outside world

"Lao Li, hurry up and organize people to go to Lop Nur."

"What? Are there conditions? Agree to him on any terms!"

"Permanent land ownership...I'll report it to the boss"

"This young man looks very pleasing to me!"

Mr. Shen was busy answering the phone at this time, and he was also preparing to leave on his own.

The doomsday seed bank of prehistoric civilization!

Just thinking about it made his old bones almost fall apart with excitement.

Of course, he also took the opportunity to make a request.

In his opinion, China is very likely to agree to this request, because prehistoric seeds are priceless to humans, but not so valuable to Yang Chan, an explorer.

Of course, if Yang Chan. If you are willing, you can sell it at a sky-high price in any country.

But the money will not flow to outsiders. As long as China shows enough sincerity, is it still afraid that the previous transactions will not be successful?

It can be said that China is treating prehistoric civilization ? The seeds of prehistoric civilization are bound to be obtained.

Only China has unearthed the seeds of prehistoric civilization, which can prove that prehistoric civilization has its writing.

How proud is it that you can walk with your head up outside ? ah!


And the various news editors hanging around the live broadcast room didn’t care whether it was true or not.

Yang Chan has already reasoned that it is not true, but it must be written to be true.

Let’s get attention first and then talk about it.

So all kinds of news have been released

《The number one person in the Chinese exploration world took action again and found the doomsday seed bank of prehistoric civilization?》

《Prehistoric civilization really existed! The God of Adventure explains it to you……》

《Shocked, a certain anchor went deep underground just to……》

《The rise of China, the first country with prehistoric seeds! 》

With the emergence of various news, even Wai Guoren knew about the existence of Yang Yan.

George is an American. He has been in China for five years and has fallen deeply in love with Chinese culture.

It has a long history, is broad and profound.

Compared to civilizations that are far older than the one in the United States, I don’t know how much stronger it is.

At this time, he also saw this piece of news

"Yang Pray? That young explorer again?"

George muttered.

As an American, he prefers to watch the local broadcast of Wilderness Survival. He thinks Bell is very manly and domineering.

Although Bell is a man on whom the sun never sets, he still clicked on the news and couldn't suppress his curiosity. Heart

"Prehistoric civilization? Doomsday seed bank?"


"God, things have changed. Show it to my friends."

George tremblingly told all this to his friends in the United States.

From this moment on, Yang Chan's name became known to more people around the world.

Other countries in the world also knew what happened in Lop Nur, China through various channels..

Prehistoric civilization!

Doomsday seed bank!

What will happen if the seeds of prehistoric civilization sprout again on this land?

Everyone is thinking about how to win over Yang Yan...

At this time, Yang Yan continued to go down.

There is another electronic door here, which is very small and has been damaged for tens of millions of years.

It is the same as the previous solution. , Yang Chan opened the door with a laser.

Then, a wave of cold air rushed towards him.

The temperature was even lower than the outside. Yang Chan saw that there were ice blocks next to the road, and he immediately felt like an ice cave.

Using the breath technique adds an invisible shield to yourself.

In fact, it is best to store the seeds in an ice cave.

For example, the modern Doomsday Seed Vault is located near the North Pole. The temperature was very low.

Yang Yan took a look and saw that the space here was not as big as the outside, not even one-tenth of the size. Moreover, it was not as solid as the outside, and even the inside was somewhat deformed due to time.

, geographical changes and other factors may affect this place. There are also rows of cabinets.

There are many metal drawers on each row of cabinets. They are still labeled with the same numbers as outside.

, maybe it’s the name.

However, this place is obviously more hidden than outside, and the things must be more precious, right?

Yang Yan doesn’t know what’s inside, but he is very curious.


Yang Chan exhaled, and then used the old method to gently cut open the drawer.

He took a look and saw that there were ice cubes inside.

Then there was a test tube standing in the middle of the ice cube.

"What's this?"


"Isn't this Jing/Ziku?……"

"Damn it!"

"The idea above is very dangerous.……"

"If it's true, then... wouldn't it be possible to breed prehistoric humans?"

"I'm dizzy. Even if it's true, do you think tadpoles can live so long? long dead"


Yang Chan even twitched.

These people really dare to think.

They have thought of tadpoles and breeding prehistoric humans.

But what if it's true?

Therefore, Yang Chan was also very curious and took out the test tube.

The liquid inside is sealed with ice, and there seems to be nothing there.


"Are the tadpoles of prehistoric humans different?"

"Will that give birth to a freak?……"

"There is no basis for suspecting the car!"

"Be careful, there are so many people driving!"

Yang Yan couldn't tell, but he saw a test bench next to it.

There seemed to be tools on it.

He walked over and there was a device similar to a microscope.

"This should be a microscope used by prehistoric humans."

He said this.

Although it looks different from modern ones, it has lenses and should have similar functions.

So, Yang Yan directly put the test tube in through the socket on the side.

Then he started to adjust the microscope.

He had used it before in biology class. The microscope is difficult to adjust.

But this one is very simple, and it adjusts itself.

It didn't take long for Yang Zhen to see clearly what was inside, which was very small and could not be seen with the naked eye. It was like hibernation, frozen in the liquid.

Yang Yan then sensed it with his spiritual sense, and he knew what it was.

"It's bacteria, or it's fungus."

He is not an expert in this field, so naturally he doesn't know what kind of


"Could it be that this is a strain bank?"

"Damn it!"

"The bacterial strain library of prehistoric civilization?"

"What is the strain bank used for?"

"The strain bank is also called the strain germplasm resource protection bank. Its purpose is to preserve excellent strains used in production or strains with potential utilization value collected from nature, so as to provide high-quality and reliable strain resources for mass production and scientific research when needed."

An obvious person with a serious ID answered.

He looked like an old scholar from the ID.

Then, the camera also captured the scene under the microscope.

Just like the microorganisms seen in the biology class, it can be seen It is very clear.

This can confirm that this is the bacterial strain library left by prehistoric civilization.

This is another huge asset

, which can allow modern people to understand the agricultural cultivation of prehistoric civilization. Therefore

, the outside world went crazy.

The old scholars from all walks of life in China also went crazy.

If anyone can successfully research and make them reappear on this land, of course, Yang Zhen will have his name. Qingshi left his name.

Just because of this adventure, the whole world will remember him.

Tuoba Goudan:"Anchor, there is a door next to it."

"It's true, Goudan has sharp eyes."

"A bit strong."

Yang Chan looked to the side, and sure enough there was a small metal door.

And it looked very thick.

It was at least as thick as the outermost door.

And there was also a line of text on it.

Yang Chan still couldn't understand it.

But, There are signs below the text. Just like in modern society, there are two signs on some special objects. One is probably a human figure, and it is crossed by a slash.

"No Entry?"

"It probably means no entry"

"If you're not allowed in, then you won't be allowed in.……"

Yang Yan and the water friends in the live broadcast room both guessed its meaning.

After all, there are many such signs in modern times. For example, next to a zebra crossing, there is a sign prohibiting running a red light.

The symbol below is a painful skull.

Seeing this sign, Yang Chan felt a painful feeling

"This means danger."

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