied haw? Do you know if it is called Qiqian?"

The old man Xin Lei thought for a while: "No impression."

Yun Chujiu didn't give up: "If you think about it, these Qi Qianqian must be in the Buddha Prison."

The old man Xin Lei asked puzzledly: "How can you be sure that you must be in the Buddha Prison?"

Even the old man Xin Lei knew about the Emperor Beiming, and Yun Chujiu had no need to hide it from him, so he explained the candied haws.

"Senior, the candied haws were transmitted through the stone platform, and the stone platform is in the Buddha Prison, so I am sure that Qiqian is in the Buddha Prison."

"There is some truth to what you said, but I have never heard of Qiqian, let alone such a candied haw.

However, I have been detained all the time, and I know only a few things, so you can ask others. "Xin Lei said the old man.

Er Gouzi said to the child, "Little fairy, aren't you going back to the Buddha Prison to send medicinal herbs? Why don't you take the opportunity to find out where the Qiqian is."

If you are in the Buddha Prison, you just go and look for it directly. If the Qiqian is not in the Buddha Prison, we will come back and look for clues. "

(End of this chapter)

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