Chapter 76: Lieutenant General Lu Chen’s Wonderful Encounter! 【Customizable】.

Under the power of nature, human beings seem quite small, and the island where Lu Chen and Olbia are located is instantly impacted by huge waves, like a lonely boat, which will be submerged at any time.

A violent hurricane ravaged the earth, and flowers and trees flew all over the sky.

Even huge rocks can be swept into the sky by hurricanes and then smashed down. The apocalyptic scene is nothing more than that!!!

“Didn’t you say that the coordinates here have a pleasant climate, and there will be no extreme weather?”

Sitting cross-legged in the wooden hut, Lu Chen glanced at the girl who was shivering and curled up on the chuang bed.

“I…….. I don’t know! ”

Olbia lacked his breath, and wanted to cry without tears: “Aren’t you trying to figure out how to save yourself now?” ”

Outside the wooden house, the wind howled, and a huge wave crashed over, as if the mountain was shaking.

“I’m doing it!”

Lu Chen said lightly, and then silently spat out: “Your sailing experience must have been taught by the enemy.” ”

Hearing this, Olbia suddenly found that the small wooden house, under this violent wind and rain, was actually only slightly shaking and even instilling the whistling madness, from the beginning to the present gradually disappeared.

But the same.

The light dimmed.

Only the man in front of him, whose body occasionally flashed a few pale arcs, would illuminate this small space. As a matter of fact.

The outside world at the moment.

Across the edge of the island, a sea change is being found.

A wooden wall across the coast burst out of the ground and rumbled around the shores of the entire island, resisting the waves and winds from the sea.

The wind and waves are kept out of the island.

Inside the island, it naturally seems quiet.

Only tiny gaps were pierced by the wind, making a whistling 10 sounds, which were particularly harsh in the dark. I don’t know how long it has been.

The wind stopped.

But the darkness remained, and the interior of the cabin was dark. Only the sound of each other’s breathing was undulating.

“The storm has stopped!”

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and wanted to withdraw Mu Duan.

But at this moment, the girl who had been silent suddenly asked with resentment.

“You really don’t know me?”

Her voice is very intellectual, with the taste of a book, and it is very good.

“Olbia, don’t you know each other now?”

Lu Chen did not answer the rhetorical question, a little speechless.

During these time together, he knew this girl’s character very well, and he was a little dark, but in front of Lu Chen, this bit of belly blackness was completely insufficient.

“I mean before!”

Orbia said.

In the dim small room, looming, the girl’s big eyes stared at Lu Chen.

“Before, how much ago was that?”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows.

“Ten years ago.”

“Hehe, how old were you ten years ago? How could I possibly remember a little girl like you. ”

“It was in the Chambord Islands.”

“I want to think about it, forget it, I still don’t remember!”

Lu Chen thought for a moment, but finally gave up.

Vice Admiral, he met a little girl many years ago, and then the girl grew up, and now they meet again, how can they remember.

Moreover, at that time, Lu Chen’s mind was full of carrying out justice. Naturally, there will be no deep memories of this?

But at this moment, Orbia pursed her small mouth, and then smiled brightly.

“Thank you for saving me before!”

The sudden thanks made Lu Chen a little at a loss, and looked at her with a stunned face.

“You may not remember, but the memories saved by you in despair are like imprinted souls!”

Olbia sat up straight on the chuang bed, her simple long shirt fell off a little, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders, she looked at Lu Chen, and said very seriously: “That’s why I came to you!” ”

“Looking for me?”

Lu Chen was directly confused.

Inexplicable emotions surged in my heart, could it be that I was tricked, and this encounter was also deliberately arranged by the other party? If that’s the case.

What is the purpose of deliberately contacting a vice admiral?

And who is this girl in front of you who looks and perceives very purely? At this moment, Lu Chen thought a lot.

The eyes in the darkness gradually became solemn and fierce. But soon, he felt like he was thinking too much.


Olbia nodded vigorously, her silver-white hair flowing, and her face was very cute,

“I didn’t have time to thank you because I was in a hurry!”

“So, if I have the opportunity all these years, I will sneak out to find you!”

“It’s a pity that you are stationed in the New World, and you have returned to the Chambord Islands for so many years, I want to give up this thanks, but fortunately you are back.”

After the disappointment, the girl’s cheeks were filled with a gentle smile. It seems that I am very happy to meet Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen tugged at the corners of his mouth a few times, and said angrily: “So the way you thank you is to let the benefactor accompany you to resolve the danger, and then stay in this ghost place with you for several months?” ”

“Hey, it’s all an accident!”

Olbia waved her small hand, making Lu Chen a little more generous, and the beautiful eyes of the dim space shone with an unusually blazing light. To this.

