Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 120: good morning

"You are all too nervous. To believe in the strength of those midwives, just sit here and wait."

Seeing that these guys were so nervous that their legs were shaking, Saki on the side tutted a few times with pride, "Yuanyi, you are about to rub the ground out of the pit, come and sit for a while."

As she said that, she patted the chair beside her, only to see Ji Guo Yuan Yi wandering around in place for a few times.

"I-I'm not nervous."

While saying that he was not nervous, he leaned against the door and wanted to look inside, but the door was closed so tightly that he couldn't see what it was like inside.

Chiyo felt that it was not a solution to wait like this. Now she is not very worried about the trouble of ghosts and thunder and lightning, but the most worrying thing is about production.

"Who of you can treat a problem like heavy bleeding? Or a difficult labor problem."

Numerous nurses: "..."

I always thought this guy was being embarrassed.

It turned out that Chiyo was embarrassed, and her eyes turned a few times among her many nurses, and finally she looked at the peach blossom demon beside her.

"Peach! It's you!"

The confused peach blossom demon: "???"


What is this guy talking about? Why can't she understand it?

"Let's go, Yuduo needs you now!"

The bewildered Peach Blossom Demon was dragged directly into the delivery room by Chiyo, and as soon as the door was opened, a **** smell came towards him.

Bleeding, really bleeding!

In order not to worry the people outside the door, Chiyo closed the door directly, "What's going on now?"

"This lady is bleeding."

No, this is no longer a problem of some bleeding. It's not easy to deal with bleeding before the baby comes out.

"Is the palace mouth fully opened now?"

"It's fully opened! It's fully opened. I can already see the child's head, but the lady has no strength."

Because she has been controlling her weight before, Yu Duo's child is not very big, but even so, if Yu Duo doesn't have the strength, it will still be difficult for the child to come out. The most important thing is that she has started to bleed now.

"What about the cans and chocolates I bought earlier? Hurry up and feed her!"

Chiyo had seen her teacher deliver the child before. She was still a pregnant woman with a scarred uterus who insisted on giving birth on her own. As an intern, she could only watch from the side. Now that she has started, she is still a little nervous.

"Bring me a pair of sterilized scissors, Tao Tao, all wounds will be healed in a while."

"Good, good!"

Chiyo is an activist. Although she still looks like a child now, she is someone who has stumbled over from the Heian era. After simply subcutaneously injecting anesthesia and medicine into Udo, she just cut it down with a pair of scissors, and it was considered one. Simple side cut, "Yu Duo! Now start working hard!"

In fact, Chiyo is still a layman when it comes to midwifery. She can only use a piece of tiger energy to make such a pair of scissors. After all, she only knows theoretical things, and the rest is left to the midwife.

After Yu Duo exerted a few efforts, the child finally came out. She quickly gave the other party an intravenous infusion of oxytocin to promote uterine contraction and prevent bleeding. After the placenta came out, she asked the peach blossom demon to heal the side cut wound. Everything can be said to be very Perfect.

"It's a boy, Yu Duo, you are very good."

Looking at the born child, Chiyo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was still very lively and nothing happened. There was a large blood clot on the placenta, which proved that the bleeding just now was a sign of placental abruption. If it was a little later, it might be Children are in danger.

Sure enough, Gao Tianyuan is a dog.

If Gao Tianyuan wants to kill a person, he can use any method. Udo and the child should have been killed by ghosts, but now it seems that this method is useless, so it is like using postpartum hemorrhage. kind of damage.

Depend on!

This is really bad!

Chiyo was so angry that she stomped her feet in the house, she had to take good care of Yu Duo and the child, or she would still be so unhappy in the end.

"You press her stomach when you have nothing to do, and you can see a lot of blood."

And Yuan Yi, who was still waiting outside the delivery room, finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that the mother and child were safe. He almost leaned against the door frame and began to slowly slide down. In the end, it was Yuzao who pulled him in front of him and prevented him from sitting directly. on the ground.

"I can understand your joy as a new father, so don't get too excited, go see Yu Duo first."

"it is good."

This Tamamo former is a senior in raising children and coaxing his wife, and he also regards him as an idol, so some of the things he said are regarded as wise sayings.

If Jiguo Yansheng is Chiyo's fanboy, then Jiguoyuanyi is Tamamo's fanboy. In this respect, the two are still very similar.

Now that Jiguo Yuanyi also has a child, it can be said that his life is complete. If he hadn't been born in Jiguo and shouldered the heavy burden of the Ghost Killing Team, his family must be very happy.

I don't know if I've been blown away by the rainbow fart recently, Jiguo Yansheng still loves this new born nephew very much, and even bought a small toy for the child, but every time this guy wants to amuse the child or To hold the child, Chiyo's eyes will definitely stare at each other, for fear that he will do something strange.

