Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 207: you are committing a crime

The people who came to find fault were all from the winery, which meant that these guys were the mafia with merciless sharks. From the current situation, Chiyo looked more like a mafia.

"Climb or not? If you don't crawl, you will be killed directly."

It's all said that who dares not to climb, the key is as it is now, let alone climb, even if they get out.

After everyone else climbed out, Chiyo stepped on the boss again, "Go back and tell your boss or your boss's boss, this hospital is covered by the witch Chiyo, if you don't want your winery to be destroyed, then Please be honest with me and get out of here."

So after this guy crawled out, there was one more bloodstain crawling on the ground. Those who didn't know the truth would definitely think that this was the scene of a murder.

No, if Chiyo hadn't come over today, it's very likely that this place has really become the scene of a murder.

In short, the scene is a little embarrassing, especially Elena looking at Chiyo, which is obviously very subtle.


Don't look at her like that, she can explain it.

"I don't have any self-defense skills when I come out and mix, and it's easy to be bullied."

Elena smiled and didn't say much. It's been a few years since the two knew each other, but during these few years, the appearance of each other has changed a bit...

How to say, do whatever you want.

If she had to say it, she felt that the other party might not be human.

This is not a curse word, she really thinks that the other party is not very human.

In fact, Chiyo didn't really want to know what Elena was thinking. She just lowered her head and stared at a dozen bloodstains on the ground, feeling that it was indeed a bit tragic.

Judging from Elena's reaction, this group of people should often come here to make trouble. If no measures are taken, it is very likely that Akimi and Shiho will eventually join the winery.

As long as she thought about what happened to the sisters in the future, she wanted to scold her mother.

"Elena, is your hospital short of people? I happen to know someone who wants to find a job, and he is also a medical professional."

Her plan is very simple, let the shikigami set up camp here, and if something like today happens again, it can be solved as soon as possible.

Originally, Elena just wanted to say that the hospital is not short of manpower. After all, they are running a simple clinic, but suddenly realized one thing, turned her head and looked at Miyano Atsushi, and finally agreed with Chiyo's proposal.

"Then let the people you know come over and take a look tomorrow."

"Oh, by the way, that child is relatively young, but he is actually an adult."


To be honest, the Miyano couple didn't quite understand what Chiyo meant by this sentence, what does it mean to be small?

The next morning, after seeing Chiyo bring a child, the two of them split directly.

"We don't employ child labor here, it's against the law."

What Chiyo brought over was their violent export nurse, Yingcao, who was carrying her own big dandelion behind her back.

They knew it would be like this, they were prepared before they came.

Yingcao jumped up quickly after hearing that she was young, "I'm not small, I'm not small at all, I'm already twenty-three years old this year, but I have a baby face so I look small. "

In order to prove that she was right at all, she also deliberately took out the school's student ID card and graduation certificate.

Both the student ID and the graduation certificate are real, but she went to school after Chiyo gave her a fake identity.

Chiyo's height changes with her appearance, so she is very volatile, but her current height is 163, and Firefly Grass is only about 1.4 meters at most, which is extremely petite among several people.

The height of the Japanese has always been very strange, Chiyo was 170+ before crossing, and the result...

Many of the girls here are petite and cute, and they are only about 1.5 meters tall, which makes her stand out from the crowd.

Now Yingcao is more petite and cute than ordinary girls, and people who don't know the inside really think this guy is a minor.

Before coming here, Chiyo had already explained Yingcao, and asked her to work hard here and fully apply the knowledge she had learned. If someone came to the clinic to smash the field, just smashed the dandelion directly, and it was smashed to death. There is no problem with her backing!

What's more strange is that since she taught those people a lesson last time, the winery people really haven't come to ask for trouble again, maybe her intimidation has played a role.

Chiyo guessed that the purpose of the brewery was to make that kind of immortality medicine. Sister Bei seems to have never seen old age, and the medicine made by Shiho finally turned Kudo Shinichi into a child. Violating the laws of this world.

In addition to monsters, there are human beings who still think about immortality, which seems a bit unreasonable, especially if the ghost lamp does not follow the rules at all, it is likely to be punished.

"I think the people at the winery are thinking shit."

[Humans want immortality, this is not just wanting to eat shit. 】

If it was in the past, as long as Chiyo complained like this, Saki would quickly pick up the stalk next to her. She even knew what the other side would pick up, but after waiting for a few seconds without hearing the other person's words, she suddenly realized Saki has been taken away by the curse of death that is abundant in Rice Flower Town.

Wow, she would really cry right out.

