When salvaging sunken ships from the seabed, the most important thing is to have strong physical and mental qualities and a perseverance.

Just like now, Yang Chan kept moving forward on the seabed with a metal detector.

Although I was curious about the underwater scene at first, it became boring after a while.

Even the audience members are a little bored.

However, Yang Chan still relied on his knowledge and eloquence to explain to them.

"This is a poached egg jellyfish……"

"Yes, it looks like a poached egg"

"This is……"

With such laborious words, Yang Chan could not stay at the bottom of the sea for long.

Of course, he basically kept going up there every hour.

Then record all the areas you have searched.

In this way, the live broadcast is not boring.

Although most people have been to aquariums, marine museums, etc.

But this is the real seabed.

It's not the kind that people watch.

The dangers on the bottom of the sea have also made all water lovers aware of them.

Although the sea is huge and beautiful, it is also full of countless crises

"The anchor's knowledge is really rich. Did he study oceanography in college?"

"Biology is pretty much the same, but where is oceanography?……"

"But the host’s equipment is so good that he can still talk casually under the sea."

"Talk about the rich second generation anchor……"

Everyone joked and then looked at the gorgeous species.

Fortunately, there are many species on the seabed.

There are all kinds of marine life that you have never seen before.


"What is that gray and white fish?"

Needless to say, Yang Yan was also attracted by the huge thing in front of him.

In fact, he couldn't tell how big it was.

It was probably only a little more than two meters.

But it was very big, enough to feed a family for more than half a month?

"Is this a speartail fish?"

Yang Chan's uncertain voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"What is a speartail fish?"

"Is it famous? The anchor didn’t even confirm it……"

"Damn it! I went to Qiandu and found out if this was really a speartail fish, the anchor posted it"

"What is it?

Meng Jie:"Spear-tailed fish is called this because its tail fin is almost in the shape of a spear-like three-lobed tail.""

"Of course, it is famous because it is the only species of the family Coelacanthidae, so it is called a"living fossil" on the sea floor. It was once thought that this creature became extinct more than 200 million years ago."

"According to data, there are no more than five examples of it being captured in the world. The first time was in 1938, and the most recent one was in 1998. Anchors have become more developed!"

Shen Mengjie was really excited at this time.

She never thought that Yang Chan's luck would be so good.

This is really pure luck.

The living fossil on the seabed is the only extant lobe-finned fish, and the entire data record has only been discovered by humans. Only four times.

But after the popular science of Shen Mengjie, everyone knew the power of the speartail fish.

When that big number came down, water friends went crazy! ah!

"Streamers, grab it!"

"Grab it and become famous, you will be the headline tomorrow!"

"How much could this big guy sell for if he caught it?"

"I’m afraid all museums are following this trend.……"

Yang Pra was also a little moved.

Living fossils on the seabed are impossible for ordinary people to touch even if they come here.

But, this guy is too big.

It's two meters long and weighs at least 90 kilograms. And it's still on its home court. Yang Yan doesn't know if he can succeed.

Moreover, the speartail fish is characterized by its large head and wide mouth.

Those sharp teeth look very scary.

However, Yang Pra still took action.

He swam to the back of the spear-tailed fish at an extremely fast speed, and then fell directly on the back of the spear-tailed fish as if he were riding a horse.

This naturally angered the speartail fish, and it wanted to get rid of him like crazy.

However, Yang Chan hugged it firmly from behind.

This scene was naturally filmed, which made the water friends who watched the live broadcast sweat.

They were all joking and never really thought that Yang Chan would catch him.

After all, the speartail fish is not that little guy.

At this time, the spear-tailed fish led Yang Pray across the seabed, performing various difficult 'actions'.

Soon, under the entanglement between the two parties, the spear-tailed fish simply accepted its fate.

He couldn't get rid of him anyway, so he took Yang Pray and swam quite a distance under the sea.

Tired it all out.

Later, Yang Pray carefully caught it on the fishing boat.

This is due to his great strength and good physique.

If it were someone with a weaker physique, the spear-tailed fish would just sleep on the bottom of the sea forever after what it did.

Then, Yang Yan began to prepare the next home of the speartail fish.

Speartail fish generally inhabit the deep sea between 90-200 meters, and the deepest can reach 700 meters.

If you really put him on the boat to bask in the sun, he will definitely die soon.

Only then did he have time to take a look at the situation in the live broadcast room

"6666, anchor vs. speartail fish!"

"The anchor is so developed!"

"Damn it, this live broadcast room has been occupied by the aquarium boss!"

"Does the anchor intend to sell the speartail fish? Please contact me if interested!"

"Hello anchor, I am the person in charge of the Magic City Aquarium. Our aquarium wants to cooperate with you.……"

"I am the person in charge of Hong Kong Aquarium……"

At the same time, the gifts in the live broadcast room never stopped

"Congratulations to the host, Mengjie rewards this live broadcast room for being a super rocket……"

"Congratulations to the host……"

Meng Jie said:"Host, if you have any questions about the speartail fish, please contact me!"


Yang Chan didn't expect that the live broadcast room would be so crazy.

This is just a speartail fish.

However, this also proved that his choice was right.

The moment the speartail fish appeared in his live broadcast room, he received a lot of attention.

At this time, everyone wanted to fight over each other to get the spear-tailed fish from Yang Yan.

Many rich people even made their own bids

"The host Da Da, bought it at a fixed price of two million!"

"Two million? Are you thinking about shit? Bought it for five million!"

"Six million……"

The audience in the live broadcast room has long been stunned...

The anchor seemed to have become a millionaire overnight!

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