The outside world was discussing Yang Chan fiercely, and the Mouse Channel suddenly became popular.

The number of people online on the platform directly exceeded the historical record.

Yang Pray, on the other hand, was ready to leave the console.

He didn't even know when the next start would be, so he had better get out quickly.

Quickly walked down the stairs and through the door


As he walked out, the electronic door closed again.

It seemed that it would close automatically as long as there was no one inside.

Then, Yang Yan looked far away.

Well, he couldn't see anything.

Because this place is in a trench more than 8,000 meters under the sea. , the light cannot shine through here.

Fortunately, there are no large creatures here.

The smaller the creatures, the stronger their survivability. He found a direction and kept walking forward.

Now that he had the Water Control Technique, he didn't have to worry about the air or anything like that.

He even looked down at the situation on the diving suit. Shown here is the information

CO2 content 89.%……

It's all carbon dioxide here.

Although carbon dioxide will also exist on the seabed, the content will not be very high.

This refreshed his understanding.

He didn't know how many meters he walked, and he didn't feel much pressure, as if he was walking on flat ground.

There was darkness all around, and you couldn't even see your fingers when you stretched out your hand.

This feeling made him unhappy.

It's like walking in an abyss, and you may be swallowed by darkness at any time.

There was no light to illuminate his way forward.

However, just as he was thinking this, Yang Chan seemed to see a light

"This is the luster of metal!"

He raised his brows and seemed to have discovered something!

The light of pure metal was very dazzling.

Now when the light from Yang Pray shines through, it is reflected back very far away.

This is almost impossible on the bottom of the sea.

It can be done. When this happens, the metal is definitely very good and the material is excellent

"It's like a baby was born, such a strong light"

"It blinded my 24K pure gold eyes"

"I found the treasure. Host, hurry up and get there."

"The treasure of Atlantis!"

"No, they are left by aliens, and they are preparing to conquer the earth!"

"Do you think aliens are friendly or bad?"


For a moment, everyone was excited.

Originally, the water friends could hardly even see Yang Chan's figure clearly.

But now a strong light suddenly appeared in front of them, which immediately cheered them up.

Yang Chan also hurried over with brisk steps.

It didn't take long for him to get close to the place where the light source was reflected.

I saw a huge piece of metal in front of me. It was dilapidated, but still shiny.

"It is a huge piece of metal, the same metal as the previous unknown object."

Yang Chan reached out and touched it.

"What kind of metal is this?"

"This metal has been on the seabed for so long without any change?"

"It looks different from today’s metal, its luster is so beautiful"

"I guarantee that anything made from this metal will be absolutely beautiful!"

Yang Yan was also very curious. He rubbed his hand on this piece of metal. It was extremely smooth and there was no burden on the diving suit.

This is definitely a metal that humans have not mastered at this stage.

It is very likely that it cannot be found in the world now.

Or rather There was no way to use it.

It was conceivable that this civilization was either extremely technologically advanced or just lucky. Soon

, Yang Yan thought it was the latter because he quickly found other buildings nearby.

Many of them are stone buildings, but the workmanship is extremely perfect.

The round, square, water chestnut, and others are all made perfectly.

Yang Yan originally thought that everything in this civilization was perfect. It's the kind of metal it's made of

"It seems that this civilization is not very developed."

He said this.

Except for larger buildings, other small things have long been worn away by time.

This makes him a little regretful, and it seems that he can't find anything good.

If this civilization is very developed, it will not embrace There is no need to make reasonable use of such good metal resources.

Yang Chan thought to himself, and he didn't know if his speculation was correct. It was like a neodymium man wearing a light gauze skirt in front of him. , he is slowly uncovering... until he sees its complete and complete secrets

"This should be a city with a lot of buildings, but the damage is very serious. Apart from those geographical disasters, I can't think of anything else that can cause such a big impact."

Yang Chan said with some pity.

These buildings have been destroyed, so that he doesn't even know what their original function was.

"I'm not sure if this is Atlantis either."

He found that this city is very big.

Compared with the current first-class cities in China, it is definitely not small.

Although, he has not visited the entire city yet.

"This civilization is very huge."

"I don’t know if there are many people, but there are indeed many buildings."

"Why are they all stone buildings?"

"It's a pity that all of these buildings are in disrepair. If one is preserved intact, we can know what the civilization's buildings at that time looked like and what level they were."

"This discovery is tantamount to the nuclear bomb dropped by the US military on Hiroshima at that time!"


The water friends in the live broadcast room were getting more and more shocked.

Now there are countless old professors, historians, archaeologists, etc....

No one is not curious about this civilization hidden countless meters under the sea.

No one can restrain this curiosity.

Whether it's Atlantis or an alien civilization or whatever.

It will definitely shock the world

"There are more and more buildings nearby."

This city is just an underwater ruin, but Yang Chan is still very interested.

Moreover, he feels that there are more and more stones around.

This means that there are definitely more buildings in this area at that time.

According to modern concepts, maybe Approaching the center? And it had been several hours since he first saw the piece of metal.

He couldn't even imagine how big this city was.

It's normal.

After all, this civilization is very strange.

It has even built things like fortresses that want to surf on the bottom of the sea.

It doesn't matter if the city is bigger.

However, their technology tree seems to be distorted in daily life.

On the other hand, there was no breakthrough in science and technology.

At least Yang Chan didn't see any technological supplies in the ruins.

Didn't people at that time pursue a better quality of life? different

"This seems to be a square."

He pondered for a moment, and then said.

Then...his eyes were attracted by a huge thing.

It's in the middle of the square!

(I'm exhausted from crazy coding these days. There will be an update today. Please vote for something. Right~ Click to subscribe automatically, there are less than ten pitifully now... and many people don’t seem to follow up, which is tiring)

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