Forget it, the only thing she can do now is to wait for Saki to be born, and by the way, it's best to see Akimi and Shiho grow up healthy.

If the Miyanos and the sisters hadn't entered the winery, many things would not have happened.


In fact, there are many uneasy cases in Conan, but the one that makes her uneasy is probably Rei Yagu and his four good friends who died in the line of duty.

The first person who died was seven years ago before the plot began, that is to say, when Kudo Shin was ten years old, it wasn't long before they graduated from the police academy and became police officers.

Shit, it's really sad.

Chiyo told Aisha about the tragic things that happened to Rei Tatani next. All five of them could be combined to graduate from the police academy, but in the end, four of them died in the line and he was the only bare commander left.

Miserable or not, is it miserable or not?

"This can be said to be terrifyingly miserable."

Aisha still looks like such a child, even if she wants to go to high school with Yugu Ling, there is no way for her to grow up. As a three-quarter youkai bloodline, she is really slow in growth.

What can she do? She is also desperate. She has already taken the elementary school courses so many times, and she can memorize all the knowledge points by heart.

"I now understand very well Aunt Saki's feeling of breaking down after repeating the experience of growing up so many times."

I met Jianggu Ling on the road before. This guy guessed that seeing her still looked like this, he was stunned for a moment and then smiled a little happily.

Just smiling at the other party like that, she felt that there must be something wrong in it, for example...

After thinking about it for a long time, Aisha couldn't think of what Jiang Gu Ling might say, and she couldn't even guess what the other party was thinking.

That guy is too smart, even if she is a monster, she has to sigh that the other party is really smart. If she insists, it may be not much different from Mr. Ranbu and Mr. Dazai from the Butei Club?

So don't fight against this kind of people, it's very possible that you won't even be able to leave clothes in front of them.

After having a good position, Elsa suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that with self-knowledge, at least she wouldn't look stupid.


The most important thing for her now is to bring up her appearance, otherwise she will not be able to go to middle school if she stays in elementary school like this.

If it goes on like this, she will have a psychological shadow on the elementary school.

In fact, Chiyo doesn't know exactly what Chiyo is thinking about her granddaughter, and she doesn't really have the ability to read minds. At this moment, she is calculating the ages of several friends in the protagonist group.

Zero He Jingguang is almost thirteen years old this year and has already entered the first grade of middle school. Mingmei is a few years younger than the two of them. This year, he is only nine years old and entering the third grade.

The plot is really far from itself.

Damn, it's a bit boring, and some even want to cause trouble.

Chiyo felt that a person like himself might be a destabilizing factor in society. If there is something to do, it is fine, but if there is nothing to do, he really wants to cause trouble.

Or go bomb a winery base first, or...

If you think about it, the gin is probably in his teens now. I don't know if he has joined the winery, or else he will just cut him off?


Think a little stimulating.

In a winery that is full of fake wine, only Jinjiu has worked hard for the winery. If such a good employee does not use it for himself, it would be a pity.

After having this idea, Chiyo immediately prepared to implement it. She first tore up a dozen paper-type gods and asked them to find someone based on her description of the gin. Everything was ready, and she was about to send this little god. Being held back by someone else.

"Mom, I have something to trouble you with."


Seeing Yui appearing suddenly, Chiyo swallowed the swear words she was about to blurt out, trying her best to act like an amiable old mother.

Aika and Yui can call themselves "Mama", but Sesshomaru and Natsume Reiko seem to have never called themselves.


But goodbye, one is the male **** before she passed through, the other is a good friend she went to school with a few days ago, if any of them really called out, she might die on the spot.

No need, really.

This time Yui didn't come alone, with Reiko and their two sons Sosuke behind her.

The little boy was just nine years old this year. He was wearing a white shirt and black shorts with a schoolbag behind him. He stood beside his mother very obediently. After noticing Chiyo's gaze, he said hello obediently.

"Hello grandma!"


She almost didn't die on the spot.

This is really fatal.

"My son's father! Let's see who is coming!"

In order to fully act as a kind old grandmother, she called Tamamo Mae "baby his father", which can be said to have terrified him who was studying recipes in the kitchen.

"Are you all right?"


Yui's purpose is very simple, that is, like Aika, to leave the child to Chiyo and Tamamo Mae to take care of.

"I heard that the old man always likes children when he is old, so I will send it to you."

"...Yuyi, I always think you want to be beaten."

Who is old? Do you want a face? Now she has the face of a middle school student!

"Dad, I always think you're committing a crime."

"I think so."


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