Yang Chan left the ancient city and found the off-road vehicle.

Fortunately, the sandstorm in the ancient city did not affect the off-road vehicle. If the off-road vehicle broke down here, it would be difficult for Yang Chan.

It will be extremely difficult to walk in Lop Nur on foot.

Moreover, the sun is very bright now.

After leaving the ancient city, Yang Chan felt that the sun could kill someone.

Her hair was so hot from the sun that it looked as if it would burn at any moment.

Even with Yang Chan's physique, he was almost sweating.

A normal person would probably have suffered from heatstroke long ago, and the sweat on his body keeps flowing down, taking away a lot of water from the body and consuming more water resources.

This is also the reason why Lop Nur is difficult. There is no shade here.

If someone is hiking in Lop Nur and does not get out quickly, there will be no end in sight.

In a hot and dry environment, it will be directly exposed to the sun and turn into a mummy.

Yang Chan quickly returned to the car and drank a few sips of water.

Then add oil to the car and move on

"How much fuel does the anchor bring? Isn’t it enough to drive?"

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we ran out of gas halfway?……"

"Why can the anchor still start live broadcasting when I have no signal when I arrive in Lop Nur?"

"Maybe this is the difference between you and the anchor."

Yang Pra is also happy to chat with water friends all day long.

"I'm fully prepared"

"There won't be any problems."

Yang Chan is convinced.

Even if something goes wrong, the worst he can do is to change a car.

Although it needs to be purchased from the system mall by Exploration Point.

In the following two days, Yang Chan did not encounter anything strange.

The endless desert and Gobi, It makes people feel a little depressed.

But fortunately, he can chat with the friends, and he will chat with Shen Mengjie and the others for a while before going to bed. It makes sense that his signal is so good.


The signal here must be very poor.

Moreover, the biggest problem in surviving outside is not a problem for him. A warm and safe shelter is the best to survive in the desert, especially at night.


Water, food, and shelter are the three essential elements for survival.

The off-road vehicle is his warm and safe shelter. He does not need to dig a hole to bury himself in it. It is a struggle against the harsh natural environment and unknown mysteries, as well as a struggle against oneself, always maintaining a clear and calm mind, abundant physical strength, and full spirit to deal with various challenges of nature.

During the expedition, it is important to get a good rest.

At least Yang Chan wakes up energetic every day, which makes his adventure not full of uncertainty.

"We have arrived at Lop Nur Lake."

Yang Chan said.

At this time, the surrounding environment had not changed much, and the large outlines could only be seen through satellite photos.

However, he had a map.

Looking at the map display, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nothing has changed!"

"I can't see anything, I just feel that the ground is a little different"

"Is this Lop Nur Lake?"

"It used to be a beautiful lake here"

"It's a pity that it has become a desert now


At this time, everyone also understood the profound meaning of Yang Pra.

In the past, Lop Nur was not a good place.

However, with the uncontrolled exploitation and utilization by humans, it has gradually turned into a wasteland.

Although nothing can be seen now, just from such a large place, you can tell how spectacular Lop Nur used to be.

Lop Nur Lake was the second largest inland lake in China at that time, covering an area of more than 200,000 square kilometers.

It can be imagined that at that time, the lake was full of water, with rippling blue waves, poplars growing thickly on the shore, and weeping willows green.

Unfortunately, it has now become a fantasy and can never be seen again.

Even if you want to restore Lop Nur, it has become impossible.

After all, there are still many things that human power cannot do.

You can destroy some things, but you can't recreate them.

Many lakes in China are the same, such as Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, and their areas have shrunk greatly.

Yang Chan was worried that one day, they would all go the same way as Lop Nur.

That would be an absolute disaster for mankind.

For this reason, when Yang Chan drove to the middle of the lake, he got out of the car and took a walk.

The sun is still very poisonous, and there is not even a place to enjoy the shade here.

