Just when the whole world wanted to contact Yang Chan, they found that there was no way.

Therefore, someone had no choice but to send people to Colombia to find Yang Pray.

Yang Chan also knew this, so he decided to leave as soon as possible.

But before I leave, I have to make some money.

After he took the golden man into the system space, he rested for a while and then continued.

Soon, he discovered that the golden man was just an appetizer.

He found that the further inside, there were more gold products.

Yang Pra felt that if he had the chance to search the entire Golden Lake, he would probably have more than a thousand gold products.

And, the quality of everything here is astonishingly high.

Beautiful workmanship, very delicate.

He was shocked by the quantity and workmanship here, but then he became indifferent.

The Indians around Golden Lake can be regarded as advanced craftsmen in making goldware, and are the best in making goldware.

Being able to live next to it is a status symbol.

Just like the difference between imperial kilns and folk kilns in ancient China.

Can what the emperor uses be the same as what the common people use?

So it is normal that there are so many exquisite gold objects here.

In addition, the area around Golden Lake is already rich in gold mines.

The Indians also like to collect gold and so on. There are countless things thrown here.

"Hey, this is……"

Yang Chan suddenly saw a small boat appearing in front of him, but it was made entirely of gold.

"Golden ship! Yang

Chan was so excited that he swam over and immediately picked it up.

"Damn it? Isn’t this the treasure of the Gold Museum?"

"It seems to be exactly the same. I even took photos when I visited the Gold Museum before!"

"Where is the Gold Museum? /curious"

"The Gold Museum is in Bogota, the capital of Colombia."

"I know this place. The Gold Museum is known as the first museum of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. Isn’t this underdeveloped?"

"This value is immeasurable!"

"Nonsense, this is the treasure of the town hall, can it be expensive?"


The live broadcast room was once again a sensation.

I didn’t expect that a golden lake would contain so many mysterious treasures.

The key is, let them see it.

Although it does not belong to them, it is still inexplicably exciting.

Yang Pra was also very excited.

Gold boats are also used when worshiping gods.

And it's not big, just a small boat made of gold.

It is about 20 centimeters long. There are 11 sparkling golden figures and golden toads in different postures standing on it. The workmanship is very exquisite.

There are also rumors that when tribal leaders worship gods, they ride in golden boats.

If the rumors are true, then they are truly priceless!

Of course, this legend also gives the Golden Ship the meaning of a national treasure.

I'm afraid the whole world is going to be completely shaken.

Yang Pra also collected the gold ship.

However, the system did not give him an exploration point. It seemed that it was because there was more than one golden ship.

After that, he didn't find anything of high value.

And after today, he was ready to leave.

But I have to say, the Indians are real.

No wonder they were the first to be attacked by Western colonists...

They had a treasure trove, but they couldn't hold it.

If others don't do it, who will you do?

Moreover, there are really many legends about gold in this area.

Such as the king and his subjects.

It is said that there are nine golden elephants that are the same as humans, which represent the pinnacle of Indian craftsmanship.

Unfortunately, the legend is just a legend and has never been found.

It was precisely because the Indians spread so many legends that they were targeted by Western colonists.

The day passed quickly.

Yang Pra collected many gold products, as well as gems, jade and other items.

This made him wonder if the Indians were the descendants of dragons?

Dragons are said to be greedy in legends, and they like such shiny things...

There are not many water friends left in the live broadcast room.

Basically, they are all midnight showgoers who stay up until dawn.

Most people can't bear it. After all, they have to live the next day, so the live broadcast room seems a bit empty at this time.

Seeing that Yang Chan’s tiring day was finally coming to an end, the water friends in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I will leave Golden Lake tomorrow."

Yang Chan said to the remaining viewers in the live broadcast room.

Although there are still many gold products in the Golden Lake, their value is not as high as what he harvested.

The gold ship, which can be called a national treasure, and the legendary 'Gold People'.

He doesn't want to get into trouble. He

's not guilty, and he will be worried about all kinds of troubles.

Moreover , Colombia is already a bit chaotic.

Yang Yan decided to leave as soon as possible.

Anyway , he had made enough.

The treasure he had caught in the past two days was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

It may even exceed the value of Zheng He's treasure ship.

After all, the value of Zheng He's treasure ship was originally a friendship price...

It would be hard for Yang Pray to open his mouth to the Chinese Lion.

Moreover, the treasure ship's own collection and research value are higher.

"It won’t be broadcast tomorrow?"

"Let me go, the anchor's voice made me sleepless. It has only been broadcast for two days!"

"Is this adventure over?"

"No, anchor, I haven't seen enough yet"

"What? Give me a bolt from the blue as soon as I wake up in the morning?"

"Brother Pray……"

Yang Chan also smiled when he saw the enthusiastic water friends:"I just left Golden Lake, but the adventure is not over yet.""

"I'm going deep into the Amazon rainforest."

He is going to go directly to the ancient Indian ruins recorded in Underwood's diary.

Maybe this is a place that has not been found by outsiders until now.

Moreover, he should not be far away.

After all, Underwood and the others have crossed the Andes Mountains. They just found the Golden Lake.

Before finding the Golden Lake, they found the ancient Indian ruins.

Therefore, it must be on this side of the Andes.

The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world, with a total length of more than 8,900 kilometers. meters.

It runs through the South American continent, so it is called the backbone of South America.

There are many places with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters.

This can be regarded as saving a lot of physical strength for Yang.

"Heading deep into the Amazon rainforest?"

"Are you going to imitate Mr. Bei and start surviving in the wilderness?"

"I have only seen movies about the Amazon rainforest, and I feel like it is full of dangers!"

"Even if modern people try to survive without excellent physical fitness and a lot of survival knowledge, they will still die in it."

"Nature is simply too scary……"


"Yes, we must always be in awe of nature, and I am not going to survive this time, it is still an adventure. Yang

Chan said with a smile.

"Okay, today’s live broadcast ends here."

Then he turned off the live broadcast room directly because he had already gone ashore and was about to leave.

After packing his things, Yang Chan walked out and prepared to stop the car just like yesterday.

But this time he was not very lucky. He walked for a long time before stopping the car. When I got there,

Yang Chan paid attention to the driver's expression.

Well, I didn't know him.

It seemed like he was overthinking it.

But even if Columbia wanted to do it,

Yang Chan returned to Columbia again.

But he still very carefully changed a hotel, although he knew it was useless

���In the information age, it is simply too easy to check someone.

He thought for a moment, Colombia would not touch him.

Because he is Chinese.

China's comprehensive national strength is so strong, and Yang Yan is still a well-known figure in China.

Unless there was trouble in Colombia...

Back in the city, Yang Yan could finally receive the signal.

He immediately received numerous calls, and one of them piqued his curiosity. _Please download the novel without underlining

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