Shipwreck on the bottom of the sea!

This was not the first time that Yang Chan had seen a sunken ship on the seabed. He had been looking for a sunken ship on the seabed in the South China Sea for a long time.

However, he is still interested now.

So he took the initiative to let go of the sand tiger shark.

Perhaps sensing that he was difficult to deal with, Shahusha also glanced at Yang Chan warily.

The fierce little eyes seemed to reveal a look of unwillingness.

But it didn't dare to rush over like before.

It is true that I am exhausted.

Therefore, the sand tiger shark simply gave up this prey and looked for other prey.

Yang Chan ignored it and swam directly towards the sunken ship.

He came to the side of the ship and saw a very broken flag, but it was flying under the influence of the ocean current.

There's a skull painted on it

"This is a pirate ship?"

Yang Chan said immediately.

It seems very possible.

This gradually overlaps with the pirate ship in his impression.

And they are all in the style of the Age of Discovery.

At that time, pirates were very numerous and popular professions.

As long as you rob the fleet, you can have something. Money and women. It

's completely suitable for those who can't make it.

If you can't join the king's fleet, then join the captain...

Moreover, pirates were all over the world, including the Caribbean, the Baltic Sea and so on.

Some would even go to the western powers to rob them.

In Yang Yan's opinion, this pirate ship was the kind of bold one that came directly to the Atlantic Ocean.

"Pirate Ship?"

"Can you see the pirates?"

"You can only see the dead bodies of the pirates……"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Pirates, in modern times, are a profession that many people fantasize about.

Maybe it's its danger and romance that make many people who feel trapped yearn for it.

Otherwise, the Pirates of the Caribbean series wouldn't be so popular.

Then, Yang Chang boarded the ship. corpse.

There were corpses everywhere.

And it's well preserved.

Just a little rotten.

Yang Chan glanced over and saw that they were basically the bodies of pirates.

And it was extremely brutal. Some had broken hands, some had broken legs, and some even had half of their heads cut off.

The pirate ship was also extremely damaged.

There were many large holes in the planks and bottom of the boat.

It seems that it experienced a big battle when it was on the sea, and was attacked by other regular navy and the like with cannonballs from that time.

So it was sunk directly, and the people who died were also very tragic.

Fortunately, after such a long time, even the blood stains on the deck have turned dark.

"Damn, what a fierce battle happened here"

"This is not called fighting, this is called massacre……"

"We won’t encounter a ghost ship again, right? I really admire you, you dare to come up here"

"Ghost ship, don't be scary……


This reminds water friends of the original ghost ship scene.

But this time it was obviously not that scary.

There was no deep green light or scary sound.

Yang Pra came to the cabin.

He saw several boxes, and when he opened them, they were all filled with gold.

Gold is very dazzling even on the bottom of the sea. It shines so brightly that the water friends in the live broadcast room took a deep breath.

Yang Cunren didn't say much, so he must have taken them all.

That's what pirates are like.

The colonists plundered gold from the Americas, and then the pirates took it directly from the colonists.

Simply eliminating the most troublesome step...

This made the Western powers at that time hate pirates, and they would execute them if caught.

Can you not be angry that all the gold you worked so hard to dig was stolen by pirates, and they also killed people and robbed ships?

Yang Chan likes this kind of pirate ship the best, and it's the kind that hasn't been discovered by anyone.

Then, Yang Chan saw a disheveled male corpse and a neodymium corpse in a room.

It seems that it is self-evident what was happening at that time.

And before they could react, the ship was sunk.


"Being a pirate is pretty cool"

"Is this the real Caribbean series?"

"66666 upstairs"

"The sudden driving hit my waist."

Nothing was gained.

He came to a room that was suspected to be the captain's room.

He was cautious. He still remembered the first time he encountered a ghost ship.

No one knew whether there would be anything weird about this sunken ship on the seabed.

Therefore, Yang Chan was very worried. Be careful.

He searched in the captain's room and found an extremely damaged piece of parchment.

Things like this are usually of great value.

It is still owned by the captain.

On the pirate ship, the captain's words mean everything.

And the captain must be the most vicious person, so it must be extremely precious to keep it.

, and then searched again before returning to the sea.

He turned off the live broadcast and started researching by himself.

This made the water friends in the live broadcast room accustomed to only finding things live and not revealing the clues..

This made many people with ulterior motives in the live broadcast room feel uncomfortable.

He took out the rented yacht, ate and rested, and took out the parchment.

Although it was very broken, the bottom of the sea was intact.

Oxygen environment, the preservation is pretty good.

It's just that the handwriting is a little unclear.

Yang Yan tried his best to compare it, and then translated the words above.

This was a record of what he had encountered before.

Miraculous things.

He said that he saw an underwater city and a huge statue, but it quickly disappeared.

He thought it was his hallucination, but he still recorded it and planned to continue to see it on the ocean.

There are legends of treasures everywhere, and almost every pirate with a dream comes here for these treasures, such as pirate ship treasures, seabed treasures, gold mines...

Pirates are such a profession, and they will naturally believe in them.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, they all think it is true.

Some pirates are really dedicated to this purpose, so even if they think they are hallucinating, they still record the location.

Undersea city? Statue of God? If you are lucky, it might be the ruins of Atlantis.

Of course, it is also possible.

It's not a loss for civilization.

Undersea civilization is a huge asset anyway.

And why does this pirate captain come here again? You know, there are countless regular navies and armies of Western powers.

No matter how powerful the pirates are, they don't dare to act arrogantly here.

So, it might be nearby.

Yang Yan immediately began to analyze the outlines of several countries that were close to the sea at that time...

Lu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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