“Then do you know that the kingdom of Goa, and many countries in the world, what they do is even more hateful than pirates?”

“I know!”


This time, Long was dumbfounded, but looking at Lu Chen’s serious expression, it didn’t seem to be laughing at himself.

So, he plucked up his courage.

“Then do you know that because of the connivance of the world government, these countries will be unscrupulous?”

“I know!”

“………. Then, uncle, do you know that the existence of the Draco people is oppressing the people of the world? ”



Long Zheng glanced at Lu Chen very weakly, and found that his uncle was not angry, so he continued: “Therefore, this world has long been decayed, and the Draco people and the world government are the source of decay in it………….”

Hear this.

The Dadanshan thieves next to him were already staring out of their eyes.

Da Dan tried to open his mouth several times to remind the dragon guy.

In front of the vice admiral, pay attention to the topic.


Lu Chen replied calmly as always.

“I know!” A faint smile appeared on his face, and then he slowly raised his hand and fell towards the top of the dragon’s head.

Seeing this, the dragon shrunk his neck and subconsciously bowed his head.

His own uncle is a vice admiral, and he actually says bad things about the world government and the Draco, this is completely looking for death!

Even the Da Dan pirates next to him changed their faces drastically.

“Brother Lu Chen, the dragon is still young, you can…”

Seeing that Lu Chen’s hand was about to fall on the top of the dragon’s head, Da Dan hurriedly shouted in shock.

But before the words were finished, the abruptness came to an abrupt end.

“Worthy of being a young man from our Monchi family, his mind is quite sharp, hahaha!” 

Gently falling with his palm, Lu Chen touched his nephew’s upside-down black hair, and couldn’t help but laugh.

Everyone who thought that Lu Chen was going to be furious.

At this moment, they were directly dumbfounded.

Even the dragon looked confused, did not get beaten, it felt like a dream.

Big hands tugged at his collar sharply.

“Child, do you know why this rotten world exists?” Lu Chen patted Long on the shoulder and asked with a smile on his face.

For what?

Is it for pain?

Don’t say that Long didn’t know, even Da Dan and the others next to him, their eyes flashed with doubt.

“Child, do you have an impulse in your heart?”

Seeing that the nephew is not yet enlightened, the road dust is induced.


The dragon’s brows furrowed.

To be honest, he does have the urge to be a pirate now.

But in front of the uncle, it is certainly not possible to say it.

Therefore, he brewed for a long time, carefully organized the language, and said with insufficient confidence: “Uncle, looking at the navy representing justice, actually struggling to maintain this rotten world, I have the urge to rebel!” ”

After speaking, he also secretly glanced at Lu Chen and found that Lu Chen did not mean to be angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

To this.

Road dust has no accidents.

Obviously, the revolutionary soul of the dragon is beginning to move.

In order to prevent the future leader of the revolutionary army from becoming the scum of pirates from now on, Lu Chen felt the need to guide him well.

So, he took the dragon’s shoulder and said with a smile: “Yes, this is the impulse!” ”

“Then I can tell you now for sure that the reason why this rotten world still exists…….”

Speaking of which, the words are slightly stunned.

Da Dan and the others next to him breathed heavily, and they all shut up and quieted down.

They all have an illusion.

Next, what Lu Chen will say must be the secret of the world that he knows only after becoming a high-ranking naval officer.

Even the dragon was rarely quiet, with a look of attentive listening.

“The meaning is, waiting for you to overthrow ah!”

Lu Chen said in a calm tone.

As if, telling a trivial matter.

But the people around him were directly petrified, their jaws dropped to the ground, and they had a devilish expression.


A vice admiral!

He actually taught his nephew to overthrow this rotten world!

You know, isn’t the rotten world the world government?

Really fake, is it misheard?

Even the dragon was shocked and stammered, “Uncle, I don’t dare…”

“Decaying things, no matter what they are, since they have no value, they can only be torn down and rebuilt!”

Without waiting for his nephew to finish speaking, Lu Chen waved his hand casually and interrupted, “Child, this is the revolution!” ”


This word, very novel, has never been heard.

But for some reason, the dragon had a feeling that his breathing became rapid and his heart fluttered.

He, it seems, has found his dream.

At this time, the Dadanshan thieves came to their senses and exclaimed one after another.

“Hey, Brother Lu Chen, what are you talking about.”

“Compared to pirates, isn’t the revolution you are talking about more terrifying?”

“God, if Karp knew, I don’t know what kind of mood this guy would be!”

“Didn’t you say to take good care of the dragon?”

“You’re teaching him to sin, aren’t you?”

“Uncle Demon…”

Da Dan and the others were shocked.

I can’t believe it, as a vice admiral, Karp’s younger brother.

Before returning, Karp told him to take care of his nephew’s road dust, although it prevented the dragon from going out to sea as a pirate, but it seemed to release an even more terrifying thing.

“In the future, get closer to these guys, it’s all a bunch of hooligans!”

Listening to the words of the mountain thieves, Lu Chen glanced obliquely, and then didn’t bother to take care of them, took the dragon’s shoulders, and walked straight towards the windmill village.

These words were not deliberately suppressed, and the angry mountain thieves shouted.

The backs of the two disappeared into the mountain forest, and the mountain thieves calmed down.

“What about the head? Do you want to talk to that guy Karp? ”

“Yes, Lu Chen, this kid is terrible, as a vice admiral, he actually wants to teach his nephew to overthrow the world government!”

Da Dan’s face became gloomy, and it was half loud before he exhaled a heavy breath.

“Don’t worry about their Monchi family’s affairs, anyway, the person has already been handed over to his uncle, as for the future, it’s all their Monchi family’s problem!”

Hear this.

Others breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

And the uncle and nephew who went away.

Dragon asked, “Where are we going now?” ”

“Navy headquarters!” 

“But I don’t want to be a navy!”

“No, it is to let you understand the navy, you only know the strength of the navy, you know how to defeat!”

Dragon: “…”

This uncle, are you serious?

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