Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 131: Noichiro?

The strength of Undead River has always been very high, but the other party is someone who can kill ghosts without a sun blade, not to mention this guy now has a kitchen knife in his hand.

"Brother, brother, calm down first, we are not bad people."

While babbling endlessly, the searchlight in Chiyo's hand was still aimed at Madam Undead Chuan. This thing is not lethal, but it can make the ghost do nothing else for the time being.

"Your mother is not your mother anymore, ask your big brother what your mother did before you came back."

This kind of thing must be seen to be believing, and sometimes seeing may not necessarily be true, no one will believe that their mother will become a man-eating monster.

Chiyo is also actively collecting the blood of all kinds of ghosts, and together with Miss Zhushi, she is looking for a way to turn ghosts back into humans. Fortunately, they have modern blessings on their side, and this research has begun to take shape.

Like those ghosts who have eaten people, there is really no need to save them, but for ghosts like Mrs. Undead Chuan who have not eaten people, it is worth saving.

Seeing that there was still a little time before dawn, Chiyo handed the searchlight to Tamamomae's hand to help look at it, while he took out a very strong rope and tied Mrs. Undead Chuan until it was strong.

"Well, let's make things clear."

Sitting on the chair, Chiyo even patted Mrs. Undead Chuan's head twice like a watermelon.

"All of these things have to start with a dog called Wu Miserable..."


This is another long bedtime story. Chiyo almost starts from the Heianjing period. After all, it needs to be introduced in great detail before it can tell all the causes and consequences.

"So you understand?"


I understand, I understand, but it's about to dawn now, okay?

Chiyo explained this for a whole night. Almost when the sun was about to rise, she explained everything very clearly. After all, this was the only way to make the brothers and sisters of the Undead River accept it.

"We're here to kill ghosts."

When it came to killing ghosts, several children all surrounded Mrs. Undead Chuan, as if afraid that she would suddenly kill each other.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her now. Your mother has never eaten anyone, so she will be arranged uniformly."

The sun was about to rise soon, and if it wasn't quicker, it might be too late to bring the opponent back to the Ghost Killing Squad, so Chiyo quickly took out a box like a conjuration and shoved Mrs. Undead Chuan directly into it.

Because this guy has been very uncooperative, Chiyo knocked him unconscious and stuffed it in without hesitation.

"If you want to save your mother, then go back to the Ghost Killing Squad with me, or you will know what will happen in the end."


This time, Chiyo didn't tell a few children about love and other things with affection and reason, but used the other's mother as a threat to let them return to the ghost killing team with him.

Anyway, this kind of thing of capturing people's hearts is left to Xiao Yaozai, she only needs to provide force.

Of course, you have to do your own business. Chiyo directly handed the box containing Mrs. Undead Chuan to a few children, "Take your mother and follow me."

Turning her head towards the children, she felt that she must have a very cold expression at the moment.

She knows that even if her attitude is very bad, these children will keep up with her pace, after all, she has to save her mother.

"You actually used the determination of several children to save their mothers to threaten them, Chiyo, you have changed."

Tamamo walked beside Chiyo with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't forget to give each other a good scolding. In his impression, he thought that the other party would influence them with great love, or that it would take longer like boiling a frog in warm water before. Time to solve, so simple and rude is not her style.

"It's too late. Now it's getting closer and closer to the start of the main storyline. I'll hurry up."

Chiyo has always felt that only after a certain time can kill Wu miserable, it doesn't matter who participated in this operation.

The plots on the Undead River have already started ahead of schedule, so the plots on Wuichiro and Tanjiro's side are expected to proceed ahead of schedule. It seems that she really wants to speed up the progress.

"Juju, you may be a little more tired next time."

Chiyo was very serious when talking about this matter with Tamamo Mae, and even the expression on his face was very serious, but it was obvious that Tamamo Mae had misunderstood her meaning.

"Huh? It's not good to say such things at a time like this, and your body can't take it."


Chiyo opened her mouth, then turned her head with a very subtle expression to look in front of Tamamo who was walking beside her, making sure that several children were carefully carrying the boxes and didn't notice what happened on their side, so she approached mysteriously. .


Although she has lived for so many years, her skin is still relatively thin, and it seems that she is not too embarrassed to say such words in such a public place.


Seeing that Chiyo had lost her voice, Tamamo-mae came over to hear what she was talking about.

"Juju...how can you do yellow and color."


Tamamo Mae used the folding fan in his hand to start smashing Chiyo's head mercilessly, and the sound of the smashing was so clear that Chiyo felt that the other party might think of him as the watermelon who hit the watermelon in the summer.

