Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 135: No misery, why do you have tears in your eyes

In the days when there is no drama, the time seems to be a bit long. Although Chiyo and Tamamo Mae are not in the ghost killing team, they are very clear about what happened to the ghost killing team. A group of dead.

Heh, **** it.

"Wu Miserable really worked hard to have the ability to rival us."

Chiyo had to admire each other's perseverance. He had been so indomitable for more than a thousand years, and he had no intention of ending his own life at all.

They have lived for more than a thousand years and are dead.

For Chiyo's remarks, Tamamo before expressed disagreement.

He didn't just disagree, it was quite disagreement.

"Although Wu Mian has lived for a thousand years, his own activity time is only at night. This way, the time is half, and apart from the time to hide from us, he doesn't have much free time left."

Oh, is this pathetic?

Chiyo, who has successfully transformed into KY Steel, is now completely indistinguishable between us and enemies. He almost rushed to bite Tamamo and gave her a stick. She could move the entire earth.

"He is not pitiful, he is not pitiful at all, I very much hope that Wu Misian can come out in the sun to exercise during the day."

Even if Tamao Mae, who has a strong desire to survive, changes his mouth, no one knows if Chiyo will bite himself directly if this continues. The canine teeth are very sharp, and they are not vegetarians at all.

Grinding her teeth, Chiyo turned her head and continued to write to her good sister. She still had things to say to the other party.

[Speaking of good sisters, now there is a girl in town who has taken a fancy to our family gathering~]

Chiyo's tone was very rippling, Tamamo took a look, and from the wavy lines on the entire surface, it could be seen that this guy was actually very angry.

So this guy has a bad temper recently, is that because of this?

Recently, a girl took a liking to Tamamo before, and made various gestures to him.

The focus is on various gestures.

Even for this, her grandmother and mother were alerted to kiss.


So shameless?

When they first came to the town, although the two of them did not particularly emphasize the issue of their relationship, anyone with a discerning eye could see what was going on, right?


Who gave her the courage? Liang Jingru or Ghost Dance Tsuji Wu Miserable?

Tamamozen made it clear that he already had a wife, and that his wife was Chiyo, but the girl smiled and ignored Chiyo who was standing by and continued to entangle.

good, very good.

"Juju, let me tell you, if this woman comes again, don't blame me for being rude. I don't care if she is sick."

Nogawa Mieko was sick all day long, and she looked for various reasons to ask Tamamo before to see her doctor. The day before yesterday, the stomach pain, yesterday's head pain, and yesterday's head pain may be today's **** pain.

In short, shameless.

"Okay, maybe I don't need you to do it when I'm bored, I'll do it directly."

"Mr. Shinichi, I feel a little uncomfortable in my chest today, and I want to ask you to take a look."

Look, it is said that Cao Cao, Cao Cao, can really escape directly into the air.

Today it turned into a chest discomfort again, but Chiyo can see at a glance that this guy is not sick at all.

"Miss Yechuan, since you are often sick now, you should go to the big hospital in the city. Our small hospital may not be able to cure it."

Chiyo didn't want her to come in at all, but who knew that this guy was very embarrassed to go inside by himself.

"Oh, if Mr. Shinichi can marry our Mieko, then her disease will be cured."


Chiyo's hand was originally on the table, but because of Oji-san's words, he directly pressed a small crack on the table very accidentally.

"Excuse me, why did you just..."

Yuzao stretched out his hand to stop Chiyo's next words, and the expression on his face could be said to be extremely cold.

"I already have a wife."

"But Mr. Shinichi..."

call out-

Tamamo didn't have the same kind of pity and cherished jade, and directly slashed at the feet of Nogawa Mieko with a big sword.



Really, not only Mieko Nogawa was stunned, but also Chiyo. She didn't realize what was going on for a long time, until after the grandparents and grandchildren left in a tumultuous manner, she finally sighed heavily. Except for one breath.


She is careless!

Maybe it was because Tamamozen was too innocuous in front of her for so many years, so she completely forgot that the other party was a glamorous and noble monster Tamamo before her Juju.

When it comes to the big monster Tamamozen, it is really contempt for the existence of all beings. Although it is not as serious as Sesshomaru, it is at least closer to the path of the other party.


If he really let him do it, it is very likely that the grandparents and grandchildren would have died.

Sighing heavily, she put her hand on the back of Yuzao's hand, "Juju, next time I encounter this kind of thing, I'll do it, you're not serious, if I can get people Disabled, then you can kill people."

Calm down, you really have to be calm at this time.

She has always felt that she is a very impulsive person, but now it seems that this gathering is sometimes more impulsive than herself.

