Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 115: You're going to blow up

If I had known that Naraku had been summoned, I am afraid that even if Chiyo starved to death and was beaten to death, he would not have summoned Shikigami again.

This is a bit embarrassing. He just killed the other party, and now he summoned him to be a shikigami. Do you think she will be nervous, do you think Naraku will make her stumbling?

Chiyo no longer dared to continue summoning Shikigami, who knows what will be summoned, if Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai is summoned, she can die on the spot.

The most unexpected thing for her was that the summoning this time was a three-yolk egg, and she summoned Naraku and brought his two children along. Behind him stood the equally stunned Kagura and Shenwu, and summoned the old man. Then he gave two children as gifts, such a big gift made Chiyo unhappy.

Really, she couldn't be happier.

With her arms folded over her chest, she twitched the corners of her mouth, ready to talk to the other person about what she should do as a shikigami.

"Since everyone is so destined to meet again, then I will make it clear to you that you are Shikigami and I am..."

[Master] She can't say this word, because once she says it, she always feels that the distance is a little far away. She doesn't like to have a relationship with Jiutun and them too far, but for Naraku, she suddenly choked. .

"You don't have to think about killing me. If I die, you will also dissipate as shikigami or servants, so..."

Before the words could be said, Shuten Douji and the others showed unfriendly smiles towards Naraku and the others. There was a kind of attitude that if he wanted to do something to Chiyo, they would never let him go.

The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, Naraku is not in a hurry, and he finds that after becoming a so-called shikigami, he is no longer a half-demon, but a very complete monster.

That's right, he's very complete now, incredibly complete.

"Well, don't have any strange thoughts for the time being. If a shikigami has any other thoughts, I'll know about it~"

Speaking of which, she also showed a very friendly smile, but this smile made Naraku feel a little numb, and coupled with the same smiles from the group of people around him, he felt that if he really had something incredible , may be miserable.

The only thing I can do now is to minimize my presence as much as possible.

What he couldn't understand was why Shenwu and Kagura also came along, and the most important thing was that he had nothing to threaten the other party at all.

Kagura's heart has been completely returned to her, so even if Naraku wants to threaten her, he can't take this thing, but he is still the father of two people, Kagura and Shenwu are both he uses his own body made.

Baishan's filial piety is the first, and Chiyo also plans to let these two people treat their father well in the future. If Naraku becomes an old man with inconvenience one day, he will need these two children to retire.


When Naruo heard that he wanted to beat someone, he could already predict what would happen to him in the future. As an ambitious villain, he would never be content with the status quo. As long as he could get the Jade of the Four Souls, he could do it. get rid of all this...

"Don't think about the jade of the four souls, that thing has completely disappeared from this world."

In the end, the Jade of the Four Souls was eliminated by Inuyasha and Kagome, and the Bone-eating Well also disappeared in front of everyone, which means that Kagome will return from modern times after three years.

After hearing that the Jade of the Four Souls was gone, Naruo felt that his sky was about to collapse, and his only thought disappeared.

It can be said that he has been obsessed with the Four Soul Jade for more than fifty years, but in the end, this thing has never been warm in his hands.

Okay, he's completely autistic.

Chiyo and the others didn't care about whether Naraku would be autistic or not. Since he was already his own shikigami, it would be more convenient to look at each other. She actually didn't have much hatred for Naraku. After all, this guy was also the last Hanging up, but it's completely different for Kiwu Tsuji, if that big dog really becomes her shikigami, she will definitely kill this dog!

The plot on Inuyasha's side can be said to be almost complete now, and if Kagome returns three years later, even if the plot is completely over, they can raise a baby when Oniwu Tsuji does not appear.

After Shaan and Master Maitreya got married, he abused the dog every day. Inuyasha felt that it was too boring and started to walk around. The maternity house was not very far from his village, so he managed to get here one day, and successfully met the already To become a shikigami Naraku, this will inevitably be another Shura field.

"Fight, you guys have a good fight, anyway, Naraku is now my shikigami and won't die easily."

Chiyo, who was watching the excitement by the side, did not forget to extend her hand to applaud. After applauding, she turned her head and put the small soup spoon in Saki's hand, "Eat it yourself."

Now Saki has started to eat complementary food. Originally, she wanted Chiyo to feed her, but this guy put the spoon directly in his hand, pouted and turned to look at Ibaraki Doji beside him.



