At the same time, almost immediately, there was a latest news in all major news sections.

Tengxun News"The luckiest man of this century, explorer Yang Chan!""

UC News"Shocked!! The goddess of luck favors him, a twenty-two-year-old young treasure hunter!"

China News" Young treasure hunter Yang Chan takes us to appreciate the glory of hundreds of years ago!"

Tabloid" The secrets that the luckiest explorer Yang Yan and his classmates have to tell……》


These news almost always hit the headlines immediately.

The Internet age is an information age.

As soon as there is some explosive news, everyone will know it instantly.

And the pictures that accompany these news are all the same ones that countless people have taken screenshots of.

‘The back of the fully armed Yang Pray, and that huge thing, Zheng He's treasure ship!


Chen Jiasheng is a programmer.

After working overtime every day, I finally had a rest, so naturally I just watched some news and had some fun to relax.

But he usually looked at pictures that could relax him, but now he saw a piece of news.

A man in a high-tech diving suit, and a Big Mac behind him!

This immediately aroused his curiosity

"Damn it! Zheng He’s treasure ship! Comparable to a destroyer!"

"Or live broadcast?"

"I am truly a lucky man...Why am I not so lucky?"

As an otaku, he naturally yearns for this kind of adventurous life in his heart.

It's just that he can't move.

So, when he saw the news, he immediately paid attention to Yang Chan's live broadcast room!

Like him, there are thousands of others People.

They saw the headlines through various channels and then gathered in this live broadcast room.

Because what Yang Yan did was something that most people wanted to do but didn’t do it for various reasons.

Who didn’t? Have you ever imagined it? But how many people can endure it when they actually step out of the steel-made city? So , Yang Chan’s live broadcast became popular! There are a lot of new female fans


At this time, Yang Chan was talking to Shen Mengjie.

And an agreement was quickly reached.

Yang will be given money to pray for based on the estimated value of Zheng He's treasure ship.

I will never be greedy for him.

This naturally made Yang Chan very satisfied.

So, he sent the coordinates to Shen Mengjie.

He also knows now that Shen Mengjie's background is quite extensive.

After Shen Mengjie received the coordinates, she excitedly told her grandfather

"Grandpa, you can’t let Yang Pra suffer."

"I know, I know……"

Mr. Shen was also very helpless.

However, he will definitely not let this young man Yang Chan suffer.

"Grandpa, I want to go too"

"Nonsense, is life so easy on the sea?"


"Alright alright."

In the end, Mr. Shen couldn't stand Shen Mengjie's coquettishness and agreed to take her with him.

Then, they set off directly.

At the same time, the whole of China also started to move, and a naval fleet sailed directly towards Yang Chan.

This is China's item, so it must be well protected.

This can be regarded as the biggest news of this century. I'm sure other countries will be jealous...

At this time, no one in the live broadcast room is clamoring to buy it like last time..

This is impossible... and Yang Yan gradually recovered.

He was still very excited, because this was a very important step for him, because he finally took a look at his exploration. Click.

2100 points.

Then he opened the system mall, and the contents inside made him speechless.

【Intact as ever elixir: It can restore any injuries. It requires 100 exploration points to purchase.】

【Zhuyan Dan...Purchase requires 500 exploration points】

【Water Dividing Technique: After practice, you can wave your arms and fingers wherever there is water...Purchase requires 2000 exploration points】

【Turtle Breath Technique: A technique used by Qi practitioners in the pre-Qin period. Practicing it can prolong life. Purchasing requires 10,000 exploration points.】

【Human survival base in the super-civilized era...Purchase requires medicine and 2,000,000 exploration points. 】

At this moment, Yang Pra felt that his exploration points were not enough at all.

The things that can be purchased are extremely rare.

Moreover, the system mall really has everything you need.

There were some things that he couldn't even imagine, so he felt that the world was becoming more and more mysterious.

Sometimes, it’s really just that you don’t discover enough.

This also aroused Yang Pra's sense of adventure and curiosity.

He wanted to know how many secrets the world held.

Just like Zheng He's treasure ship this time, and the spirit before.

These are things that science cannot explain.

After resting, Yang Chan also put on a full face mask again.

"Now, let’s take a look inside Zheng He’s treasure ship."

Yang Chan said and swam directly to the bottom of the sea.

Although he could directly take Zheng He's treasure ship into the system space.

But with so many people watching, if it really disappeared for him, they would definitely doubt him.

Moreover, the treasure The reason why it is valuable is because it is for sale. Of course, Yang Yan will not hand it over for nothing.

Now he wants to do it in front of everyone in the live broadcast room. Take a look at the value of Zheng He's treasure ship.

In this way, even China couldn't suppress the price.

Soon Yang Yan saw Zheng He's treasure ship again, and then swam directly up.

As for how he found this treasure ship, Hua Xia had already discovered it. He used his strength to explain it to him. He said that it was because of the special flow of water on the seabed that he happened to hit it. This also confirmed his reputation of good luck.

It made many people feel that he was really favored by the goddess of luck.

Flowers and tickets, 嘘嘘嘤)

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