"It's not really necessary to get along with them anyway."

"Hey—you're right."

After Tanjirou's matter is resolved, they will definitely leave here, and after decades of each other's death, they don't need to be friendly with each other.


Saying so, it seems that she doesn't need to know the other side in general, because the two of them are not comparable at all, whether it is in terms of appearance or lifespan.

"Hey, blame me, blame me, it's all because I was too excited before. It's mainly everyone's first time. When the next one sees Juju you again, I will definitely treat others well."


Yuzao suddenly felt a little panic in his heart.

But soon, something even more frustrating happened, and the aunt wrote a letter to Chiyo.

This guy, who has always been his hidden rival in love, almost forgot the existence of the other party due to his constant surveillance all the year round, but he didn't expect this guy to appear again now to make his presence felt.


It's so annoying.

"Juju! Auntie said that Wu Mian is doing something now! It looks like the plot is about to start!"

If you count the time, Tanjiro is now almost thirteen years old. If there is no accident, the big idiot will come to the opposite mountain this winter and do indescribable things to the Tanjiro family.

"Oops, if you say that, it seems that the scope of Yi Yong's activities will come a little closer to this side."

It can only be said that they are really good sisters. Chiyo simply mentioned this matter in the letter, and Saki said that she would solve this matter.



This kind of feeling seems to be very subtle. It is obvious that the current leader of the Ghost Killing Team is Yoshiki Yoshiya, but Saki's tone seems to be like she is now the leader of the family. Is there something wrong with Xiao Yoshiya's body?

Guessing what this guy would want to ask for a long time, Saki wrote a few big characters at the back of the letter.

[Can run and jump, nothing happens. 】


Really, this guy's tone is getting more and more sloppy now.

According to Saki, she has now arranged for Yiyong to move towards Tanjiro and his family's mountain in a roundabout way.

This time, Gao Tianyuan did not do anything to make the plot happen in advance. Chiyo felt that this had a lot to do with bombing the other party all night before.

The closer she got to the plot, the more nervous she actually became. For fear of any accident, she had to ensure the bond between Tanjiro and Yiyong, and also ensure that the whole family of the kitchen gate could be rescued.


This is so **** embarrassing.

"Do you remember something more iconic at the beginning of the plot? You can speculate based on that if you're in such a hurry."

Seeing Chiyo's anxious appearance as he circled around the room, Tamamo-mae couldn't help but give Chiyo a small reminder. He felt that it was not the way to wait. They could take the initiative.

Because of the other party's words, Chiyo, who was still pacing, stopped, she frowned and thought about what it would be like at the beginning of the ghost killing plot, but it made her frown even deeper.

"When the story begins? That's over..."

Chiyo directly put the sun blade in his hand aside with a very serious expression.

"Tanjiro's father died when the plot started, and he went down from the mountain to the town on a snowy day to sell charcoal."


This plot point is very big. Tamamo can already imagine how big the scope is. He has no way to infer anything based on this. More importantly, Tanjiro's father has not died yet, and Tanjiro is now Thirteen years old...

"Miss Yoko, do you still want charcoal?"


Tanjirou's voice suddenly came from behind, and Chiyo took a big step forward in shock.


By the way, it did snow outside last night. Could it be that today is the day when the plot begins?


If this is the case, then she really wants to figure out how to solve this matter.

"By the way, if Tanjirou comes to town, your younger siblings will definitely stick to you, right?"

Chiyo tentatively asked about the scene that happened at the beginning of Ghost Slayer. She now only hopes that the other party can tell her that her younger siblings are not attached to him today.

But sometimes things backfire.

"They're still haunting me this morning, but there's so much snow on the mountains that if they come there won't be enough time."

Tanjiro seems to be in a hurry, he wants to sell out the charcoal in the basket and get home as soon as possible.

Seeing him like this, Chiyo is very sure that the plot is about to start, and the big idiot will appear tonight.

She turned her head and glanced at Tamao before, who immediately understood what she was thinking.

"Tanjiro, I need to check Mr. Tanjuro's body again. After you sell out the charcoal, we will go back with you."

"Huh? But it's going to be late, and it looks like it's going to snow tonight."

"It's okay, the illness can't be delayed, and we can't be delayed for too long."

Tanjirou was really moved to tears, he really didn't expect Mr. Shinichi and Miss Yoko to be so patient, they are really good people.


But when he saw two of them after selling all the charcoal, his expression suddenly became a little subtle.


Do you want to wear a sword around your waist?

"Oh, this, for self-defense."


Defense, self-defense?

The author has something to say:


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