Children are the most vulnerable. In the Warring States Period, when the medical environment was very backward, it was very difficult for a child to grow up.

Seeing Jiguo Yusheng who was already able to crawl, Saki suddenly began to sigh endlessly, "This child can already crawl, and he will be able to leave in a while. Time flies too fast."

Can you be unhappy, now her body is thirteen years old, and her younger brother, Shuji Mabiya, is almost ten years old.

Now the more I look at this cheap younger brother, the more I feel that the other party is really miserable. The countdown to life has been going on since birth. They have lived for ten years, and there are less than twenty years left.

Chiyo knew that this guy was feeling sad for his cheap brother, but there was too much helplessness and sadness in it, and it was not something they could say clearly.

"Don't think about anything else, all these things are because of the dog's miserable guy that cursed the maternity house's family. Maybe when he is knocked out by us, everything will be resolved."

In fact, Chiyo said it was easy, but if it was really done, it could be said to be even more difficult.

Thinking of this Saki sighed heavily, "I know, but Gao Tianyuan doesn't want him to die now, what can be done?"

She heard Chiyo mention what happened now, and she knew that all things might not be resolved until the Taisho period. It's that moment.

"It's okay, next time you are reincarnated as a monster like me, then you can kiss and fall in love with Ibaraki."

"Sister, you can shut up."

She might be reincarnated next time, I feel very sad to say that.

Probably because they got carried away, they completely forgot that the plot was not over.

After the stripes are turned on, although the quality of the body can be greatly improved, it will cause a huge burden on the body. In the end, every swordsman who opens the stripes will not live to be twenty-five years old.

Ji Guoyuanyi was the first person to turn on the stripes, and then it was like a switch to let everyone around him turn on the stripes. He was still several years away from the age of twenty-five, but other swordsmen wanted to. older than him.

After the death of the first swordsman, the second swordsman died soon. This made many people panic. As the leader of the ghost killing team, Shuji of the maternity house had absolutely no clue about this matter. , there is no way but to find Chiyo who seems to know everything and ask.

As someone who knew the plot, Chiyo's expression was very subtle. She sat on the blanket scratching her head, thinking about how to explain this to the other party.

"It's a process that everyone needs to go through."

She seriously told the other party the principle of opening the stripes, and told him that most of the swordsmen who opened the stripes would not live to be twenty-five years old.

The reason why [Most] is used is because Jiguoyuanyi successfully lived to be in his 80s.

Few of the swordsmen who join the Ghost Killing Team are greedy for life and fear of death. Everyone joins the Ghost Killing Team to kill more ghosts, and there is nothing wrong with dedicating their lives to their own cause.

Speaking of which, I have to applaud the dedication of these people. Chiyo feels that it is impossible for him to have such a spirit.

In fact, Jiguo Yansheng is not too greedy for life and fear of death. This person likes to study swordsmanship very much. Even with the rainbow farts of Chiyo all the time, he is also practicing swordsmanship very hard.

If this guy hadn't been so jealous of Enichi, he might have been a good older brother too.


She can't whitewash Jiguo Yansheng, this guy absolutely cannot be whitewashed.

Imagining Wuichiro was finally cut in half by this person, she really wanted to breathe out the fragrance.

Teacher Crocodile, please be a person. As a girl, we can't be so cruel.

If she wanted to say that it really didn't need to be called the Blade of Ghost Slayer, it should be changed to Zhu Mie. There were only a few pillars in total, but all of them were killed.

As the plot is getting closer and closer, Chiyo not only let the aunt and the others look at it, but she also pays close attention to Jiguo Yansheng. 's failure.

Yuan has a very deep relationship with this trash brother, and if he really kills the other party, he can't be in front of him.

"Yuanyi, it is said that there is a very powerful ghost in the north, who likes to eat children. This time you lead a team to encircle and suppress them there."

In order to get the fate out, Chiyo deliberately chose one of the many tasks that was farthest away and was relatively not difficult for him. If you count the time, it would take at least three months to go back and forth.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Yu Duo and the child for you."

After having no worries, Yuanichi embarked on a journey of crusade against cannibals. Jikuni Iwakatsu felt jealous that Chiyo gave this task to Yuanichi, but was told that there was a more important task for him.

"That guy appeared, this time I will give you this task, I think you have the ability to complete it."

"I will definitely kill Wuxian."

Seeing such a confident Jikuni Iwakatsu, Chiyo felt that his hole was dug, and then he waited for this guy to jump into it.

The author has something to say:

In the next chapter, congratulations to Jiguo Yansheng off the assembly line

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