That guy Chiyo doesn't feed, but someone wants to feed her!

Since knowing that Naraku has become Chiyo's shikigami, Inuyasha seems to have spread all the grievances of Kagome's departure on him. Shen Wudu was watching from the side, but he just didn't help him.

Not only his two children didn't help him, but even his so-called companions didn't help him.

Look, this is what a bad relationship looks like.

"Yuanyi, you must become a beloved person in the future, don't be like some people, everyone is gloating and watching the fun when they are beaten."

Yuan, who was almost ten years old, saw the world very clearly early in the morning. He even saw that Naraku had some thoughts of betrayal, but after being beaten so many times, he felt that he had completely lost the idea of ​​escaping here.

"The only way to be loved is to kill Kiwu Tsuji. When you grow up, if you meet him one day, don't let him go, even if he blows himself up."

Recalling the scene where he was almost eaten by a ghost, Yuanichi didn't plan to let the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable easily. If Chiyo came a little later, he and Uta might be eaten directly.

Days went on, Saki had grown into a four-year-old girl, and her reincarnated mother finally gave her a younger brother to inherit the surname Maiyashiki.

"Get along well with your father, I guess he won't live to be thirty years old."

The men in the maternity house were both frail and sickly, and none of them could live past the age of 30. Although they were so good-looking, they were both so short-lived.

"Although my feelings for them are somewhat subtle, they are, after all, the parents who provided me with this body. I can help as little as I can."

The current Saki looks like a standard child of the Yashiki family, wearing a dark blue kimono with a silver sister's head on her head.


I'm afraid this isn't the head of the ancestral sister of the maternity house, right?

The children who gave birth to Yashiki in Ghost Slayer seem to have sister heads, and they all look the same. The only thing that can distinguish boys and girls is probably the color of their hair.

Recently, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai has not been doing much. If he comes out, he will definitely find Chiyo as soon as possible. After all, she is the one who ate the cyan flower, and the other party can only walk normally in the sun after eating himself.

The shikigami sent out to monitor the guy has also been getting news all the time, saying that there is a woman named Zhu Shi by his side.

Even Miss Zhu Shi has already appeared, is it still far from a miserable self-destruction?

Now Yukiya Yashiki, the main producer of the Ghost Killing Team, treats her as a guest because of Chiyo's identity, and he always feels that the other party knows a lot of things, and the other party has also helped his ancestors before, so she said A lot of things you choose to believe.

"You mean that Miss Zhu Shi will become our partner in the future?"

"Yes, just like ghosts are good and bad, let alone ghosts."

Chiyo has always been unclear as to why Yoya Miyashiki knew Miss Jushi in Ghost Slayer, and he seemed to be very familiar with her, but from the current situation, it would be better if the other party had been in the same house as Miyashiki. Yes, that is understandable.

Thinking of this, she suddenly fell into silence. Since she can't kill Wu Miserable, it's alright to push the plot forward, right?

So the shikigami who were sent to monitor Wumei received a new task, which was to convince Miss Zhushi to escape from Wumei.


How to say, their task is really getting more and more difficult.

The other side, who had almost rested, felt that he could attack again. It had been a long time since the last decisive battle between him and Chiyo. At that time, he was still a younger brother, but now it is different. He is already by his side. With several more powerful ghosts, this time I will no longer be afraid that the other party can easily destroy me.

When they learned that Wu Mian was going to attack him, Chiyo was in the yard of the maternity house, with Seimei and the others watching Saki running on short legs. When it wasn't very neat, if she could run and jump, it wouldn't necessarily be bullying.

"Yuanyi, how old are you this year?"

I didn't expect that the other party would suddenly ask me about this matter, Yuan Yi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a very gentle smile, "I will be twelve years old soon."

"It's twelve years old. I remember that Hua Jiang was already able to kill ghosts when she was twelve years old. This time, you can go with me."


Seeing the excited Enichi, Chiyo smiled even more happily.

Really really, of course it's true, and she's very happy that she'll see a picture of a miserable self-destruction.


Even if he won't blow himself up this time, it's not bad to let him see Yuanyi's ability. It would be great if he could take advantage of this to kill Yuanyi's brother.

Chiyo has never liked that guy. She has intensive phobia, six eyes, etc. She really can't stand it.

The author has something to say:

Wu miserable, do you think you were bombed into a thousand yuan or two thousand yuan? Dear, here it is recommended to fry it into 5,000 pieces~

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