Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 103: peace you uncle

Boss Chen ran away so sullenly, but the look in his eyes and the things he did before he ran away were enough for Chiyo to add a few more strokes to what he did.

This is a relatively large village. When encountering a fire, almost all of them ran out and started to put out the fire. The scene was very chaotic.

The crowd pushed and shoved each other, and it was impossible for the members of the Ghost Slayer team to pass through so many people. Although Chiyo's shikigami could fly, the Boss Cian escaped very quickly this time, and even learned to hide himself. breath.

Look, there is no whereabouts of the other party once again.

Standing on the spot and jumping a few times, Chiyo was not particularly angry, but quietly took out a short knife and gestured in his hand.

She discovered something rather miraculous.

She should be a four-year-old girl, and she was a four-year-old girl who almost died because of monsters. Before, she didn't realize that something was wrong, but now she suddenly discovered something.

Looking down at herself, she found that she seemed to have been in her childhood state for so long.

If you count the time, the child has changed a lot when she was young, just like Yuanyi, she grew taller without seeing her for a month, but she has been awake for more than half a year and has not changed at all.

Damn, so why didn't she think about this problem before?

It's over, it's definitely not working out of the mind.

Reaching out his hand and tugging at the sleeve in front of Yuzao, Qian Qian looked at the other party with a very serious expression, "Juju, I'm afraid it's not human, right?"

"Found out so soon?"



What do you mean by this, this guy seems to have known about this before?

Blinking her eyes and thinking for a few seconds, she suddenly felt as though she had figured out something.

When she first transmigrated to Zhang Zi, the other party was very anxious. After all, human life is very short. Even if she re-transported to Zhang Zi, it would mean that she would soon grow old, but what was more surprising was that This time the other party didn't even show an anxious expression, this is because Tamamo already knew that she was not on the same person this time.

Chiyo lowered her head and glanced at herself. She felt that there was nothing strange about herself except that she had not grown taller for a long time. As a witch, she didn't see anything strange.

"Don't look at it, you have been temporarily sealed with demon power, so now you are no different from an ordinary child."

"Oh, oh, it turned out to be sealed with demon power."

Hearing this, Chiyo nodded suddenly, but she quickly looked up at the other party, "No, since the demon power has been sealed, why do you know Juju?"

"What do you think?"

Tamamo pointed to his own eyes, and Chiyo now understood what the other party meant.

Okay, after all, the other party is a big monster, and it is normal to see that he is a monster.

Oh, it's really good to think so, if you are a monster, you will live longer, and then you will have a lot of time to hunt down and kill the scumbag boss.

Thinking of this, she smiled even more happily, she suddenly looked forward to seeing the other party when she knew that she was a monster and would not grow old and die like a human.

In this case, this is probably the only thing that makes her happier. Since she is a monster, what kind of monster is it?

In the Warring States Period, anything that became a spirit could turn into a monster. For example, a mask could turn into a monster after being attached to people's grievances, and a bowl could also turn into a monster.

A cute little doll like her, is that some kind of porcelain doll that has become a fine?

"You think too much, you are of the same breed as the eldest son of General Canine."

"What? What did you say?"

Chiyo looked at Tamamo-mae beside her in disbelief, as if she didn't believe what he said, and she even lowered her head to look at herself.

I'm sorry, she watched it from top to bottom, and couldn't tell from where she was a Shiba Inu.

First of all, her hair is black, a particularly pure black, not like Inu General and Sesshomaru's silver hair, so how could she be a Shiba Inu?

I think at the beginning, she was particularly proud of laughing at the species problem of General Inu and Sesshomaru. After all, such a powerful monster turned out to be a very cute Shiba Inu. No matter how you think about it, it makes people feel very funny. She was watching [Inuyasha] ], I almost didn't laugh like a dog, but who knew that one day I would really become a dog.

Blinking her eyes and looking at Yuzaoqian's very serious eyes, she knew that the other party didn't deceive her, she really transmigrated into a sealed little girl, and she was still a Shiba Inu.

"No, I'm a Shiba Inu, and Juju you're a fox again. Would we really not be reproductively isolated if the two of us were together?"

Once again, she thought about the issue of reproductive isolation. If humans and monsters were together, then half-demon would be born, but if her dog was with the other's fox, what would be born?

After imagining that scene for a moment, she finally smiled and took a step back.

Chiyo felt that her imagination had always been rich, but today she really couldn't think of what it would give birth to.