Lu Chen was too lazy to take care of her, and slowly stood up and said, “The storm is over, then we will also come out…………. The words are not finished. ”

Feeling a sinking behind him, Olbia’s whole person had already flown over from the chuang bed, holding his neck with both hands, and the whole person was hanging on his body.

“Don’t be so afraid, the storm is over!”

Lu Chen thought that this guy was scared, and wanted to raise the bar: “And you don’t look like a timid person.” ”


There was a hot breath blowing in the ears, and a mysterious atmosphere suddenly appeared.

As a vice admiral, in this world, a man who has been single for more than thirty years, who has encountered this kind of formation, immediately choked in his heart and sank directly to the bottom.

The dignified vice admiral was actually called a fool by the little girl. Lu Chen was directly stunned and blurted out a question.

“What are you going to do?”

There was no response. Or rather, a response with body language.

“I’m not going with it………..”

Before the words were finished, Olbia, who was hanging behind him, slipped in front of him like a spirit snake, and stopped Lu Chen from talking any further.

This moment.

It’s sunny. The rain also stopped.

The wind also stopped.

But an even more violent storm began at this time.

Famous writers once said that the shortcut to a woman’s soul is a tree-lined path.

Living on an empty island, in addition to being inconvenient to eat, drink and have fun, but it still provides infinite convenience for Lu Chen and Olbia’s current state.

Sun-drenched sand. Clear stream banks. A huge waterfall.

Unobstructed mountain mountains.

This small island, which is very ordinary for the great voyage, has been covered with the footprints of the two in just half a year. During this period.

Lu Chen also additionally taught the Orbia physical technique, as well as the use of domineering. It can be said that the degree of intentions is more serious than everyone else.

And Orbia has completely mastered jutsu and two domineering methods in just half a year, and can also be used in the six styles of the navy.

If it weren’t for a merchant ship passing by, Lu Chen wouldn’t know that he had been on this empty desert island for almost a year.

“Aha, how do I feel, even if that devil fruit is sold in half, it is still a bit of a loss!”

On the sea heading to the West Sea, the road dust was felt.

Originally, it was good to get the Devil Fruit and sell it, and then get Bailey for one and a half.

Unexpectedly, this time and energy, no matter how you look at it, Lu Chen is the party that pays the most. As for what gives the most, that’s a matter of opinion.

“That whole devil fruit is left to you, if you want.”

Olbia held Lu Chen’s hand, looked at the sea that was gradually fading, and said with a gentle smile.

“Why not give it now?”

Lu Chen asked curiously.

“I’m afraid you have a bad memory!”

Olbia said with a light smile.

For some reason, Lu Chen always felt that her recent personality was particularly docile, quiet and elegant. Every move is full of special temperament.

“Where is your hometown in the West Sea?”

Lu Chen suddenly thought that after knowing each other for so long, he didn’t seem to know that Ouer Beiya’s hometown was on that island.

“Well, you’ll know when you get back.”

In this regard, Olbia retained a trace of mystery, did not immediately inform Lu Chen, and her beautiful eyes flickered extraordinarily.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, there has been no notice recently, and I don’t think there is anything to do!”

280 Lu Chen nodded, but he was not so curious.

Anyway, now, I am accompanying Olbia back to my hometown in the West Sea.

Compared with the East China Sea, the pirates on this side of the West Sea seem to be a little rampant. All the way in, I encountered several pirate groups on the way.

The ending, of course, directly sanctioned!!!

However, Lu Chen still silently wrote it down, found a time to go back to the headquarters, and proposed to strengthen the military strength of the West Sea. Kindness!

After sending Olbia home, stop by to clean up.

Thinking like this, the phone worm in his arms rang at this moment.

“Aha, I’ll go back to the cabin first!”

Olbia let go of Lu Chen’s arm and consciously turned back to the cabin.

Watching the graceful back enter the cabin, Lu Chen slowly took out the Shen Talk Worm.

“The younger brother of the bastard, it’s been more than a year, and he doesn’t even greet his brother.”

The phone bug turned into a grin from Karp.

Seeing this expression, Lu Chen knew that there must be something.

“Brother, everyone’s own people, just talk about something!”

“Ah, there is a mission that requires you and me to run.”

Karp said straight to the point.

Is it urgent?

Lu Chen frowned.

“You still have a month, it’s not urgent!”

“Okay, then you arrange a warship to pick me up!”


“West Sea!”

Karp: “….”

“The Warring States sent a lieutenant general to the West Sea before, if you need a warship, you can go to him.”

After being stunned for a while, Karp reported the coordinates of a military base and directly let Lu Chen pass by himself.? The two brothers chatted a few more words before hanging up the phone worm.

When Olbia came out, Lu Chen calmly told her that she would go back to the headquarters during this time. And say the coordinates that Karp said.

“Then near my hometown!”

Olbia’s cheeks turned white and she couldn’t help but exclaim. PS: Customize!!!!!。

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