Chapter 9937 Niu Luzhu

Tu is very popular with Yun Chujiu's rainbow fart, and he likes this unassuming flattery.

"Originally, you have to pay for the question, but I think it's pretty pleasing to your eyes, so I will answer it for free.

What do you say about this unpleasant smell? It's very annoying. Smelling this smell makes me feel uncomfortable. If it weren't for the money, I would definitely return you. "

Yun Chujiu felt that what he said was the same as if he didn't say it, so he didn't ask again when he knew that he couldn't ask anything.

Shu Yao was very knowledgeable and took the initiative to take out a large amount of spar and hand it to Tu, and everyone was released.

When everyone was about to leave, Tu sniffed: "Wait a minute! Come here, I will smell them one by one."

The fake Shuyao stiffened, before she waited to speak to the hall master and Meng Yaoshi, she said first:

"Master Buddha, it's because I touched those herbs before that it stained your nose.

You, don't smell it, I'm afraid the smell is too unpleasant to smoke you.

I still have some spars here, and I should make amends for you. "

Tu Qiao saw the spar suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "If you are interested, the spar stays, you go!"

After they walked far away, Tu said to himself: "I must have not slept well recently, or else why can I smell that breath again?

In addition, it has been twice the previous time. It seems that I have to make up for the sleep. "

As soon as Yun Chujiu's group left the enchantment, they saw Prisoner Ji, Lord Niu Lu and others, and they were here to greet them.

Although Danmeng had sent people to the Medicine House to investigate before, but it did not deal with the Niu House owner.

The reason is also easy to understand. Before thoroughly investigating the chaos opening the sky furnace, it is not good to deal with the owner of the cow house rashly, so as not to make any mistakes. To put it bluntly, it is to throw a rat.

Once the matter of Chaos Opening the Heaven Furnace is over, Niu Lu's good days will come to an end.

Lord Niu Lu saw the three of Yun Chujiu, and wanted to step forward and tear them to pieces.

His original intention was to get rid of the three of them through the Great Dharma Fair, but he didn't think that he had been pitted with so many crystal stones instead of getting rid of them.

The most hateful thing was that they had apparently reported the secret realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace to the Dan League, and this treasure could not be kept.

Very good, even if he doesn't want the position of the house owner, he still needs to find a chance to kill these three wastes!

Then, he saw the sign hanging from the waists of Yun Chujiu's trio, which suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning.

One, two, three, four... five, is he dazzled? There are five tripods on it?

Why does the Wuding Pharmacist's brand hang on the waist of the three wastes?

Originally, the Lord Niu Lu had a few good friends in the Dan League, but since the news broke, none of them had contact with him.

Therefore, the Lord Niu Lu didn't know that Yun Chujiu and the three were already Wuding Pharmacists.

When he was dizzy, Prisoner Ji had already greeted him: "Hall Master Xiang, Yao Shi Meng, all the hard work!"

After he finished speaking, he smiled flatteringly at Shu Yao and the others, not to mention that he was the prisoner of the Buddha Prison, but as Shu Yao and their Wuding Pharmacists, they were enough to stand by his side and even slightly pressure him.

Even a Siding Pharmacist like Shen Kuang had the same status as him.

After all, the Lord Niu Lu was nothing more than a Si Ding Pharmacist.

It's just that he didn't know how to call Shu Yao and others, so he didn't say hello.

Nodded to the hall master, then frowned and looked at the sluggish Niu Lu master, feeling very unhappy.

I heard about the secret realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace before. Although I felt that the owner of Niu Lu was selfish, he felt that he could stay in the Buddha Prison for several years, but he was somewhat forbearing.

But now that I can't get on the stage at all, it's a shame to Dan Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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