Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 123: Tongmo you colorful Tom Su

Birth, old age, illness and death are completely human, but when it comes to me, I find it difficult to accept. After the death of Seimei and the Yuan family brothers, Jiguoyansheng successfully ascended to heaven at the age of 50, and then Saji and Jiguoyuan died. .

Chiyo directly blew the suona six times.

No, it's not a suona, but a flute and a suona.

"Ah!! Saki!"

Chiyo hugged her flute and started crying, her best friend died! ! Yuanyi, whom she had raised since childhood, also died, and before her death, she entrusted her grandson and grandson to her.

"Fuck it! I have to take care of their six-year-old head of the maternity house again! I have to take care of the great grandson! I am not a nursery school!"

While grieving at the death of his little friend, at the same time he is angry that he still has to take care of the children and raise them up as adults.

In a fit of anger, she blew the suona again, as if sending the living away.

"You'll scare the kids like that."

The previous owner of the maternity house passed away just a month ago. At this time, Mrs. Maibashiki was already pregnant with a child and was about to land on the ground.

When Chiyo was playing the suona so passionately, the lady was desperately trying to give birth to a child.

"I'm also cheering for Mrs."

"Who cheers with suona? I think you are ready to send the other party to heaven."



It's too much to say that, can't she use this to express her sadness? Her best friend just passed away!

Aggrieved, she put the flute away, and the thunder that suddenly exploded in the sky made her tremble. Usually, at this time, Gao Tianyuan acted as a demon, so her first reaction was that there might be an accident with Mrs. Yashiki's child.

No, since she promised to take good care of the Ghost Killing Squad, how could she just helplessly watch what happened to this new-born child.

Rushing out like a rocket launcher, Chiyo could almost be said to be rolling and crawling into the delivery room, but the moment she saw the child, she blew her suona again.

After Saki turned around, she was reincarnated in the maternity house again, so why did she cry like that before?

"Sister, congratulations on becoming a child again."


Saki was so angry that she wanted to hit someone. She never thought that she had just closed her eyes here, and the next second she opened her eyes and turned into a child again. The most annoying thing was that she even heard Chiyo's poor guy again. sound.

Seimei, Brother Guo, and Brother Liang seem to be directly detained by the ghost lamp as civil servants in **** this time. I feel that with the professional ability of these three people, it is very likely that the ghost lamp will hold the three of them forever and prevent them from returning to the world.

"Tsk! I had already taken a fancy to Kikyo, but I was cut off by the ghost lantern, but now, my three capable assistants have also been cut off!"

Ghost Lantern intercepted four people from her hands! And judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Yuanyi will not be able to escape the opponent's black hands.

So angry, really so angry.

Thinking of this Chiyo can't wait to do a backflip on the spot, this is really testing her temper, but what she is more puzzled is why Saki was not detained by the ghost lamp, but reincarnated with memory as if nothing happened, this is almost death here As a result, the other side directly got into the belly of the pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

This is very rogue, and it feels like life has been taking shortcuts.

"Fuck! You think I'd like to do this! Count my fingers! How many childhoods have I experienced!"

If the real childhood of the first generation of Sage is not counted, this is her third time, right? Childhood for the third time?

A few days ago, this guy had been lying on the bed very numbly and asked Chiyo and the others to change their diapers. Anyway, there were no secrets between them.

From the Warring States period to the Taisho period, there has been almost no plot in the past few hundred years. All Chiyo can do is to raise children and keep the ghost killing team growing. She is known as the mentor of the ghost killing teams of all dynasties. .

Due to the reason of Jikuni Enichi, his descendants established a very friendly relationship with Tanjiro's ancestors, and even gave the pair of earrings to Tanjiro's ancestors.

The difference from the original is that the descendants of the breath of the sun have not been killed by Wu miserable, and it can even be said that the ghosts have been driven and killed.

Before Wu Miserable, he wanted to create a ghost army to raise the overall level of his army by another level. The first person he wanted to join was Jiguo Yansheng, but because of Chiyo, this line was considered thorough. Failed, so he looked elsewhere.

Not only did he keep an eye on him, but even Chiyo also monitored his every move. Once there was any suspicious behavior or someone he wanted to contact, Chiyo would be clear and completely kill his thoughts in the cradle.

Twelve Guiyue Chiyos, the twelve arrogant subordinates of Wu Miserable, can be said to remember them very well. Among them, six eyes made her kill her directly in the cradle, but there are many more people to follow.

Tongmo is a piece of garbage. In Chiyo's view, this guy is probably not the incarnation of Mary Sue, and his eyes are so colorful.

As for colorful things, in her impression, it was still based on the descriptions of the female protagonists of Mary Sue that she saw when she was a child. For example, this girl has colorful hair and sheds diamonds when she cries.


The picture was so beautiful that she couldn't even imagine it.

In Ghost Slayer, there is not much description about the twelve ghost moons as human affairs. Although there have been descriptions, it does not clearly indicate where Wu Miseren met them.

Tong Mo not only killed Inosuke's mother, but also killed Kanai Megumi and Shinobu.

Knock the fuck!

Knock the **** do you hear it!

Thinking of this Chiyo snapped off the chopsticks in his hand, "Jiutun, you go find a man with colorful eyes and blond hair, he should be a child by his age, he should be blown into a **** by their parents. Son or something."

She decided to cut it off at the source.

