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Going to the front of this almost high water tank, Luo Qingying looked through the gap and the water tank was empty.

She reached out and touched the crack, and then looked at it carefully. The crack was obviously new and it should have been bad in recent days. From the point of an obvious scar about a foot or so from the bottom, it should be that someone hits with a heavy object and wants to break the water tank, but only causes cracking.

It is estimated that the effect is almost the same. Anyway, this water tank can't store water. This person will not start again. Instead, the water tank is still placed here, which is not easy to detect.

"What's wrong, Luo girl, what is the beauty of this water tank?" At this moment, there was a soft and squeaky voice behind him. Luo Qingyi turned her head and looked at it. She looked at the water tank with some curiosity, but she didn't notice anything. Instead, she was a little disgusted and frowned, and then she took a step.

The maids around her are also unclear, saying: "The goddess, this is the fish opera lotus leaf cylinder of the Yuxi Palace, a total of two, usually used to raise fish, but also to save water in case of fire. There is no one in the palace. The slaves remember that there is no fish, but the water should always be there. How did you find out that it is broken today?"

As I said, I fell to my eye and looked at the corner of the other side. When I walked in, I was amazed: "Hey, Niangniang, Luo girl, there is no water in this?"

Suddenly, he said: "These slaves are too inconspicuous. I have never lived before. Isn’t there anyone living now? Even this little thing will be overlooked, but it is too idle."

Originally, Luo Qingyi only discovered it unintentionally. This water tank looks very beautiful from afar. There is a dragon head ring shape at both ends, which is very chic. I have been here for a long time, and she has not paid attention to it. It is estimated that I am thinking about going back to Xichu. I have some feelings about the grass and trees here, and I have noticed a few points.

It’s audible to say that she suddenly noticed something wrong.

The big tank to prevent water from entering, this must be in every palace, that is, just in case. Although the cylinder is large, it is not worth the money. Some people will not start with this thing. Since it is usually filled with water, it has recently rained, and it is not so empty.

I thought that the crack was new, and deliberately, Luo Qingying felt more and more aware of what he was aware of.

Unless someone deliberately does not want this tank to store water, it is secretly broken, and in order not to be noticed, the tank is not completely broken, at least this crack is far from being seen, if not carefully, I don't think that there is no water in this tank.

If a water tank is broken, it may be said that coincidence, but the two water tanks have no water, then it is not right.

Haven't had time to let Cui check if another cylinder is broken. She has already panicked and stunned: "Luo girl, slaves only checked last week, this tank is good, there are still Water, nothing happened in peacetime, so the slaves were negligent, and this did not notice that the water tank was broken..."

"Don't blame you, get up!"

Luo Qingying interrupted her words: "Cui Er, you are not responsible for this, how can I blame you. You get up first, to find the person responsible for the water tank, I have someone to ask him."

"Yes, the slaves will go." Tsui smeared his tears, and the delicate little face flashed a sigh of anger, and quickly went.

Seeing that Luo Qingying is so cautious, the soft and noble also noticed something wrong: "Luo girl, is there any problem with this water tank?" "I am not sure now, but I will know if I ask clearly."

When I blinked, I suddenly lowered my voice and said, "Isn’t that Luo thinks that the people at the Xixia Palace are doing it?"

Responsively, take a sip of coolness: "No? She is still so courageous, don't want to live?"

The water tank that broke the water was broken, and it was clear that I wanted to set fire to the house. Here is the Yuxi Palace, the real palace of the queen, with an extraordinary significance, she does not believe that Bai Yiyi has such great courage.

However, Luo Qingyi did not think so. She understood Bai Yizhen. Since she had already reached the point where she could not recover Han Xun, then Bai Yiyi did everything. This is a crazy woman. Not only to others, but also to yourself.

For a moment, a middle-aged **** came. Although it looked very respectful, his eyes were a little dodged. A pair of slender eyes looked very shrewd, and the smile on his face seemed a bit exaggerated.

As soon as he approached, the **** sang a courtesy: "The slaves Zhang Quan, I have seen Luo girl, the noble girl, the little master. I don't know what happened to Luo girl looking for slaves? Please also tell me."

"Our girl asked you, how did the two water tanks break?" Tsui immediately said, his face was uneven.

She was so shocked that she was so sweaty, the girl was so good to her, she was derelict, and this little thing was not done well. If it is really water, and burned the entire Yuxi Palace, then she is dying and can not redeem her sin.

Zhang Quan’s eyelid jumped and quickly bowed his head: “Luo girl forgives sin, the villain is really careless. The two water tanks are here all year round. They are usually useless, and few people are going to take care of it. This does not want to be broken. It is really The villain’s negligence, the villain will immediately go for a new one..."

"no need!"


Zhang Quanyi, I don’t know the meaning of Luo Qingying.

