Chapter 9948 is gone

After some weighing, Yun Chujiu decided to give up exploring Qiqian from Prisoner Ji.

The left and right now have a general direction, and it will not be too late to find someone to inquire after returning to the Hongmeng Realm, it is better than to rush to inquire about the Lord Ji.

The next morning, accompanied by Lord Niulu and Prisoner Ji, everyone came to the vicinity of the teleportation array again.

Shu Yao in the sea of ​​knowledge is going crazy!

She thought that the counterfeit would do it last night, but she stayed in her room all the time and did not bother Yun Chujiu.

Is it possible that after thinking of the Buddha Prison as a counterfeit, do it on the road?

How stupid!

How can it be convenient to get started in the Buddha Prison in Hongmeng Realm? !

It's a pity that it's useless to worry, she can only wait impatiently.

Tu smelled the unpleasant smell again, and was about to break it out, the fake Shu Yao had already handed a generous spar.

Tu is a typical person who sees the money and sees it, and immediately doesn't care about the smell, so everyone goes on the transmission platform and starts the transmission.

After the teleportation was turned on, it remembered that the unpleasant smell just now seemed to be mixed with that breath. Could it be hallucinations again?

In the transmission channel, the fake Shuyao is in the middle position, in front of her are Hall Master Xiang, Yao Shi Meng, and Shen Kuang, while Yun Chujiu, Chi Wu and Fei Yi are all behind her.

Halfway through the transmission, the transmission channel suddenly distorted, and it instantly returned to normal.

Shen Kuang exclaimed: "Shu Yao and the others are gone!"

When the hall master Xiang and Yao Shi Meng turned around, Shu Yao and the three of Yun Chujiu had disappeared.

This, what happened?

The two of them have great abilities, and they can't display them at this time, so they can only do it in a hurry.

When I finally reached the stone platform on the other side, he said anxiously to the hall master:

"Master Buddha, there was an abnormal situation during the transmission just now, and the four people with us have disappeared!"

Fu frowned and said: "It's just nonsense! The teleportation array is obviously not abnormal, how can people disappear?"

After explaining to the hall master for a long time, Fou reluctantly got in touch with Tu on the other side, and his face changed.

Seven people actually came in, and only three people were sent out. What about the other four people?

It suddenly thought of that unpleasant smell. Could there be a problem with that woman?

But even if she has a problem, she can't have the magical power to make people disappear, right?

Hall Master Xiang was going crazy, seeing that he couldn't get an answer from Floating, so he had to leave the enchantment and reported the matter to League Master Gan.

For the present, the only solution is for the Lord Gan to negotiate with the Yi Zhang Ling of the Feng Devil Mausoleum. After all, the Buddha of the Buddha is in the Feng Devil Mausoleum.


Yun Chujiu didn't know what was going on, he just felt that the sky was spinning, and the sound of wind whistling in his ears.

It seems that it is still in the transmission channel, but something has happened, the transmission speed is much faster, and it is even impossible to see the surrounding situation.

The fake Shuyao was secretly proud, all of which was in her grasp.

She used a secret treasure, and they will not be transported to the stone platform in the floating place, but will immediately fall somewhere in the Hongmeng world.

When the time comes, she will be able to clean up the scallions without the obtrusive Xiang Hall Master and Meng Yaoshi.

Originally, she didn't intend to involve Chi Wu and Fei Yi, but when they entered the passage, the two had to sandwich Yun Chujiu one after another.

There was no way, but I had to clean up one piece.

False Shuyao was on the ground when she was proud.

Almost instantly, she was burned to her cheeks and hands by the heat wave on her face and screamed.

What the **** is this place? Isn’t it teleported to the volcano? !

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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