Look! This man is too much!

It's really too much!



The seven brothers and sisters of the Undead River who were still carrying their mother didn't notice that the atmosphere between the two seemed to be wrong. The only thing that felt strange was that the speed of the two people was really getting faster and faster.

Oh! So this is a test for them, right?

Only by keeping up with the pace of these two people can you join the ghost killing team, or is it an entry test for the ghost killing team?

A few simple children unilaterally thought that this was like the first game of the hunter test in the hunter, and it was a test of speed and endurance, so while carrying their mother, they tried to keep up with the pace of the two people, when all the When everyone returned to the Ghost Killing Team, several children were almost tired and crying at the door.


If they knew they were so tired, they wouldn't follow so closely.

A few days ago, Chiyo and Tamamo-mae left as two people, but when they came back, they brought seven children and a ghost who had been trained and taught to be obedient, and Yoshiya Zaiyashiki suddenly fell into silence.

When he was just a teenager, he suddenly didn't know what to say, and could only start arranging places for a few children.

"Miss Chiyo, what's going on?"

"The plot mission is very important and can be killed without misery."

Alright, just say that, and he knows what to do.

The members of the Demon Killing Team, let alone half, must have been brought back by Chiyo.

Compared with the Sanyashiki family, the other party really paid a lot to the ghost killing team.

However, Chiyo didn't plan to stay for too long when he came back this time. Now it's about Wuichiro and Tanjiro.

Tanjiro, as the protagonist, must start developing with his plot as the starting point, so all supporting roles must be in place before his plot begins.

After weighing it, Chiyo chose to settle Wuichiro's side first. After all, Yuanichi's descendants have always been connected with Tanjiro's ancestors, and they don't need their intervention for the time being.

Chiyo remembers Wuichiro's plot is also very miserable. His mother died of pneumonia when he was a child, his father also fell off a cliff and died, and the only poisonous-tongued brother who lived with him was also killed by a ghost.


Halfway through the plot, Chiyo suddenly stopped and almost cried out without a wow.


Sure enough, the crocodile teacher has no heart! All the people with heavier roles in Ghost Slayer have some tragic histories and even more tragic endings.

Covering her chest, she almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Time to see the little angel! She is coming soon! ! waiting for her!

Isn't it pneumonia? She has some of the most complete antibiotics on hand! I don't believe that modern technology can't cure this common pneumonia.

The moment Chiyo hung the medicine box directly around his neck, Tamamo knew that he was about to become an old Chinese doctor again.

This time, the old Chinese medicine practitioner did not have a fixed storefront, but moved to practice medicine by relying on the cloth strip in his hand that said "No.1 in the world, cures all diseases".

To be honest, he always felt that he looked like a liar in the rivers and lakes, so he was carrying a burden and shouting in various ways.

In any case, this is far from his own image.

"No, shouting in public is definitely not suitable for Juju's identity, so let me do it!"

Chiyo stretched out his hand and patted his chest, indicating that he was ready to take over the job.


Tamamo before had an ominous premonition, but since this feeling wasn't very strong, he didn't care too much.


He soon realized that he really should have stopped Chiyo, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to sit on the street with his head wrapped in a cloth, and even set up a stall to show that he is a genius doctor.

Very good, this time he did not have a medical hall, nor did he move and shout, but had a relatively fixed booth.

Should he act happier?

Sitting on the chair with a delicate expression, Tamamo looked at the young girls around the table. He was very sure that the other party was not seeing a doctor.


Chiyo felt that she was stupid, so she wrapped herself in cloth, completely forgetting the face in front of Tamamo that would definitely cause more trouble.


With a stern tut, Chiyo was very impatient.

Mom **** up.

After getting rid of those girls, Chiyo forcibly turned Tamamomae into an old man. Sure enough, at this time, you can't let Tamamomae's youth mode appear, otherwise it's easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

And compared to teenagers, the real old Chinese medicine is more convincing. After all, the experience is here.

Sure enough, after Tamamo-mae turned into an old Chinese doctor, the people who came to the booth had obviously changed drastically from before.

There are very few young ladies who like beautiful men, and more are the family members of patients who really come to the doctor. Among them is Wuichiro's father.

"Okay, we're here to live."

Help Wuichiro cure his mother's illness, and finally bring the two brothers back to the ghost killing team.

very perfect!

The author has something to say:

My lovely Noichiro! ! I fell asleep last night! Forget about not finishing it! cry!

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