The 'door' of the wooden house, let's call it a door, is actually just a hole.

But the hole was very big, and Yang Chan could get in as long as he lowered his head.

Generally speaking, for wooden houses built on trees, you basically have to bend down to get in, and you have just enough space to lie down inside.

After all, we are in a tree, so the requirements cannot be too high.

"It can be inferred from this that the height of the savage is at least 2.34 meters."

Yang Chan said.

Combined with the previous footprints, it's almost the same.

It's much bigger than Yang Chan's feet.

A person's body is big, and his feet will naturally be bigger.

Otherwise, he won't even be able to stand still.

The savages are still To survive in the primeval forest, you have to have small feet.

"Isn't the anchor like a primary school student facing a college student in front of the savages?"

"It would be funny if the savages come back at night, big eyes and small eyes……"

"Haha, I can’t imagine that scenario anymore"

"Do you think the savages are male or female?……"

"The car is coming and it's speeding."

Yang Pra's head is full of black lines.

This year's water friends are very bad.

"This situation does not exist."

Yang Pra covered his mouth and nose with his hands.

"There is a layer of dust here, and there are no obvious marks. It has obviously been abandoned for a long time."

Yang Chan said, pointing to the situation inside the wooden house.

The camera captured the picture very clearly, with a thick layer of dust.

The water friends in the live broadcast room had the urge to clean up after seeing it.

Moreover, the camera was extremely high-definition, and even the spider webs could not be seen. You can see all the little spiders clearly


"This spider is so disgusting"

"This house must have been abandoned for a long time, otherwise the spiders wouldn't be able to build so many webs."

"Maybe it was raised by savages? It's okay, I just ate it in one bite"

"Mouth area!"

Since Yang Chan decided to rest here, he naturally had to clean it himself.

The dust was so thick that it could form cinders, which almost made him give up.

It took him an hour to find it habitable.

Cobwebs and other things were naturally also caught by him. Cleaned up.

He didn't want to have a close encounter with a spider at night.

There was a bundle of branches in the wooden house, which seemed to be used by the savage to rest his head.

Naturally, he threw it away. There were better ones in his system space. of

"Okay, it's finally ready for people to live in."

Yang Chan exhaled.

Seeing that Yang Chan had finished cleaning up, the water friends in the live broadcast room also came back to their senses.

Although they had been cleaning up, they watched it with gusto.

Every detail of the savage's homemade wooden house on the tree was covered by them. finish watching

"This wooden house is still very sturdy. I want to try it out after sleeping for one night. It would be good to live in a place like this. Every day I wake up, it is green and green."

"This was my childhood dream, to have a tree house"

"The anchor can be considered an achievement and even slept in a savage’s cabin."

"Shocked, an adventure anchor actually broadcast a live broadcast of Sleeping Savage...Wooden House"

"The man upstairs is too naughty and will be hung up and beaten."

After finishing, Yang Chan had dinner again, and then ended the day's live broadcast.

Then, he took out the pillow he had prepared before from the system space and got ready to rest comfortably.

He had prepared a lot of things before, including daily necessities. few


The next day, Yang Chan woke up from his sleep and almost fell.

He had forgotten that he was sleeping in a wooden house in the tree.

After having breakfast, he turned on the live broadcast.

Even in the early morning, there were still many viewers in the live broadcast room.

Tuoba Goudan:"Anchor, what does it feel like to sleep in a wooden house?"

This is a very novel experience, and everyone in the live broadcast room is very curious.

"A feeling that it could fall off at any moment."

Yang Chan said with a smile.

He couldn't remember how many times he woke up during the night.

Although the savage was larger and the wooden house was more spacious,

Yang Chan was still not used to it.

When he was lying down to sleep, he could roll left and right, naturally several times. I almost fell off once

"Ha ha!"

"I really want to experience it"

"The anchor should dismantle this and take it away."

"It’s enough to experience it once, and I’m going to continue on the road. Yang

Chan looked at the barrage and said with a smile.

"The wooden houses where the savages once lived are all here, and they must not be too far from the current location."

Of course, this is just a guess.

Yang Pray doesn't know where the savages are.

He only knows that the savages are very cautious and have not been caught by people in the past hundred years.

Maybe he has been looking for them, but he can't find any trace of the savages..

In short, Yang Yan didn’t have high hopes.

He saw many bears, including brown bears and white bears, as if he had entered Bear Mountain.

"《Everyone should be aware of the"Book of Mountains and Seas", which once recorded Xiong Mountain."

Yang Pray hid in a distant place and peeked at a white bear.

Like other creatures in Shennongjia, it was obviously albino.

Most of the hair on its body was white.

Generally speaking, white bear refers to a polar bear. But obviously, the white bear in Shennongjia is more powerful than the polar bear.

Its size and height are much larger than that of the polar bear, so that Yang Chan doesn't dare to get close and can only watch from this distance.

"Although the location of Xiong Mountain is not marked, it is speculated that it is inside Shennongjia."

Yang Chan said in a low voice.

It also made the water friends in the live broadcast room understand.

Even the book"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" has recorded the Xiong Mountain in Shennongjia.

There is something about it.

《There are many strange things in"The Classic of Mountains and Seas", but most of them are fictitious.

After that, Yang Chan encountered many bears along the way.

Yang Chan naturally stayed away.

With his strength, there is only one end for a head-on confrontation with a creature like a bear.

That is to be beaten to a pulp.

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