Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 49: spray your face with saliva

At this moment, Chiyo was lying on the bed as quiet as a chicken, without any disturbance in her heart, and she even wanted to eat a late-night snack. The thunder outside was rumbling non-stop, and it was lightning and thunder. The most terrible thing was that all these thunders struck outside the shrine.

That's right, the shrine surrounding her was crackling like a mouthful of fragrance.

It was so extreme that she hadn't slept well at night for several days.

Turning over, Chiyo's eyes widened and she stared blankly at the lightning outside the window. She sighed heavily. It was very likely that she had set up a few immortals and beasts, which caused Gao Tianyuan to vomit fragrance.

Blinking her eyes, the little girl jumped off the bed and pushed open the door to go out, only to find that everyone left the room and looked at the lightning in the sky with solemn expressions.

"It looks like you don't seem to be able to fall asleep."

With this lightning and thunder stance, if anyone can fall asleep again, it is deaf and deaf.

The whole of Kyoto is now in a state of darkness, and it seems that they must be sleeping very sweetly, and only her shrine is shining brightly above.


To the radiance of your uncle.

Chiyo was so angry that her hair was about to explode, she took out more than a dozen thunder charms and electric charms from her sleeves on the spot and began to breathe out a fragrance, "MLGB! This is really bullying people to the top of their heads, not just Do you want to be positive? Who is afraid of who! Come on!"

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that Chiyo had rolled up her sleeves and was ready to fight, Tamamo-mae grabbed her wrist and stopped her with a very serious expression.

If it was an ordinary thunder and lightning, he wouldn't care, but it had been chopped in the vicinity of the Inari Shrine for several days, which made him doubtful.

Knowing that Tamamo Mae was worried about herself, Chiyo's expression softened, "It's nothing, I'm just going to talk to the other party."


Really, just looking at this guy's current appearance, he doesn't think it's a so-called reasoning.

"Come on, you all step back, I'm afraid I'll hurt you by accident."

Chiyo is still very aware of his own abilities. If he really hurts his own people because of unreasonable things, it will be a bit of a loss.

Seeing other people taking a few steps back to make way for herself, she nodded with satisfaction, and then held a dozen spells with her hands and chanted spells in her mouth like a fairy scattered flowers. Tossed to the sky.

"I can go to you, mmp! Do you really think I'm a dry cook? A bunch of old dogs! You are the gods of Japan, and you have a relationship with me for half a dime? Be careful of my big heaven and China for 5,000 years. Language and culture, kill you in minutes!"

Chiyo is the live version of the mouth-spit fragrance, and it's the kind of rap version that doesn't need to be drafted.

The thunder and lightning in the sky were first choked by the spell thrown by Chiyo, and then stunned by the other party's freestyle. Now it is said that there is no sound at all, and the sky is clear.

Looking up at the sky where there was no more thunder and lightning, Chiyo nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, it looks like we can all have a good night's sleep, and we don't have to worry about being woken up again."

She was basically certain that no matter what she did, it was actually within the surveillance range of the old guys in Gao Tianyuan. Some of the things she did before could be closed by the other side, but this time, she placed the immortals and beasts on the shrine, and made it clear that she was deliberately demonstrating to them, so the other side thought about giving herself a disgrace first. make her feel scared.

Chiyo thought that the other party really underestimated her, and although she was cowardly, it didn't mean she was afraid of it.

Regardless of whether she is a guardian witch who can't marry, she is determined to leave this emotional line, and her child is also destined to be born, so I don't believe that the other party can really chase after her.

After a big yawn, Chiyo waved at the other big monsters handsomely, "Go! Let's go back to sleep!"

"...Why do I always feel as if the lightning and thunder disturb your sleep, so you are so excited."


Originally, Chiyo still wanted to be handsome, but she didn't expect her little abacus to be seen through in an instant before Tamamo, and she felt too embarrassed at the time.

The embarrassed little girl almost hid her face in the fox fur collar around her neck, and said in a muffled voice: "What! There's no way! Well, I'm going to bed!"

After finally getting a good night's sleep, she didn't want to waste time with Tamamo on this.

Get a good night's sleep today, and tomorrow will be another day to establish the correct three views for others.

Ah, what a beautiful day.



Since Chiyo spit out a fragrance against the sky, the lightning and thunder have never come, and it was as calm as if nothing had happened.

Counting the time, she has taught Brother Kang the idea of ​​how to be a good person for half a year, and the next thing should be done.

"Juju, do you think I should tell Brother Kang next, in fact, people and monsters can live in harmony, as long as the latter does not kill innocent people, there are also good monsters among the monsters, we can't generalize, After all, there are bad people among people.”

