Chapter 91: The Man with Atmospheric Fortune [Asking for Custom].

Shanks and Bucky have been dying for a long time, but they still haven’t found any good way. However, it was at this time.

Bucky suddenly gritted his teeth, and his expression immediately became fierce.

“Instead of being caught by the navy here and pushing into the city, let’s fight!”

As he said this, Bucky thought of the legendary Advance City and couldn’t help but shiver. He would rather die than advance into the city!

His dream has not yet come true, how can he waste time advancing the city?!

The people of Roger’s Pirates heard Bucky’s words and all came together, wanting to hear what Bucky thought. At this moment, Bucky received everyone’s attention!


Faced with such a scene, Bucky was a little nervous. After all.

These people here, to him, are all the same characters as their partners and predecessors!

Glancing at the hurricane that was already hanging layers of ice chips and tending to become more and more powerful, Bucky cleared his throat.

“We need to use the power of the wind!”

“The power of the wind?”

Everyone was a little puzzled, not quite understanding what Bucky meant.

“What do you want to do?”

Shanks looked at Bucky a little suspiciously.

He knew Bucky well10, and the moment Bucky spoke, he had a premonition in his heart. This is the moment.

What Bucky suggested was definitely not a good plan!

“Yes, the power of the wind, we are going to let the hurricane help the Jackson get out of the ice!”

Bucky said, feeling a little nervous.

In fact.

He knows very well that his plan is quite risky!

Once the operation is improper, it is very likely that their end will be extremely miserable! At this time, Bucky did not know at all whether these people would agree to him.

“What exactly are you going to do?”

Renly was interested at this time.

He had been briefly treated by Kulokas at this time, and there was not much problem with the wound.

Seeing Renly coming, Bucky was already extremely nervous, but in order to get his people out of this desperate situation, Bucky gritted his teeth and said his plan!

“We’re going to open the sails, the force of the wind can propel the Jackson out of the ice, out of here, back to the sea!”

“How is this possible!”

Shanks immediately exclaimed.

“It’s a little too risky, no, we definitely can’t do it!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that the ship is frozen now, I’m afraid we would have been blown into the sky by this hurricane immediately, and you think we can go up to the empty island from here?”

“It is most likely that the sails were broken by the force of the hurricane, and if there were no sails, even if the wind and waves were calm, we would not be able to continue sailing at sea.”

A group of Roger Pirate people spoke their opinions one after another. However.

None of these people agreed with Bucky’s idea, believing that the method was too risky to succeed.


At this time, the hurricane was getting bigger and bigger, and even, on board, they were not blown into the sky because the Jackson was here.

And the Jackson was only preserved because it was frozen here.

Everyone knows very well that once this ice is broken, the Jackson will take them with them and fly into the sky in an instant! Moreover.

Once the sails are opened, at that time, it is difficult to say whether the hurricane will drive the Jackson to break the ice or the sails will break!

At least.

They can’t open the sails until the Jackson is out of the ice!

“Do you have any other way?”

Bucky jumped to his feet urgently, but explained in order to get everyone to approve his plan.

“That’s what I want!”

“Anyway, we have no other way to get out of the predicament now, staying here is also death, it is better to fight!”

Speaking of which.

Bucky’s expression suddenly became serious.

“At least, it’s better to fight than if we die here, or be locked up in the Advance City!”

Everyone didn’t know what to say for a while.

This moment.

They all somewhat agreed with Bucky’s words. yes, they are Roger Pirates!

How is it possible to sit and wait here!

“Your plan requires a lot of luck.”

Renly said with a look of embarrassment. However, Bucky is not too worried about this.

“Captain Roger has always been lucky anyway, hasn’t he?”

“With Captain Roger here, we will definitely be able to escape!”

This made everyone unable to find any reason anymore.

There is no more difficult situation than this, at least, fight and they will have new hope!

“Okay, I think it works.”

“I also agree that sitting and waiting is not the style of our Roger Pirates.”

“Bucky, you kid has a hand!”

In the end, even Shanks had to agree with Bucky’s plan.

“Okay, Bucky, I trust you this time.”

Shanks patted Bucky on the shoulder, and a little smile appeared on his face. Renly on the side laughed twice at this time, attracting everyone’s attention.

“No, we actually trust Roger’s luck!”

Renly laughed and said, not caring about the wounds on his body. Hear this.

Everyone suddenly realized.

The adventurous spirit of the crew is almost all inherited by Captain Roger. After all.

Every time the captain made a decision, it was as if 410 had some kind of luck, causing them to reverse in a desperate situation. This time, I hope so it is!

And at this time.

Roger is holding the famous knife Ace in his hand, and a pair of iron fists are wrapped around the armed domineering Karp, and the battle is inextricable! In fact.

By now, both of them had been injured a lot.

This time, it was a battle of life and death, and both of them did their best. Both had reasons not to fight.

Roger knows very well that once he loses here, then the rest of Roger’s pirate group may not be able to stop the boiling iron fist Karp!

And Karp also knew that once he was defeated at the hands of Roger.

Roger, who has his free hand, is likely to help the golden lion to deal with Lu Chen! Karp felt.

For the sake of his stupid brother, he has to fight with his full strength!

“God avoid!”

Roger took a step back and quickly unleashed a domineering flying slash!

Not to be outdone, Karp came out with a pair of casserole-sized black iron fists, which actually stopped Roger’s divine avoidance!


After the fierce collision, taking advantage of the countless ice dust stirred, both of them took a step backwards and gasped in unison.

“Captain, Captain Roger…”

However. Right at this time.

A voice came from a distance.

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