However, Yang Pra's physical fitness is very good at this time.

Ordinary people might come up to take a rest, but he came right up and was very relaxed.

"This sound is beautiful, and it seems to be getting closer and closer."

Yang Chan also listened with his eyes closed for a while.

It was really like a band playing.

Moreover, as he came up, the sound got closer and closer.

"It's really wonderful, a bit fantasy"

"Anchor, let’s go in and have a look."

"It would be funny if there was a radio……"

"Be careful!"


Yang Chan opened his eyes and walked into the earth castle.

The earth castle occupies at least one-third of the size of this ancient city.

Naturally, there is no wooden door here, just a hole the size of a portal.

Yang Chan walked in. The lights inside were dim and filled with dust.

The wind doesn't seem to be able to blow in.

There was no radio inside, and he didn't know where the sound came from.


Not even a hole.

That's true. I really need something.���, and it was taken away long ago when the original owner moved out.

Even if it is not taken away, it will be taken away by others later.

Anyway, it is impossible to leave it to Yang Pra.

The camera turned on the flashlight so that Yang Chan could see more clearly.

It was full of dust. Because the wind couldn't blow in, the dust naturally accumulated.

However, the castle is very solid, and even if there are slight cracks in the earthen wall, it will not have any impact.

"Doesn’t it seem like a natural phenomenon?"

Yang Pray said doubtfully.

"I can't find the source of the sound either."

He looked around and looked up. He didn't know where the sound came from.

Because there was no direction.

The sound seemed to appear directly in his ears.

Moreover, it gradually changed at this time.

Live broadcast The water friends in the room are also the same. There is sound on both channels and I can't distinguish it.

"Damn it, why did the voice change?"

"got windy? I heard the roar of the hurricane"

"I heard it too, it seems you are not alone!"

"It’s over, host, run away quickly!"

"there is a problem!"

Yang Chan naturally heard the change, and he felt it was very appropriate.

He approached the door, and the wind started blowing up the dust in the room. He quickly held his breath.

Breathing skills are very powerful at this time. It would be okay even if he held it in for a long time.

Yang Chan was ready to go out because the dust inside was too heavy, but he stopped when he came outside.

"Damn it!"

The anger he was holding was also released.

Because before, the weather was calm and sunny, and the sun was shining high, but it immediately changed.

At this time, there were flying sand and rocks, the sky was dark, and the whole world seemed to have changed, as if the sky was falling.!

And the beautiful music turned into all kinds of weird sounds.


"hold head high!"

Various sounds, like the braying of donkeys, the roar of tigers and the roar of dragons, appeared in Yang Chan's ears.

There seemed to be sad whimpering, and a woman's smile...

Then the wind suddenly rose, black clouds pressed down, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and everything was blurred......The entire ancient city was shrouded in hazy darkness.

This change happened the moment Yang Chan entered.

At this time, he thought of the scene in the movie and walked through the door. , and entered another world.

He was wondering if he was in another world, but he soon knew that he was overthinking it, because Yang Chan walked back and forth through the door, and the scene outside was still there.

On his body, he used his breath technique to try to keep the wind and sand away from him.

"What's happening here?"

"The anchor is stunned? Why wear it back and forth!"

"It’s over, so eerie and terrifying! There can't be any ghosts!"

"Speaking of ghosts, I think of the second half of this year... Wait, there has always been a legend of the Devil City in the desert!"

"It’s over, the anchor has entered the Devil’s City!"

Devil City, you will know its meaning just by listening to the name.

There has always been a legend of Devil City in the deserts of the Western Regions.

However, the original legendary Devil City was Urho Fengcheng, which is a typical Yadan landform.

It is definitely not what you see in front of you. This ancient city.

However, there are too many ancient cities in the desert, and it is inevitable that there will be many strange things...

Yang Chan did not panic in his heart, because he knew that it was not dangerous because the system did not give any warning when he encountered it in the ghost ship. If there is a devil , the system will probably jump out immediately, right

? He was in a hurry to get out. Instead, he retreated into the house and started waiting. The devil was scary, but so were the people. It would be funny if someone attacked him at this time.

"Let's wait here."

Yang Chan said in a low voice.

He didn't dare to open his mouth wide for fear of eating a mouthful of yellow sand.

"The anchor has a big heart, he dares to stay in such a scary place"

"Otherwise, would you still dare to go out?"

"You might get lost or be blown away by the wind when you go out. You can't see clearly. How do you get there? You can hide here for a while"

"There can't be a devil, right?"

"Maybe right behind the anchor……"

"Don't be scary, Mad!"

"I dare not watch the live broadcast anymore, you are all evil people."

Some timid people in the live broadcast room are hesitant to close the live broadcast room.

But they are also very curious.

Curiosity scares cats to death, even if they know they may be scared, they are unwilling to leave.

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