Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 218: Kudo Shinichi!

Chiyo has always felt that she is not very dog. If she is really a dog, she may accompany the primary school student of death until Dr. Aga comes out of the house, so that all the nonsense that the child has just said to her will be exposed.

Oh, she's such a nice person.

"Children can't just wander outside at night, it's easy for bad people to take you away."


To be honest, Chiyo looks more like a bad person now, and if the police are present, she will definitely be arrested.

This person is like this, being arrested is for the benefit of society.

The primary school student of Death was terrified, and he was always worried that his words would be ruthlessly exposed.

For example, she would run directly to Xiaolan and speak as if she had discovered a new world, [Mori, you know, your childhood sweetheart has now become a child! 】

When I thought of the expression on the face of this death **** elementary school student, it became extremely frightened, and at first glance, it was very frightening.

Tamamo-mae and auntie looked at each other, and in the end, the two of them held up Chiyo's arm to hold her up.

"Well? Wait, what are you doing?"

At this moment she became terrified.

"I'm sorry, my sister had so much fun today that she's a little unclear. You should go home quickly, little one."

Finally, before Dr. Akasa came out, Chiyo was carried away by someone, and watching them leave Kudo Shinichi felt that he was more relaxed than ever.

"No, no, that's the protagonist, the primary school student of the **** of death. We have to have a good relationship with him and strive to become the protagonist, so that we can't easily die."

In the plot of the primary school student of death, as long as this guy goes, there will definitely be murders here. Other people who don't know the truth think that Kogoro Mauri is the cursed person, but it's not! ! This little guy is the one who carried the **** of death on his back! !

And Chiyo's statement is very reasonable and well-founded. So far, I have not seen the protagonist group die, and those who died are some supporting characters who promote the plot!

"Why did JOJO die as the protagonist group?! Why? This is so different from the ordinary hot-blooded young manga! And Neji, why is Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang the only one who died? Why is this discriminating against geniuses? ?"

It's good not to mention this. When I mention it, Chiyo has a lot to say. She is really sad for the protagonists who died, and the pillars of the ghosts, what did they do wrong?

Being held by two people, she struggled with her neck a few times, "If this world hadn't merged with Hokage and JOJO, I would definitely save them all!!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. You didn't replay Hokage and JOJO with Aisha a few days ago. Do you think it's possible for you to cross in?"


Tamamo's previous sentence broke all Chiyo's illusions, and her idea of ​​saving the male **** was completely shattered.

Forget it, it will be shattered. Some things will always be unforgettable if there are some regrets, and according to the direction of Qingshan, it is very likely that the primary school student of death will finally solve the black organization, but in the end, it will not change back to its original appearance.

Wow, that's kind of scary.

So far, the story of the primary school student of the Shinigami has officially started. When Chiyo went to school the next morning, he didn't expect to see Kudo Shinichi sitting diagonally behind, and the expression on Maorilan's face was really worried. She I don't know why the two of them went out to play together the day before, but the person disappeared after that.

"Just your big detective, it's very likely to solve another case, Xiaolan, you don't need to worry too much."

The girl Suzuki Sonoko has always been very big-hearted. Seeing that her friend is not in a good mood, she is very interesting to come to comfort her, but this comfort sounds a little bit...

I'm worried.

It was quite sudden.

Chiyo sat in her seat as quiet as a chicken, and she kept her mouth shut for fear that she would not be able to control what happened last night.

In fact, the replacement of Kudo Shinichi with Edogawa Conan has no effect on Chiyo. It seems that only Maorilan is absent-minded in the class. She classifies this as some careful thoughts of little girls in love.

In fact, Mao Lilan is very good-looking, and many boys like her, but this girl has always been hanging on Kudo Shinichi's body. It was nothing when the hero was there before, but the hero suddenly disappeared, causing Xiaolan's peach blossoms So they rushed out, and after a long time, Sonoko jokingly let Xiaolan kick Kudo Shinichi to see if the other party would cry directly.

It is impossible to kick. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Chiyo decided to incarnate himself as the patron saint of love between two people. As long as he is there one day, those boys who like Xiaolan don't think about it.

Mao Lilan was not stupid, and soon discovered that this new classmate seemed to have great hostility towards the boys around him.

"Qianxia sauce, you..."

Seeing the girl's hesitant expression, Chiyo felt that she had to explain, otherwise it would easily lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Although it hasn't been a long time since I turned around, I'm moved by the sincere feelings between you and Kudo-san. I've locked your CP, and I'll never spit out the key!!"


What she said was too blunt, and Mao Lilan's face turned red at the time. In fact, Sonoko's heart was not a rogue uncle. After seeing Xiaolan blushing, the expression on her face immediately became very wretched.