Did she deliberately find herself, just ask, and nothing else? He was shocked.

A faint smile, Luo Qingying looked at Zhang Quan: "I don't know how many months of silver when Zhang Gong is fair?"

I can't figure out why Luo Qingyi actually asked this, this is not what she should care about. Zhang Quan is also a sigh, he said: "Luo girl is a joke, the villain is a slave, the moon is not enough, which is worth the girl."

"Luo girl let you say, you say, nonsense!"

At this time, the soft and noble also saw that something was wrong. Zhang Quan, a slave who was at most a small general manager of the Yuxi Palace, usually detained the eunuch, and Yaowu was normal. Like him, there is no one in the harem. There are also eight hundred.

Keluo Qingqi actually seized such a small matter to ask, but I can imagine that there must be a reason.

"Yes, yes!" was scorned by the soft, screaming, Zhang Quan's heartbeat was very powerful, immediately said: "The little man has one or two yuan of money in the moon. If he is doing well, he has no choice but to have two or two rewards, but he has to Only at the end of the year."

"The father-in-law has twenty-two silvers a year, which is not bad."

Luo Qing’s smile is very gentle: “When did Zhang Gonggong come to the palace, how many years have he been?”

More and more strange, Zhang Quan did not dare to lie, said one by one. Luo Qingxiao smiled and said: "So, Zhang Gonggong has been in the Yushu Palace for five years, but it is only in the past two years that there is more moon silver. Counting it, except for spending, now there are not many squats, no more than One hundred two?"

"Yes, yes, girl Mingjian, the villain is a slave, how dare to think about anything else." Zhang Quan almost kneeled on the ground, nodded like garlic.

From the inquiry of Luo Qingying, he already felt something. This Luo girl had just caught him unprepared, and he could not allow him to deny lying. Even if he wanted to go back and do his hands and feet, it was too late.

"Since Zhang Gonggong said it, that Tsui, you take people to see Zhang Gonggong's room and see how much money Zhang Gonggong has..."

After the words were not finished, Zhang Quan had shouted and kept gimmicks: "The girl is forgiving, the slave is wrong, the slave is wrong. The slave is blinded by eating lard, should not deceive the girl, the girl is forgiving..."

Finally, I knew that Luo Qingyi was suspected of being on his head. Although he did not know whether it was a coincidence or a decision, Zhang Quan did not dare to gamble. As long as you send someone to search, you know that he can't deny it. He said that he only has one hundred and two silver savings, but in fact, his money is far more than that.

On the side of the soft and sly look, I can't figure it out. This is all about calling the water tank. How can this become a problem? what is the problem?

"Luo girl, you are..." Soft and frowning: "Is this slave a problem?"

I didn't ask, but I also stared at Luo Qingyu and wanted to hear her explain.

Regardless of whether Zhang Quan is seeking for mercy, Luo Qingying only asked Tsui to bring people to his room to search. After returning, Tsui took a blue purse, which was heavy and spread out on the ground. Not only was there a broken piece of silver. There are also some worthless silver scorpions, beads. But the most surprising thing is that there is still a cup of fifty-two gold.

Gold can't be equal to silver. An **** like Zhang Quan can't be obtained at ordinary times. Even if it is a reward, it is absolutely impossible to have gold to reward. And a piece of fifty-two gold is almost equal to five hundred and two silver. For an eunuch, this is almost impossible.

Cui Erdao said: "Girl, these are what we found in his house."

Soft and sneer: "Zhang Quan, you are a **** supervisor, how can there be so many things? Where are these things coming from, are you still confessing?"

"You don't have to confess." Luo Qingyi seems to have expected it for a long time, but after it has proved it, he is more reassured: "I ask you, give you these gold, is it a peace of mind girl?"

Zhang Quan immediately nodded: "Yes, yes, Luo girl Mingjian, it is indeed given by the peace of mind girl. He let the minions think of the two water tanks, but don't be seen, but nothing else, slaves It was a small matter to think about this, so... so I was fainted and agreed to her."

"Relief?" The soft-hearted cockroach seems to think of something, and there is a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Isn't she the Queen's maiden's close-fitting maid? Is it that...the Queen Empress wants to break the water tank, then..."

Needless to say, the latter thing is also known. The water tank is broken, and naturally it can't store water. Now it is early autumn. It is just when the dry things are dry. It is not impossible to accidentally take the water. No one will doubt.

I figured this out, and my face was changed: "It turned out that she still didn't give up!"

It’s not that simple to let Bai Yiyi die. But for Luo Qinglan, this is what she has been waiting for. Perhaps Bai Yizhen also has a source of information, knowing that she is about to leave, so the dog jumped to the wall, want to get a sly, it is best to burn her directly here, never go back.

The conspiracy that I already know is not a conspiracy. Luo Qingxiao smiled slightly.

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