At first glance, it is full of desolation.

Yang Pra then continued on his way.

But he was traveling very slowly, and he had to stay in the middle of Lop Nur Lake for a while.

After all, he is here for adventure. If he passes by in a hurry, what is the difference between him and a tourist?

Yang Chan got out of the car and got ready for dinner.

He missed Shennongjia and the sea a little bit.

Because Shennongjia has game, and the sea has fat fish.

But in the desert, there is nothing.

Of course, Yang Pray could find a few bugs or scorpions in the sand.

But he definitely doesn't like it.

Therefore, you can only eat food prepared by yourself, and don’t think about game.

Even if there were rabbits and such, he had to wonder how he could survive.

The sun in the desert has already fallen halfway below the horizon. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the endless yellow sand, golden yellow, with layers of sand dunes in the distance, full of desolate and lonely feeling, just like this The mood of the survivors who are trying to survive in the environment is the same.

If it were someone who was not determined, he would definitely be full of despair.

But Yang Chan didn't do it. Instead, he happily ate the crispy noodles.

"The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, the sun is setting over the long river, wow, the scenery is pretty good."

He still wanted to joke with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

I have to say that when the water friends calmed down and took a look, they did feel quite peaceful.

Especially the golden color.

If you don't feel the stuffy heat here, it is also very comfortable.

The only adjective I can think of is three words: picturesque.

"The scenery here is indeed picturesque!"

"And the host’s back also looks very slender."

"Any screenshot is the background desktop"

"As expected, it was still fun to watch the live broadcast. I couldn't feel this kind of beauty there, only the desolation in my heart."

Water friends who have been to Lop Nur are also filled with emotion.

Looking at other people's experience and their own experience, it is indeed a different feeling.

Just like many people like to watch anchors play games, but don't want to play games themselves.

It's a completely different experience.

Soon. , Yang Chan finished his dinner. Although he could barely satisfy his hunger, it was still better than eating nothing at all.

After taking another sip of water, Yang Chan started to walk towards the top of the slope in front of him, wanting to stand higher and take a closer look. Watching the sunset in the desert.

Some people climb mountains in the middle of the night just to catch a glimpse of the sunrise.

The sunrise and sunset are indeed beautiful scenery.

The camera followed Yang Yan to the hillside.

"I seemed to have found a pool."

Yang Pra looked ahead, and then turned back directly.

The distance seemed very close in the desert, but it might have taken more than ten minutes to walk.

So, Yang Pra drove there directly.

"It can only be regarded as a puddle."

Yang Pra stopped the car and walked to the side.

It was not as big as a puddle, only a few dozen square meters, so Yang Pra said it was just a puddle.

However, its water was very clear.

You could see the bottom at a glance.

"Such clear water. Do you want to take a bath?"

"Haha, a certain anchor makes a million a month by live broadcasting his shower?"

"He was blocked the next second"

"The water is so pretty too."

When Li Bingxuan saw this barrage, he was also thinking that if Yang Zhen really live broadcasted taking a shower... would she block it or not?


Yang Chan smiled and shook his head

"This water looks clear, but in fact you cannot drink it directly, just like sea water"

"Because there is a layer of salt crust under my feet, and there is a huge potassium salt deposit underground. The salt content may be many times higher than that of sea water."

"Of course, if you can process it into fresh water, you can drink it too"

"After all, Lop Nur has too little water resources."

Yang Chan sighed with emotion.

How many people who came to Lop Nur to explore have mysteriously disappeared because of insufficient water resources and forced themselves to find water sources in this desert?

Moreover, even if they found water resources, they did not dare to drink it casually.

Don't drink it. He might be able to live longer, but he would die if he drank it directly.

Instead of bathing in the water, he came to the edge.

He took out the branches he had collected before and prepared to light a fire. The temperature will drop sharply.

Without heating, it will be difficult to survive the cold night.

As expected, he will spend the night here.

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