Water friends are right, sometimes this kind of thing is more precious than treasure.

Of course, it also depends on Yang Pra's luck.

If you're lucky, it's worth a fortune.

If you're not lucky, it's just a pile of waste paper.

So Yang Chan put away all his things, put on casual clothes and walked towards the big city of Bogo.

Fortunately, he stopped a car on the way, otherwise he would have had to walk for several hours.

After all, when he came, it took him about forty minutes by car.

It was late at night before Yang Pra returned to Bogota.

Although Columbia is the capital of Colombia, it is a third world country after all and is not very developed.

Moreover, it is at a plateau of 2,000 meters. Although Yang Chan does not have altitude sickness, he is still a little unaccustomed to it.

So he had something to eat and returned to the hotel he rented yesterday.

Then Yang Chan started his work.

Now that the Internet is developed, it is relatively easy to look up unknown words.

Soon, in about ten minutes, Yang Chan understood the content of the first page.

"I am Underwood. I have a decent job and a happy family. My wife and daughter are both beautiful.……"

The owner of the diary is a Spanish named Underwood.

The first few pages were spent talking about how happy my family was.

What a virtuous and lovely wife, and what a beautiful figure.

My daughter is also very smart.

Of course, there are also the living habits and government orders of some Spanish people at that time.

This may be very important for historians to examine some related things.

But for Yang Yan, it was a bit useless.

He's not a historian.

I am even less interested in the history of Spain.

In fact, there is nothing of interest.

The current Western powers all developed later.

For example, the West during the Chinese Silk Road generally refers to the ancient Roman Empire, which were powerful countries at that time.

But the sun never sets. Xibanya was just a small city-state at that time and could be destroyed easily.

However, what Yang Pra possesses most is patience.

He continued to translate.

Because this diary is very large and contains a lot of things.

Anyway, he had nothing to do now, so he continued to translate.

Subsequently, the style of the diary changed.

Underwood discovered that a decent job could not keep the family happy.

Poverty is the biggest problem.

The poor couple mourned for a hundred days.

The relationship between him and his wife also deteriorated day by day, and the happy family suddenly became shattered.

And just when Underwood was desperate, the king began to gather warriors, and the warriors who went to sea

"The king gathered his men and prepared to follow the route of the Italian guy (cloth) to the New World."

"I heard there is gold everywhere!"

"My heart is moved. I am asking for gold to change my family situation. So Sofia will not choose to leave me. She said before that she would leave with Tully."

"I joined the king's army and became the conqueror of the sea."

Yang Chan gradually became interested.

The following story is probably what happened after Underwood came to America.

Yang Chan was naturally very curious.

"The sea took away countless of my companions, but luckily I survived. I am the conqueror of the sea!"

"I heard that people in the New World are called Indians. They are extremely ugly and are very different from gentlemen like me."

"In 1521 AD, I followed Master Kesada to the New World successfully."

"The natives here are very ignorant……"


"On June 4, we heard the news about the last batch of expeditions. They said that there is a golden country deep in the jungle. The entire country is full of gold and there are treasures everywhere!"

"Our hearts are so excited that Master Kesada’s eyes are almost red. No one can remain normal."

"We are heading towards the land of gold!"

When Yang Chan saw this, he also understood.

The Western calendar is the so-called AD and AD years.

And Underwood, they were the first batch of colonists and plunderers.

Moreover, they also successfully reached the Golden Lake.

Because Yang Yan remembered the name Quesada, and he was the first Spanish to find the Golden Lake and gain something.

The colonists were greedy and evil, and they directly targeted the young country of the Inca Empire.

It is so young because the Inca Empire only ruled this continent for a few hundred years, from the 11th century to the early 16th century. But the

Indians have a long history of collecting gold.

, became their talisman during the Age of Discovery.

The colonists tore their country apart, massacred the Indians, made them slaves, and robbed them of their gold and treasures collected by the Indians for countless years! Treasures have become the darkest accumulation of the rise of capitalism, just like what Underwood wrote in his diary.

"The whole country was filled with gold and treasures were everywhere."

Just like the original"Marco Polo's Travels".

Yang Pray never thought Marco Polo was a good person because he was obviously aggressive.

There is gold everywhere in the east!

Some people may even be proud of it. Look, Marco Polo praised We are Chinese.

But Yang Chan only saw the ferocious eyes of the Western colonizers.

《"The Travels of Marco Polo" spread throughout the West instantly, because they all focused on the fertile land of the East, this rich land.

They spy on all this with aggressive eyes!

Like a hungry wolf looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

Capitalists have always been greedy and there is no end to it.

Finally in the 19th century, the Western colonists showed their fangs!

They began to test and found that Huaxia had turned into a sick tiger.

China's last fig leaf is nothing more than a veil.

So they ruthlessly tore apart this last cover.

The Sun Never Sets/The French Allied Forces burned the Old Summer Palace, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China!

The Old Summer Palace, Qingyi Garden, Jingming Garden, Jingyi Garden, Changchun Garden, etc. were all burned down, and now only ruins remain.

Western colonists burned, killed, and looted wantonly across the land of China. As many as 1.5 million cultural relics were plundered from the Old Summer Palace alone.

And this is just a snapshot of that time.

The colonists' purpose was very pure, which was to rob treasures and women.

It is impossible to pray for any humanity in them. Most of them are like Underwood. They can no longer live and must come and plunder.

Just like the soldiers in ancient China, they were soldiers just to make a living, and after breaking the city, they could plunder ruthlessly.

Their purpose is not to protect their country at all.

You can't pray for a soldier who can't read a word to have such lofty ideals.

Therefore, Yang Chan hated the colonists.

But there were no colonists now, so Yang Chan quickly recovered his mood.

Continue to translate.

What follows is some of the things Underwood and the others encountered when they entered the Amazon forest. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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