She will never have another child. She has already given birth to two children. She has absolutely no plans to have a third child. Even if there is no family planning in this era, she will not have another child.

After taking a few deep breaths, she decided to focus on Boss Cran again. No matter what, today's action was a complete failure.

All kinds of things will happen every time you are about to kill the boss. It will not kill all the ghosts around the boss every time. In addition, three-quarters of Japan's territory has been planted. After getting on the wisteria flower, the combat power around the chip boss can be said to plummet.

"It's really annoying. Although we can kill the ghosts around him every time, this guy will still use his abilities to create ghosts."

Thinking of this, Chiyo jumped a little with anger.

It's fast, it's fast, and soon this guy will realize that he needs a strong ghost team, and then the twelve ghost moons are born.

If you count the time, it may be more than ten years.

There are only more than ten years left, so she feels that this is not good news for everyone in the ghost killing team.

If you don't want this, it's fine, as long as she thinks of this, she feels angry, but something that made her happy soon happened. The person who helped her hang Gao Tianyuan before was brought, and she was happy the moment she saw the other party.

Look, look at who this is!

During the period of Heianjing, she used to fortune-telling to see if she had any fate with the seniors, and finally came to the conclusion that they would meet again in the Warring States Period 500 years later. What she didn't expect was that this time would come so quickly.

"My God! Guess who I saw! Isn't this Kangkang and Guangguang!"

Kangkang & Guangguang: "..."

Really, they are all used to this guy's behavior of giving two people a nickname all the time. Shouldn't there be a hug or something after a long-distance reunion? It doesn't matter if you don't have a hug, why give two people such strange names .

Looking at Chiyo, who was not as tall as their waists, Gen Laiguang and Gen Lai Kang's expressions were very subtle, "How could it be a child this time?"

"What's wrong with the child? I think the child is fine. You can't discriminate. Be careful I hit you both."

After a lot of unpleasant things suddenly happened, Chiyo's mood is much better now, but there are a lot of troublesome things, and it can't make her happy for too long.

"Fortunately, I'm really sorry, because of the dog's problem with Gao Tianyuan, I couldn't get to the first time to clear the siege for the members of the Ghost Killing Team."

After returning from the village, Chiyo looked apologetically at the current leader of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Oh, it's not a little sorry anymore, it's a terribly sorry one.

It was obvious that she and the shikigami were less than fifty meters away from the Shura Field, but because of those few lightning bolts, she couldn't get close to the Shura Field, which finally led to the defeat of the war, and even the Boss Clan finally failed. Ran.

Thinking of this, Chiyo sighed heavily again.

It's her fault, it's really her fault, if it wasn't for her, Gao Tianyuan wouldn't be able to focus on this place.

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

As the leader of the Ghost Killing Team, Yukiya Sanyashiki has a very gentle personality, but he is extremely decisive and shrewd in making decisions, so that he can gather a group of Ghost Killing Team members around him.

"However, with your participation, Miko, we can control the number of ghosts within a very objective range."

Yukiya Maiyashiki didn't say anything else, and even comforted Chiyo who looked sad, which made Chiyo feel that this guy is a good person, a very good person.

It's really sad that such a good person can't live to be thirty years old.

"Don't worry, I can get the most advanced weapons, which will be equipped for everyone in the Ghost Slayer team."

For things like money, she can say how much she wants, isn't it just to get some gold or gems, what's so difficult about that. With these gems, she went to Hyundai to buy some weapons through the Bone Eating Well, and it was estimated that she could really conquer the world.


If so, she seems to be able to use these weapons to wear Naraku?

This Kagome knows to bring daily necessities here, why doesn't she know to bring some very lethal things!

Thinking about it like this, Chiyo felt that she had to implement her ideas immediately. She decided to take Juju to Hyundai early tomorrow morning to buy weapons, and then there would be a **** storm in the Warring States Period.

Anyway, this is the history of Japan, and she, a citizen of the Great Heaven and Dynasty, doesn't care at all.

"By the way, what about Aunt Yuuki?"

Just when Chiyo had already thought about what to do next, the senior group suddenly made a proposal to see Yuuki.


No, that's probably not good, right?

As soon as she heard that these people wanted to see Yuuki, Chiyo suddenly sweated for her good sister.

Oh, this is more than a problem of sweating, is it not a problem of crushing your head?

In the end, Chiyo had no choice but to take the senior group to see Yuuki, who had just changed her diaper.

Serene Yuuki: "..."

Peace of mind you mmp.

The author has something to say:

Yuuki: I want to kill my friend

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