Chapter 9939

Prisoner Ji was a little flattered at once, so polite.

The Lord Niu Lu looked at him very distracting, but now he can't protect himself and dare not say anything.

After resting for a while, he asked the hall master to take a look under the quenching hall.

The owner of Niu Lu naturally didn't dare to refuse, and felt bitter. He obviously discovered this chaotic open-sky furnace. Now he can't keep it and has to be accused. It's really bad luck.

He couldn't help but glance at Yun Chujiu's back, and the resentment in his heart almost overflowed.

It was all this Mei You, who knew this was a scourge long ago, and should have killed her in the first place.

It's too late to say this now, she is now Wuding Pharmacist, not what he can shake.

The fake Shu Yao happened to see the eyes of the Lord Niu Lu who had time to withdraw in the future, and her eyes flickered slightly.

When the crowd reached the bottom of the Quenching Hall, Hall Master Xiang and Yao Shi Meng's eyes fell on the seemingly ordinary alchemy furnace, and then quickly stepped forward to check.

Prisoner Ji also saw this alchemy furnace for the first time, but he did not dare to overstep, did not dare to go too far.

After looking at the hall master and Meng Yao Shizi carefully for a while, to be honest, they didn't see any peculiarities in this alchemy furnace.

Look to the hall master to Niu Lu: "Have you refined this pill furnace?"

The Lord Niu Lu shook his head hurriedly: "No, I tried several times but failed, so I couldn't move at all, so I built the Tempering Hall.

The hall master asked again: "Where is the entrance to the Secret Realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace?"

"Just below this slate."

The Lord Niu Lu asked people to remove the slate, revealing the entrance below, and the steps leading to it could be seen vaguely.

In order to alleviate the punishment, the owner of Niu Lu hurriedly said: "In addition to the three of Mei You, I have sent others in.

However, except for the three of them, the others could only reach a small platform after entering, and could not see what they were talking about. "

The hall master knew that the Lord Niu Lu did not lie. Before, the Dan League sent someone to deliver Linglong Jade Kwai. After going down, he only saw a small platform, and he put things on the small platform.

The man deliberately went down again after a while, and the thing had disappeared, obviously there was indeed a weapon.

Even so, the hall master Xiang and Yao Shi Meng took turns to check.

After the two came up, they discussed and said: "Huan Cong, you three go down! Remember what the leader told you before you came, don't let the leader down."

Yun Chujiu said sternly: "The two seniors don't worry, I must inform Qi Ling of the sincerity of where to buy the Dan League, and I believe it will agree to go with us."

To be honest, Meng Yaoshi's impression of Yun Chujiu has always been bad. If it weren't for others to follow, he really wanted Shen Kuang and Shu Yao to follow along.

The three of Yun Chujiu climbed down the steps, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Yun Chujiu was afraid of any spying methods from the hall master and Meng Yaoshi, so he said:

"My lord, we have found the Chiliu Giant Petal Lotus and Jinqiao Reed, please let us in."

Yun Chujiu knew that as soon as he entered this secret realm, the spirit of the broken jar would be able to detect her, so he had a clear heart.

Sure enough, the light flashed, and the three Yun Chujiu had disappeared in place and appeared on another small platform.

Yun Chujiu smiled to Fei Yi and Chi Wu and said, "Big brother, second brother, are you sleepy?"

Chi Wu Yile: "Sister, don't you just want us to avoid it? Just say it!

Should we be so tactful between brothers and sisters? !

Don't worry, my second brother is sensible. The less you know, the better.

Do you have a sleeping pill? Give me a pill! "

(End of this chapter)

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