Undead Emperor

Chapter 1019: Get it in hand

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Chapter 119 The Pearl Began

Panlong column is forged with green jadeite, crystal clear, hollow inside, orange flame is burning, the flame rises and falls along the column, like a giant flame breathing.

This is the fire of the lungs!

This fire is poisonous, the bones and flesh will melt, and the ghost will be burned to fly ash. The Xuanyin Beast Stream uses part of the lung fire, so it has the effect of restraining the ghost.

Pan Longzhu became more and more crystal clear under the flames.

The golden dragon coiled outside seemed to melt. When Su Zhen used his real energy to protect his body and lifted his feet, he obviously felt depressed three inches and the surrounding dragon scales were squeezed and changed in shape. Obviously, the temperature is too high to cause Huang to financialize, but it gives the impression that the golden dragon is a flesh and blood body, and the body is very soft. Every time the foot is dropped, the dragon scale is squeezed as if it is breathing.

Su Zhen held his breath, stretched his mind into a string, and walked down carefully.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Ten steps.

Twenty steps.


The dragon body crossed the emerald column downwards. When walking to the middle, it was equivalent to going down to the second floor of the Bronze Shrine. There was no change in the whole process. Su Zhen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Wannian Gallery is the only one blocking.

"No stop, haha, Su Zhen is going to get the innate array!" Shi Shenxiu has always shown elegance and politeness, like a peerless son, and at this time he couldn't help laughing, and other human races were equally excited.

There is no other reason.

As long as Su Zhen gets the innate array, the Taihao battlefield chaos will end. Forty years of heavy casualties, especially in the last year, several masters have fallen, and everyone is looking forward to the end soon.

The aliens are crazy.

"Warlord, stop him!" The flying centipede king roared loudly, his body soared, and turned into a hundred feet red fire centipede to block all attacks. Others such as the dream butterfly king looked at each other, and all spurted Jindan into the human camp.

With the injection of the disorder demon element, Jin Dan shuddered violently, and he was about to explode.

Fifteen Jindan pinnacle alien kings blew Jindan, and even the Yuanying half ancestors must be avoided in the destruction, especially the Siji Dragon Cave is extremely hard, the energy cannot be vented, and the detention power is confined in a limited space.

Shi Shenxiu did not dare to entrust, and immediately released the Ziluo Palace, shouting: "Everyone will hide in."

call out!

call out!

call out!

Masters of the human race fell into the Purple Palace one by one.

The Golden Lion King took advantage of this opportunity to rush into the Demon Corridor without expression. The Flying Centipede King originally wanted to use his real body to resist the attack and die to give the Golden Lion King a chance. He did not expect other alien kings to simply explode. In this case, if it still clings to this way, it is worthless to die, not to mention the more entrants in the hall of monsters, the greater the resurrection of the statue.

Seeing this, before Jin Dan had exploded, a roll of shattered monk's skin shrunk into the Ten Thousand Demon Gallery.

The two have just entered.

At the next moment, a tremendous explosion exploded through the sky, and the Golden Fire Lin Army of the Baiman Mountains collectively exploded, which was more than a hundred times more horrible. It turned into a giant black storm and spread wildly.

This energy can completely kill the early monks of Yuanying!

Rao is the Siji Dragon Cave, built by a group of Yuanying babies, trembling in the face of the black storm, but unfortunately there is still a long distance from the collapse, and the bronze shrine is unchanged. In contrast, the Purple Palace is like a flat boat in the center of the storm. At any time, there is a risk of overturning, and the simulant of the madman shows a circle of brilliance to offset the destruction.

What is a real device?

Containing Tiangang's prohibition as a real weapon, the best of Yuanying is worthy of possession. Yuanying's half ancestors are difficult to destroy, but the black storm continues to weaken the brilliance and soon affects the Purple Palace.

Glazed tiles, red brick walls, cornices, bucket arches, carved beams, painted buildings ...

Fine cracks began to appear.

The inferior authentic device is so dark that it can't carry the black storm faintly. It is conceivable that no other clan master will have to fall!

The alien king proves this, except for the Golden Lion King and the Flying Centipede King who hid in the Bronze Shrine, the others died instantly, and the smoke disappeared, and there was no chance of reincarnation, and the human race also understood the power of the black storm, the Purple Palace Once broken, they will follow suit.

Qiao Kui, Jiao Fei, Hong Yi and others quickly assisted the teacher Shen Xiu to stabilize the Purple Palace.


The black storm raged, the aliens were wiped out, and the human race was hiding in the Ziluo Palace.

Inside the Bronze Shrine.

With the entry of the two alien kings, the reliefs on both sides began to resurrect, and the two turned into streamers to quickly shoot at the dragon column, and quickly gathered a large number of vampire bats, golden lions, white tigers, swallowing giant pythons, war soldiers, Skeletons, zombies, bone dragons, etc., arrived at the stone bridge, after the golden lion king broke, the flying centipede king continued to move forward.

The army of statues came up.


The golden lion king mobilized the golden energy, hit the golden fist, and stopped the group of enemies on the bridge.

At this time-

The Flying Centipede King rushed to the end of the corridor and found that there was no one in the scroll. He immediately shouted: "The third gatekeeper has disappeared. The warlord, come and stop the dragon column to stop him!"

The voice fell.

The Flying Centipede King spit out the green demon flame and burned towards Su Zhen.

"Nine Strikes!"

Su Zhen ran "Qiankun's Vibration Techniques", a qi and blood fist kicked out, and under the control of qi and blood condensate, it turned into a torrent of blood and drowned into the green fairy flame.

Su Zhen raised a brow.

He knew that there was no need for Taiyi Secret Realm, and the odds of winning against the top ten alien kings were extremely low. Unexpectedly, "Nine Strikes" could not stop even the injured flying centipede king.

Fortunately, there is Tai Yi Secret.

Divided a ray of spiritual consciousness into the mysterious realm, and found that the bone demon and the silver armor were nearing the end of the battle. The latter could not get energy supplement. After each hit, the strength was weakened by one point. A maximum of two incense sticks can end.

Just two incense sticks.

Su Zhen couldn't fight it, but it was no problem to stick to the two incense sticks in the hands of the two alien kings, but the first thing to do was to get the innate array. With a glance at the Flying Centipede King, and the army of statues behind him, turning into a golden lion king approaching the streamer, Su Zhen speeded up and walked through the dragon tail to the third floor, the core lotus platform.

"Two, everything is over."

Su Zhen said indifferently.

Leap to the front of the statue of Green Cow, stretch out his hand, grab the innate array of beads shining with light, and drag, with a click, in the desperate eyes of the King of the Flying Centipede, the beads fall into the hands.

Su Zhen suddenly felt a connection with the formation of the formation.

"Let go!"

The Flying Centipede King roared with grief, the green demon flame spewed out, and turned into Su Zhen.


The Golden Lion King made the strongest attack, and the Golden Fist came roaring.

"I can't beat you, but if you want to hurt me, you're not far away. If you have a species, get close." Su Zhen opened Tai's Secret Realm, and two major attacks fell into it, smashing a large number of mountain and plains, among which Xiao Langke was imprisoned. A mountain was beaten into powder, and the latter was scattered with the soul, and Su Zhen has been in an invincible position as the small world that appears and disappears like a wave of water surrounds the body.

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