Undead Emperor

Chapter 1258: Stand on three feet

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Chapter 1258 The Three-legged Stand

Qianlong Holy Monastery is very quiet, and the ancient Admiralty is not known when it will be taken away by the Shengjing Academy. The old antiques hiding in the college have witnessed the whole process of the battle, for fear of damaging the pond fish.

"Let's go."

Su Zhen prepares to **** the Golden Lion King away, and at the same time informs Bai Shi and Huang Fu Qingqing to arrive.

And at this time-

A chorus rang out from the air: "Prime Minister of the Yong Dynasty, Master Nalan listens to the wind, and invites Daoyou to stay."

Then, in the Void Concussion, a group of horses appeared in a hurry, headed by Nalan, who was wearing a fairy crane gown, and accompanied by the Lishang Shangshu "Li Wendao", followed by a group of court officials who followed him.

"Please stay here for this prince."

Nalan smiled and introduced herself, and at the same time introduced several officials around him, and finally reprimanded Yang Wanxiong: "Let you help the six princes, even if they can't beat Zheng Kun. The official said, I will come immediately, why Almost made a big mistake? "

After all, Yang Wanxiong responded very quickly to the old fried dough sticks. He repeatedly insulted Su Zhen and made apologetic apology.


Su Zhen looked indifferent.

Nalan listens to the wind: "The prince is ..."

"Prince Naran, isn't it? My friend is hurt, let me settle down first, and then visit." Su Zhen refused to disclose his identity. Although he didn't know the causes and consequences, he relied on years of experience and a brief description of the Golden Lion King Later, it can be guessed that the court was fighting inside.

Both sides are not good people, there is no need to sell face.

Nalan was embarrassed to listen to the wind, and even a hint of hidden hatred flashed in his eyes. Su Jin did n’t dare to attack, but he still kindly agreed: “It ’s the official ’s negligence. A prince stayed. "At the same time, he looked around and shouted:" The Qianlong Sanctuary has been destroyed, and it is not suitable for the residence of the descendants of the royal family. If you want, you can stay in our mansion. "

The mansion is particular about--

North is up and lives with the owner.

Donglue is next.

Arranging Su Zhen to stay in the East Courtyard shows the importance of Nalan listening to the wind.

"Don't bother, Lord Yonge invited me to the banquet and went to the palace first." But Su Zhen still refused, and then took the golden lion king to the wind and escaped towards the palace.

Go to the palace?

The prime minister's side looked at each other, Nalan listened to the wind and the confidant counselor looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable. This guy has a direct relationship with the emperor, it seems to be the second carp essence.

This one is much more terrible than the last one, and if it is allowed to continue to develop, it will inevitably affect the cause of the throne.

It seems to have a way!

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. One of them should be killed, and the other should be rejoiced. But when he is beheaded by a dragon and settled on the mountain, the living tiger will feel a stronger sense of crisis.

Nalan listens to the wind in this mood.

"I want his information, immediately!" Nalan listened to the wind and gave orders, and Li Wendao, the bureaucrat who hurried along the way, said: "I just checked the progress of the world of Junlin, and no one ignited the royal seal."


Nalan froze.

Li Wendao: "He is not a prince, but who is the specific, unclear official."

"Why didn't you enter Shengjing without participating in the mission of King's Land?" Nalan couldn't understand the wind, and just as she was about to order a thorough investigation, a miraculous figure rushed away.

It is awesome.

He Rou is affiliated to the Heavenly Engineering Institute and is under the direct jurisdiction of the Emperor Dayong. However, because of the nature of the Heavenly Engineering Institute, he is closely connected with the Ministry of Industry. Yang Wanxiong recognized her at a glance: "Master, how come you come?"

"Yang Shangshu, Li Shangshu, ah ... Lord Prime Minister!"

He Rou salutes this way: "I will take the will of His Majesty and lead Dean Su to the Royal Palace. He has just escaped from here. Who saw him?"

Dean Su?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Su Zhen. Nalan's heart appeared on the palm of the wind, condensing into Su Zhen's appearance: "You are talking about him? Tell me details soon."

He Rou explained in detail.

After hearing Emperor Dayong forcibly transmitting her jade charm, and being very polite to Su Zhen, Nalan's heart that listened to the wind sank to the bottom of the valley, his face gloomy and terrible. Su Zhenbi imagined the tricky, even the emperor treated him equally. The only gratification is that the other party did not participate in the mission of King's Land, which gave him a chance to ascend the throne.

Li Wendao asked in a low voice: "Prime Minister, what shall we do?"

Nalan listened to the wind: "Including all the descendants of the royal family, and took the opportunity to devour the invincible forces of the army. The Ministry of Defense Shangshu was the first to persuade." Looking up at the palace, his eyes were gloomy: "Others will wait until I come back."


After Han Wudi fell behind, the general guardian's forces collapsed, and Nalan listened to the wind, willing to take the initiative into surrender, including the military department's Shangshu. After seeing Su Zhen's supreme combat power, the swaying royal descendants realized that there was no hope of not relying on the prime minister, and they joined them all.

For a time.

Shengjing presents a three-legged situation.

The first party: Emperor Dayong, Prince Le, Shangshu Shangshu, Hubu Shangshu, the only prince carp ‘Princess Moon’ who received the title.

Second party: Nalan listens to the wind, three great books, many descendants of royalty.

Third party: Su Zhen, Golden Lion King, Dantai Xuanji.



At night, the lantern is bright.

In the luxurious banquet hall, Su Zhen sits with Dantai Xuanji, and Emperor Dayong sits on the other side with Prince Le, just like Taoist friends, not princes.

The table was filled with precious dishes, and the fragrance was tangy.

As for the Golden Lion King who was injured, he released the Dantai Xuanji and went to retreat to heal. The Emperor Dayong deliberately arranged a palace for three people to live in ... There is no benefit for the heirs here, and the big palace is empty and lived casually.

Nalan listened to the wind and wanted to attend the dinner, but was not allowed.

There were only four people at the dinner.

"President Su, you understand the situation of the Dayong dynasty, we will intersect according to the endless mainland monks ... Speaking of our fate, I am also named Sur, and my name is Su Xiaotian." Emperor Dayong introduced himself, and then pointed to Prince Le Tao: "This is Taoist Guan Haisheng. We both used to be bureaucrats of the Daqian dynasty, and we were exiled here because of some mistakes."

"President Su, Guan Mou has been looking up for a long time." Prince Le said kindly.

Su Zhen saw the two people frankly facing each other's inquiries, and the Emperor Dayong explained one by one. He didn't even conceal the first opportunity to seek Su Zhen's help from the eternal kingdom.

Speaking of Prince Lei, Emperor Dayong stunned slightly: "Have you had a holiday with her?"

Su Zhen nodded.

Emperor Dayong frowned: "This is a bit of trouble. That carp essence is the final winner of the mission of King's Landing World. Han Invincible, Nalan listens to the wind, and many contestants are all accompanied, even said to be victims! If you want to complete the mission, you need to be a dragon of luck. All the participants are ready for carp spirit to swallow the luck! "

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