Amazon Orochi’s video quickly had millions of shares.

Although most of them have the attitude of watching a show.

But after seeing the video, I couldn’t help but sigh.

Until many water friends in the live broadcast room posted their own screenshots.

Yang Chan was in the background, and they immediately knew it was true.

It seems that every time Yang Chan goes on an expedition, something strange happens.

This is also something everyone talks about.

The video on YouTube is considered to be P's.

Only a few foreigners think this is true.

A lot of people are telling them it's true, and no one wants to believe it.

Because it's just too scary.

It’s so scary that even foreigners don’t want to believe it.

Only those who watch the live broadcast on Mouse Channel know this is true.

But Yang Chan’s live broadcast is too boring for foreigners.

Because Mouse Channel was broadcasting it, and he didn’t speak English.

The general audience couldn't stay at all, they just came in for a few glances and then left.

There are only a few regular audiences.

So the number of people never increased.

Yang Chan quickly left that area. He knew that there were many snakes in the Amazon rainforest, but he never expected to encounter such a big one.

He had startled a few small snakes before, maybe no more than one meter tall.

Next came another few days of traveling.

Although I encountered some scary creatures, they were not as scary as the big snake.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are all used to it.

When you have something to compare with, nothing seems so scary anymore.

But now, if you want to ask the water friends in the live broadcast room what places are forbidden in their hearts.

That's definitely the Amazon rainforest.

Even if they see a natural forest in the future, they will take a detour.

Because nature is so mysterious.

Who knows what terrifying creatures might be inside.

The Amazon rainforest is called a forbidden zone for humans for a reason!

"How much water does the anchor have?……"

"It seems there is no time to run out"

"If it were any other expedition team, they would have already tried their best to solve the problem of water resources."

"Yeah, you can’t bring much water with you when you go exploring."

"Yes, I used to go to the forest with a group and I had to find a way to get water by myself. It was also very dangerous and I didn’t dare to eat anything."


The water friends were all speechless.

The Nongfu Spring in Yang Chan’s hands has never stopped.

Think about Bei Ye's wilderness survival. When there is lack of water in the forest, he has to drink from the leaves, and even try his best to get some water.

And it’s still a very dirty water source.

This is very different from how they imagined surviving in the Amazon wilderness!

However, many water friends say they are used to it.

I didn't think there was any problem.

Instead, he even more refused to explore on his own.

The more I watch other people explore, the less I dare to go.

"There is water ahead, I should reach Na."

On this day, Yang Chan was refreshed.

He heard the sound of water flowing, maybe he was near the Napo River.

This also meant that he was not far from his destination.

Of course, it also depends on when he can find it. It depends on luck.

And the valley is not next to the river, at least in the depths of the tropical rain forest, but it is just close to here.

It will take a long time for Yang Chan to search...

Searching is a very time-consuming thing, especially in the tropical rain forest. , even the satellite is of no use.

In a picture, it is all dense forest.

Everyone knows that there are sunken ships on the bottom of the sea, but whether or not they can be found depends on luck.

Although the Napo River is not as big as the ocean. , but it is at least 880 kilometers long.

It is the first tributary of the Amazon River.

If the boatman from Leticia had not driven so far, Yang Chan would not have to cross the Amazon rainforest.

He came to the river and was ready to take a rest..

But he quickly stepped aside.

There were many crocodiles in the river and on the riverside.

When they were not moving, they looked like rocks and were easy to ignore if you didn't pay attention. You won't realize that this is actually a crocodile, but once it moves, its prey will be hunted. Although Yang Yan is not afraid of a crocodile, he is afraid of a group of crocodiles.

Of course, the threat of the crocodile on the shore was even lower.

I couldn't defeat a big snake, but I couldn't defeat a crocodile. So he didn't stay too far away, and the crocodile also attacked him. There was no way and no interest. So, the two sides did not disturb each other at such a close distance, and the camera device also filmed the crocodile.

"This crocodile is like a stone, especially it is green, as if it has moss."

"If the anchor hadn't discovered it, I wouldn't have realized it was a crocodile……"

"It’s fun to sit on it all of a sudden and treat the crocodile as a stone"

"Then you will be greeted with a bloody mouth!"

"Tsk tsk, won’t the crocodile come to the anchor?"

"The threat of crocodiles on the shore is very low, mainly because their crawling speed is too slow, but they are very threatening in the water."

"They usually hide under the water and watch their prey quietly."


Yang Chan ate, and after a while he was ready to move on.

But just then, he heard the hustle and bustle.

It's like there are many people walking in the forest.

So he stopped again and stood watching.

Sure enough, a group of people appeared from the deep forest.

Their bodies are covered with various tattoos, which cannot even be called tattoos. They are the marks left by various mosquito bites and weapons.

It looks like a unique tattoo with a bit of ferocious beauty.

It looks very scary when it is densely packed on the body, and people with trypophobia will faint when they see it.

They only wear a small amount of fur on their bodies, and some even leave key parts uncovered.

There are all kinds of weird things smeared on the face.

Some even wore colorful masks to cover their faces

"primitive? Yang

Chan was stunned for a moment and said.

What he said was really not a curse.

This group of people is probably from primitive tribes.

The Amazon rainforest is too big, and not everyone lives in the city.

Therefore, primitive tribes may also be living in cities.

There are still primitive tribes in Africa... How else did the name African Chief come from?

Moreover, these primitive people also found him, and they were gibbering and didn't know what to say.

It was obvious that Yang Yan was listening.

I don't understand.

However, they didn't come to Yang Chan immediately.

There were crocodiles by the water , and their huge bite force could kill people instantly.

Kill him!

After all, the crocodile is a carnivorous animal.

It's okay if you stay far away.

But once you get close to it, it will take the initiative to attack.

This is why Yang Yan doesn't get close to it , so he can't do anything wrong.

In the past , he didn't dare to bathe in the river.

It was like hanging himself.

But the primitive tribe in front of them had no choice.

If they wanted water, they had to get water from the river.

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