Before the official class, Chiyo usually asks the big guys in the family to do a trial class, and then make changes according to some suggestions they put forward. Today, she just caught Tamamo before, and she wanted to ask his opinion.

Yuzaoqian was still the same Yuzaoqian, but what the other party did still made her a little confused.

"No, Juju, why are you playing with your own hair again?"

Before the other party made a fur collar for himself and frantically brushed his hair, why did he start doing this kind of work now.

Something flashed in his mind, and Chiyo grabbed the other party directly, "Say! Do you have any other female fox outside? Are you going to use your fur to make another fur collar for the other party? "

Yuzao Qian looked at Chiyo who was suddenly excited with the mentally retarded eyes. He licked his paws and said slowly, "Mother fox? Do you think other foxes need me to make fur collars to keep them warm?"


What the other party said really made sense, and Chiyo nodded in agreement.

Okay, as long as it's not for other coquettish bitches, she doesn't care so much about the others.

But what she didn't expect was that she was the so-called coquettish bitch, and the reason why Yuzaoqian was there to brush her hair was actually to make her a hat with fox fur.


Who can bear this!

Chiyo felt that the expression on his face was particularly terrifying, otherwise Tamamo-mae couldn't have been obviously startled after seeing his expression.

A man can make a girl a hat and a fur collar, and more importantly, get his own fur.

Anyway, it's so touching, and you can even do something with each other in minutes.

Chiyo rubbed her hands together, if it wasn't for the current situation, she might have turned Tamamo Mae onto the bed.


With this hat on, she is the prettiest cub in the entire Kyoto!

The most beautiful cub can be said to be envied by Kamo Yuuki, but she is only envious, her dozen or so hairballs are not worthy of being envied by Chiyo.

"But what happened to you a few days ago, crackling every night, I came out to take a look at night and found that there were lightning and thunder near the shrine, as if it was wrapped in a barrier."


It's good not to mention this, as soon as I mention this Chiyo, my stomach is full of fire, and I almost spit it out of my mouth.

"What else could be going on, some people don't want to live a good life and want to do it."

If she is hacked to death, it is estimated that the next plot will still be the uncle burning Ping An Jing. Since Gao Tianyuan wants to do it, then think about the consequences of doing it.

Chiyo thought that her popularity was still good, so she dragged the people she knew one by one and asked what they would do if she died in vain.

"The scourge has left a thousand years, and you can't die."

Everyone said this sentence in a very unified voice, and she was so angry that she almost rolled her eyes and walked over, but Brother Kang looked at her earnestly with his head on the side, and then put down the pen in his hand.

"Of course I have to avenge my aunt. Whether it's me, my younger brother and the younger brother of Uncle Abe's family will definitely avenge my aunt."

"...Wow, nephew Kang, did you see it? These are my tears."

While moving Chiyo, he raised his head to look at the sky, but the smile on his face was very flat.

I saw Gao Tianyuan, if he killed her, the result might be a bit miserable.

"Okay, nephew, I have taught you theoretical knowledge for almost a year. Next, let's do something with technical content."

As a shrine maiden, Chiyo can be regarded as a shrine maiden since she was a child. Although she is gifted, it is more than enough to act like a teacher. Otherwise, she spent so long in the Yin-Yang Liao, I am afraid it is not in vain.

"Nephew, you have the ability to see ghosts since you were a child. We must make good use of this."


When I heard that there was going to be some technical teaching, Yuan Laikang could be said to be extremely happy, but after all, the child was still young, and he didn't know Chiyo's tricks at all.

So he watched with excitement as Chiyo took out a book called [The Complete Book of Spells] and [The Handbook of Seals] from his arms.


Sorry, he doesn't seem to understand.

"Onmyoji must force a long series of incantations before he starts, and sometimes he needs to seal the seal. If he takes a small step wrong, it may cause extremely serious consequences. Come on, we have to memorize this first. down."

Looking at Chiyo's serious donkey source Lai Kang, Tamamo before almost laughed outright, but it was undeniable that the other party's words were not unreasonable.

In Yuan Laikang's heart, this Chiyo is almost omnipotent. Generally, she believes everything she says, isn't it just two books, he can't memorize them?

The so-called good memory is not as good as bad writing, he is going to copy it a few times first.

"Juju, Brother Kang is such a good boy."

Chiyo walked to Tamamo before and stood beside her. Now she has grown to the height of Tamamo's shoulders. It can be said that the two of them are very pleasing. Everything has changed.


Brother Guo, who was almost a year old, was so excited after seeing Chiyo, he was so excited that he spit at her.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tamamo before, who was on the side, burst into laughter.

The author has something to say:

Sorry! ! I had a headache last night and went to sleep and forgot to update! ! Make up make up!

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