"Oh, there is indeed a situation!"

Originally, Chiyo still wanted to develop the other party to eat CP's candy with her, but she suddenly dismissed the idea, mainly because this guy Sonoko was too wretched.

Forget it, duck doesn't have to.

"I won't tell you! I'm going to elementary school!"

The already shy Xiaolan turned her head and walked towards the school gate. She didn't want to pay attention to the two people behind her at all, but she couldn't ignore them. These two people were rushing forward.

Chiyo's character design has already been set up this time, and she is going to play a magical fantasy in front of the scientist who is the primary school student of death, so that the other party's worldview will be completely reshaped.

"What are you doing in elementary school?"

Hearing Sonoko's question, she felt it was time to perform a real technique.

Chiyo stood directly on the spot, tugging at his fingers, "I said before that I'm a witch, let me figure out why Xiaolan is going to elementary school."

As she said that, she pretended to say a few words, and finally looked at Mao Lilan somewhat unexpectedly, "Well? Is there a new member in your family? A child?"

Chiyo really wants to admire her acting skills. She can be so blushing and heart-beating and talk a little here. Anyway, as a person who knows the whole plot, she is not panic at all.

Unexpectedly, Mao Lilan, who really said it, showed a very surprised expression, and then took Suzuki Sonoko's hand in disbelief, "That's right, a child did live in our family recently and is studying at Didan Elementary School. "

"Oh my God, Qianxia, ​​so you're really a witch? Can you help me figure out when my true destiny will appear?"


What Yuanzi is worried about is when will the real emperor appear, this girl is often a love brain.

Chiyo took a few deep breaths to make herself look more amiable, her tone completely referring to Osamu Dazai, who was very flat. At this moment, she looked like Osamu Dazai's upper body.

"Oh~ let me show you~"

She pretended to roll her eyes again and muttered a few words, and finally told the plot she knew, "Your real son will appear soon, and his force value is still very high."

"Can you be more specific?"


Then she can directly say the name of the other party, how can she be more specific, how can she be specific.

"Just... you may be in danger, and the other party is the one who saved you in danger."

About the plot of Sonoko's love, Chiyo also remembers so much. She can't remember everything about every episode of Conan for more than a thousand episodes, so her head is not going to explode.

The little girl is very longing for that kind of scene where the hero saves the beauty, so when Chiyo mentioned that her true destiny is the one who saved her from danger, Suzuki Sonoko felt that her body had begun to take on the pink constantly. colored love bubbles.

She can do it again!

Okay, it is very difficult for Xiaolan to have such a love-minded girlfriend.

Chiyo sighed heavily, and stretched out his hand and patted the other's shoulder, "Sister, I think it's difficult for you."

"Actually, I think so too."

As a good friend, Chiyo is very interested in this child who lives in Xiaolan's house, and it happens that her niece is also studying at Didan Elementary School and can pick up the child with him.

"Hey? Qianxia-chan has a niece?"

"Yes, it's my eldest brother's child. There are four children in our family."

After hearing this, Xiaolan almost didn't give a thumbs up on the spot. She felt that the other party's family was really amazing, and the triplets were already so good-looking, so the eldest son of the Mochizuki family must be the same.

Unsurprisingly, Chiyo saw Saki at the school gate with an unlovable face. Not long after she transferred to this elementary school, she was targeted by Ayumi and the others, and successfully dragged her into that small group. Also in love is the famous detective Conan, who is already seventeen years old at heart.

When she saw the primary school student of Shinigami, Chiyo successfully played the upper body, "Oh, this is the child who lived in Xiaolan's house? He looks so cute."

Saying that, she squatted down and stared at the young man with interest, and finally slowly raised the corner of her mouth, "I said, why is it so familiar, you were the one who was at the door of Dr. A Li's house before."

"Hey? Qianxia-chan has seen Conan?"

The corners of her mouth twitched again, and Chiyo glanced down at the Shinigami primary school student, and found that the other party suddenly showed a very frightened expression, as if she had guessed what she would say.

"That's right, I saw it after I came out of the playground that day. This kid was standing in front of Dr. Li's house wearing an adult's clothes. The clothes were almost as big as three of him!"

She also made some very exaggerated gestures with her hands, "It looks like a hoodie and jeans?"

Seeing that Chiyo's description became more and more like Kudo Shinichi's dressing up that day, the Shinigami primary school student suddenly screamed, "Wow! Sister Xiaolan, I'm so hungry! Let's go home quickly!!"

The author has something to say:

Reaper Elementary School Student: What did I do?

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