
And right now.

In the jungle outside the city, large areas of trees were blasted and thunder burst into the sky, scorching the area. Lu Chen was covered with electricity, and the speed was extremely fast, attacking wildly around Locks.

But Locks, who has the dark fruit, uses himself as the source of suction to limit Locks’ speed, and as long as he approaches within a hundred meters, he will fall into a quagmire-like situation.


This overlord of the sea, continuously blocked the attacks of Lu Chen, himself like a rock, without moving at all.

He was radiant, forced Lu Chen back with a punch, and couldn’t help but laugh: “This is not like your real strength, facing Lao Tzu, if you are not serious, you will die!” ”

When the words fell, his hands slammed to the ground, and the raging darkness was released like a stream of water, instantly covering a range of hundreds of meters.

“I’m already serious!”

Seeing this, Lu Chen instantly retreated hundreds of meters and stood on a mountain-like tree root.

Looking down at the earth engulfed by darkness below, his sword eyebrows frowned slightly, and the pirate overlord in front of him was indeed very powerful, with almost no shortcomings.

Both in terms of fruit ability and physical skills, it is almost perfect. For a while, it will be difficult to distinguish the winner and the loser.

But if it is delayed for too long, in this island valley of the gods, I am afraid that it will be unfavorable to the brothers of the Monchi family. After all, in terms of numbers, it is completely at the bottom of the wind.

You know, in the original book, at least there was the addition of Roger’s pirates, as well as various betrayals, and finally defeated Locks. And now it seems that because of the appearance of road dust, the Locks Pirates have shown unprecedented unity.

“Aha, Dark Liberation!”

Locks jerked his hands up, in the direction of Lu Chen, and bombarded out with both palms.

The terrifying suction rebounded at this moment, releasing a huge power, and even the trees and rocks that were engulfed in darkness turned into powerful cannonballs, roaring and blocking all the ways of road dust.

“These things are useless to me!”

Matter penetrated through Lu Chen’s body, and he stood in place, nourishing the electric current, making his body illusory. Nature is elementalized!

“Of course I know!”

Locks grinned, and his hands released a dark vortex, directly towards the road dust.

“Dark water!”

The huge suction force acted on Lu Chen’s body, making him move forward involuntarily, and together with the endless substances behind him, he was attracted over.

Boom – Locks grabbed the road dust, and the material bombarded like a mountain, making a loud noise and shaking the mountain forest. The terrifying power directly knocked both of them out.

But the next moment.

Locks’ eyes widened, and a look of horror flashed across his face.

Because the road dust he caught, after being hit, actually turned into a burst of blue smoke, and disappeared like this.


When Locks thought of something, he couldn’t help but choke in his heart.

But it was too late, his whole person crashed into a mountain, his body sunk in, and the dust billowed out, and only then stopped flying upside down.

“Phew!! It seems that this is the real use of the Dark Fruit! ”

Thick tree roots in the distance, road dust jumped up from the ground, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

Compared with Blackbeard’s use of dark fruits in the original work, Locks is obviously more skillful, after all, to deal with strong people of the same level, you can only use this method of two defeats.

Boom — At this time, the mountain shook and collapsed.

A black figure leapt out of it, full of dark energy, a trace of blood remained at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were cold and terrifying.

“Are you playing with me?”

Locks said in an icy tone.

“No, I’ve always been serious!”

Lu Chen pinched a cigarette, spat out a puff of smoke and laughed.

“Then come to fight in the open, you and I let go of the duel, you win, I can retreat!”

Locks’ eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly: “And I won, I can leave you with a life!” ”

I have to say, he was furious.

I have never encountered such a cunning opponent of the same level, and the opponent is still the navy. It is equal to a punch of your animal power, but it hits the air.

This feeling almost drove Locks crazy.

However, Lu Chen shook his head and raised a smile on his face: “Locks, you have to understand the identity between us, you are a thief, I am a navy!” ”


As if hearing a big joke, Lu Chen scoffed: “Locks, are you too naïve, I’m a navy, how can I do such a childish thing as dueling!” ”

Speaking of this, he retracted his smile: “There are many ways to fight pirates, but no matter what the method, only if it does not hurt the innocent, I can do anything!” ”

“Just as you are trying to plunder resources, this is the way of survival of your pirates, and fighting pirates is the way of survival of our navy.”

“Duel? That’s a homely thing! ”

When the words fell, Lu Chen extinguished the cigarette in his hand, clasped his hands together, and trees with extremely strong vitality frantically emerged behind him. When he broke away from Lu Chen’s body, he immediately turned into a doppelgänger of Lu Chen, and directly rushed towards Locks, who was confused in the distance.

Lu Chen’s words just now are obviously incomprehensible to people in this world. So much so, that when the doppelganger flew over, Locks hadn’t reacted yet. One!

Two!! Three!!! Dozens!!

Endless, densely packed.

Each doppelganger, even if it can only exert one-tenth of the strength of the Buddha-figure. But it can’t hold up too much, and it can’t be killed at all.

And also has all the abilities of road dust.

Nature is a thunder fruit, Mu Duan and navy six styles, as well as physical jutsu and so on.

“Six-Type Ape King Gun!”

“Juken Bagua Sixty-Four Palms!”

“Three hundred million volts Thor!”

“Towards the peacock!”


One by one, the doppelgangers came to the front of Locks, and they all released all their power, and they all bombarded towards Locks. Thunder flickered, fist marks were matchless, shockwaves erupted, and flames soared into the sky!!!!


“A stream of brains fell on Locks’s body, the dust rushed into the sky, and the mountains shook the ground.”


But to Lu Chen’s surprise, the other party didn’t even snort.

You know, with the ability of the dark fruit, if it is hurt, the pain is twice that of ordinary people, but unexpectedly, Locks was silent and endured it like this.

The dust gradually cleared, revealing a figure standing in the center of the eruption.

Locks was dressed in rags, clasped in his hands, standing like this, staring at Lu Chen with fierce eyes, his face gloomy to the extreme. At this time, he spoke.

“You woke me up, you were really naïve before, and you will never make such a mistake again!”

“Duel, such a homely thing, is indeed not suitable for your navy, but it is not suitable for us pirates either!”

“If you want to achieve the goal, you have to do whatever it takes, you and I are actually the same!”

“Thank you for the reminder just now!”

Locks grinned.

When the words fell, he directly turned around and left, no longer entangled with Lu Chen. But right then.

Those pirate logisticians who were originally in the city hurried towards this side, and Locks frowned, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart.


Sure enough, after seeing Locks, several crew members immediately shouted. Someone even pointed to the road dust behind him.

“It’s this man, he changed the magnetic field so that the signal here can’t be transmitted!”

As soon as these words came out, Locks’ eyes suddenly widened, and a vast killing intent erupted from his body in an instant, rushing up in an instant.

“Road dust!”

He turned his head, his face full of anger.

Rage, fury like never before!!!!

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