Soon, the savages came to a place with their trophies.

There are rocky hills all around and other cover.

Moreover, there is a cave not far away.

But the savage did not go to the cave, but went directly to a place where branches were piled up.

The branches were carefully moved away, and a hidden cave was revealed.

Very smart!

Yang Chan watched his movements from a distance until the savage entered the hidden cave and moved the branches back to completely block it.

The main thing is that there are many such branches around, so they are not noticeable.

On the contrary, that cave is the easiest to discover.

Even if a creature comes, it must go to that cave to rest.

If Yang Chan hadn't followed the savage all the way, he might have thought that the savage had hid in the cave.

However, Yang Pra did not follow rashly at this time.

But resting.

The Savage is too fast.

In the jungle, the wild man is like the chosen one.

If Yang Yan's physique hadn't been strengthened, he really wouldn't be able to keep up.

This also shocked the water friends in the live broadcast room

"The anchor's physical fitness is too strong"

"Even national-level athletes can’t reach this level, right?"

"Steady following the savage without being discovered, this is awesome"

"It seems that becoming a successful explorer is definitely not an accident."

"Maybe the anchor is the Son of the Wind……"

Tuoba Goudan:"A stone hammer, a man like the wind"

"Just be happy."

Yang Chan received a lot of information at this time, including information from various biologists and search teams.

Mr. Shen also sent him a message.

"Yang Pray, the higher-ups have sent people to Shennongjia. Try your best to stabilize the barbarians."

The research value of the savages is still very high.

Therefore, when they knew that Yang Chan had found the savages, people naturally set out.

And the speed was extremely fast.

For these scientific researchers, nothing is more important than this Got it

"This is my credit."

Yang Chan frowned and replied

"Don't worry, you can ask for anything"

"I think if you achieve such a feat again, you can make a request to the higher ups."

Mr. Shen was also filled with emotion.

He knew from the last time they met that Yang Chan was not a thing in the pond.

Sure enough, just a short time later, it caused a sensation across China again.

And it was no less than the last time.

As you can imagine, The news caused by Yang Chan will definitely have a terrifying effect like an earthquake.

Those who are interested in Yang Chan are naturally happy and regretful.

However, the name Yang Chan has become a household name in a short period of time. It was on the headlines for the first time, and it was news that people couldn't help but click on.

Maybe it wasn't attractive? Yang Yan also nodded.

It seemed that China would not let him suffer. Then, he was ready to go in and take a look.

"I want to go into the cave."

Yang Chan walked towards the hidden cave.

He looked around and found that there were no other dangerous creatures.

"The savage is badly hurt, and I will try to save him."

Yang Chan has prepared a lot of medical items in his system space.

Moreover, he can naturally do simple bandaging.

Now that the savage is closely related to his honor, he has to go in and take a look even if he takes the risk.

Yang Chan's actions are naturally The water friends felt nervous, but they felt that he was a real man.

They received countless gifts.

Now the water friends had only this way to express their support.

Yang Yan moved to block the hole. tree branch, and then carefully walked in.

After the camera followed him, he blocked the entrance of the hole again. Flashlight.

There were branches in the cave, but Yang Yan quickly found the direction of the savage by following the blood stains.


After walking for a while, Yang Chan heard the voice of the savage.

And he also made the sound of footsteps.


The savage naturally heard it, and then roared.

Although the savage could not speak, his voice could express his emotions.

Yang Yan and the water friends who heard it immediately knew what he meant.

That was a warning..

Don't go any further.

Soon, Yang Chan's figure came out, but he was not the only one who saw the savage fighting with the bear. The savage and the three little savages had thick hair and their key parts were tied up.

At this time, the female savage was healing the savages from unknown sources. , obviously took two bites, and then smeared it on the wound randomly.

The three little savages were next to a fire, seemingly preparing to burn their food.


Seeing Yang Yan appear, these savages naturally roared.

And each one looked at him angrily, but did not act rashly.

Maybe they were surprised.

Yang Yan was different from the creatures they had seen before.

He even looked a bit like them.

Well, as long as Yang Chan had hair all over his body, he would indeed be similar. The injured savage might be the little savage's father. He stood up regardless of the wound and looked at him.

The expression is very fierce, and the threat in the eyes is also very strong

"Damn it, it’s a family of savages!"

"It’s over, the anchor won’t be eaten by savages, right?……"

"There are actually five savages, so be sure to hold on!!!"

"Crazy, anchor should run away quickly? I looked at the old savage's eyes as if he wanted to kill the anchor."

"The anchor won’t be scared to death, right? Move quickly!"

The friends in the water looked anxiously at Yang Chan's motionless figure.

If he hadn't stood there calmly and his legs didn't shake obviously, they would have thought that Yang Chan had been frightened.

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