In the Edo period, Wu Mian almost collected all the six of the twelve ghost moons, but since she doesn't know the exact time, she can only start as soon as possible, and make a few guesses.

"This is a very important task. Jiutun, I will hand this task to you, mainly because I think you will complete it very successfully, right?"

The easiest thing Chiyo can do now is to draw cakes for others to play with, and when he draws a precise one, Shuten Douji looks at her with a subtle expression, and almost hits her on the head with a ghost gourd.

"I saw that you have painted the cake for Jiguo Yansheng all your life, please don't paint it for me."


After her intentions were discovered, Chiyo clicked her tongue very blatantly. She always thought that she was doing it very obscurely, but who knew that so many people could see it. It can be said to be very unscientific.

It's just to find a child, and it's more than enough to let Shuten Douji go alone.

The six eyes in the winding of the twelve ghost moon have been completely strangled by her in the cradle. Next are Tong Mo and the third brother. As a human being, the former has no feelings and did nothing wrong, while the third brother is a pity. If possible, Chiyo thinks it can be saved, after all...

She is the Virgin.

Since she didn't do anything big wrong when she was a human, she could give each other a chance. She gave Jiguoyan a chance to win. As for the jade pot who abused animals and the half-day dog, her mother should die. .

Wait, this person shamelessly used the name [Tengu], doesn't this defile the big and small Tengu in their family?

Unbearable, absolutely unbearable.

Thinking of this, she let her aunt watch over Wu Miserable. If the other party contacts anyone, she must notify her immediately, and she must resolve him before the matter becomes serious.

In order to meet Tongma, who he didn't like very much but wanted to give him a chance, Chiyo made a room for him that was full of sunshine, and even got him a small wooden horse.

Seeing that the other party dragged her toys into this room, Saki expressed that she was very unhappy.

"This is the little Trojan horse that my dear father made for me. How can you give it to someone I don't know at all?"

She was really aggrieved.

"Sister, you must face when you say this, who is your father, are you sure that someone younger than you is called father?"

"... After all, you gave me another life, so why don't you call me godfather?"

It doesn't matter what it is called now, Chiyo still put the small wooden horse in the room prepared for Tongmo, she thinks that Saaki is so old, what kind of small wooden horse is needed.

In her subconscious, Tong Mo should have been a child of six or seven years old, and should be able to play with a small wooden horse. She prepared it according to the things that six or seven-year-old boys could play with, but she didn't expect Jiutun Douji to bring one back to him. A mother who is not weaned!

"His parents regarded him as a cash cow. I couldn't get it through normal means. In the end, he knocked his parents dizzy to get the colorful eyes back."


What is the normal way to get back! ! Is it okay to knock people's parents dizzy? ! Isn't this the legendary child abduction?

Tong Mo, who was just one year old, looked at Chiyo jumping up beside him with an indifferent expression, without a trace of panic, as if he was not the one who had just been hugged and sprinted for hundreds of kilometers.

Chiyo jumped on the ground several times because she was so emotional. She managed to pull up several children, thinking she would have a few years of leisure time, but this guy brought her back another one-year-old. many children.


Too much!

Chiyo shed tears of sadness at Tong Mo's Tom Su-like colorful eyes.

"How to raise this thing!"

For Tong Mo, she didn't plan to develop an earth-shattering hero or anything, but she planned to raise the other party to death and then end it.

Seeing the other party's widened colorful eyes, Chiyo sighed and filled him with a large bottle of milk powder, "Since they've already got it back, what else can I do? Of course it's keeping it."

Tong Mo is as good-looking as she is, and she can understand if she is recognized as a sister and brother. If she takes Tong Mo out like this, it seems that she can deceive other people.

In fact, she is an expert in raising children, but raising a child who has no feelings is a bit difficult. Time will definitely not make this guy change.

"Jiutun, I'll give you another task, this time you have to do it for me."

Tong Mo has now got it, and the only thing left is the third brother who had a tragic experience. The root cause of the third brother's collapse is the death of his master and fiancee, so if this root cause is cut off, Wu Miserable will lose another effective assistant. .


She is so smart!

Chiyo must applaud for her wit. As expected, she has grown into a twelve-year-old girl, and she is also good at wisdom.

"Tongmo, are you playing a Trojan horse today?"


The six-year-old Tongmo was carried on the wooden horse by the twelve-year-old Chiyo. Usually, the children would be happy to applaud in various ways, but this guy was sitting on the wooden horse with an indifferent expression and swaying.

"Tongmo, is the Trojan horse fun?"

Tong Mo with an indifferent face: "It's fun."



No sense of achievement at all.

But soon Chiyo's sense of accomplishment was brought back by Shutun, and it took the other party several years to finally find the third brother, which brought her good news.

"Chiyo, he is indeed in the kendo field now, and he has his master and fiancee by his side!"

"Very good, this time we have work to do!"

For example, being a friendly neighbor to the other party is her favorite script!

"Tongmo! I'll turn you into a magic trick! Greatly change a living person!"

In order to celebrate this delightful news, Chiyo decided to summon a shikigami on the spot. Since she summoned Naraku and the others, she has never activated the summoning technique again. She is worried that there is a problem with her card pool, but it has been over two hundred years. Over the years, the card pool should have returned to its original state, at least she thought so before Six Eyes came out of the summoning formation.


Looking at those six eyes, she was terrified.

The author has something to say:

Congratulations to Chiyo for opening the Twelve Ghost Moon Card Pool, there will be a chapter later

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