Undead Emperor

Chapter 1265: Last sprint

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Chapter 1265 Final Sprint

Prime Minister's House.

Nalan listening to the wind, dressed in a fairy crane gown, stood on the high platform. The courtesy of the ritual department, the ministry of industry, the military department of Shun Shun, and the left and right assistants of the temporary supreme leader of the criminal department stood on both sides.

He is talking.

"As the ultimate mission of the Eternal Kingdom, King's Land has always appeared as a background story, and now it is activated, and you are the only few contestants. It is really a child of heaven. Once the mission is completed, the reward can be imagined!"

"But it is difficult to complete the task—"

"The first barrier in front of you is the carp essence. As the only moon princess of the Yong Dynasty, she is definitely a true dragon-level luck, and you are all fake dragons! So, you want to get the ultimate reward, That carp essence must be killed ... I know that some of you are Yuanying Qiba, but you do n’t look at your strength in Hualong Daochang, you only fight for luck, and fake dragons are never opponents of real dragons! "

The sound was like Huang Zhong Da Lu exploding above.


Continue to say: "Moreover, carp sperm has entered more than thirty years in advance, and it is in the right place and everyone has mastered it. In the case of singles and singles, no one in Hualong Daochang is an enemy, even if three or five fake dragons are dead."

"The only hope to win is to join forces!"

"There are fifty-six descendants of the royal family, that is, fifty-six false dragons on the scene, as long as they cooperate with the real dragon to slaughter! So you must cooperate, and in any case you must join hands to destroy the carp essence!"

Nalan listened to the wind and wanted to ascend the throne. The biggest obstacle to the front was the carp prince. After more than thirty years of investigation, he has confirmed that Su Zhen and his party are not interested in the throne.

in contrast.

As the little prince of the Hai clan, the carp spirit had served as the supreme commander in the southern region of Qingzhou. Su Zhen and her were **** enemies. There must be a vicious fight between the two parties.

This is good for him.

Only by instigating the group of royal descendants to join forces to destroy the carp essence, his plan can be implemented.


"The prime minister is at ease. The five-claw golden dragon can only be achieved by me. I also have to have the national games and master the" Kingdom of Heaven "!"

"You want to be a five-claw golden dragon just because you look like a crooked melon?"

"If you remember correctly, you are Chen Qinghe in Yingzhou. As a disciple of the heirs of the upper clan, your identity was prominent. However, the year you were born, your ancestral ancestors fell, and the whole vein was turned into a sideline , You directly change from the heirs to the sidelines. This kind of high-opening and low-walking, the death of the ancestor is not like a five-claw golden dragon. Your real situation is at most a grass snake. "

"You are talking about it once!"

"Okay, what are the two here arguing about? Entering the Hualong Dojo is divided into higher and lower levels. You can evolve if you devour each other. Whether you can do the five-claw golden dragon depends on your own ability."

"Huh, then let you live a little longer."

"I am waiting."

There was constant friction between the contestants, and some of them were enemies, making their cooperation difficult to climb into the sky. There was a messy noise underneath. Nalan's face was not good to listen to the wind. When he saw a few quiet circles, his face eased slightly.

It is impossible for 56 people to join forces.

But three or five groups, seven or eight small circles, can also affect the carp sperm. Once the battle begins, others can take advantage of the muddy water to touch the fish, enough to let the carp sperm fall.

Thinking about this.

Nalan's face was only slightly more beautiful.

Arrived at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Nalan listened to the wind and breathed into his throat, shouting: "You, activate the royal seal with Qi and blood, and directly send the evolution dragon dojo! Emperor Dayong will try to delay your time as much as possible to help the carp sperm, so we will not go to the palace to send the array . In Hualong Daochang, everything is about luck. Over the past 30 years, I have given you a few qigongs, all of which are the most suitable for manipulating fake dragons. Once you enter, you will get acquainted immediately! "

"Prince, leave!"

"Haha, Nalan Zai equals my good news, as long as I become a five-claw golden dragon, I will not forget your merits!"

"Go first ..."


The royal descendants can't wait to activate the eyebrow mark, and then a beam of light falls from the sky, covering them, disappearing from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and then opening their eyes already in the Hualong Daochang.

The only disadvantage of not taking the transmission channel is randomness.

This group of people appeared in all corners of the north and south of the sky. Some small groups agreed on a meeting place, first found a remote place to be prosperous, and then step by step according to the plan. As for more lone travelers, they could not wait to start the massacre.


Time lapse.

A quarter of an hour later, each transmission point of the Dayong Dynasty opened a beam of light. Next to the beam of light, there was another formation to the outside world. The same was true of the Kyushu Division. Those ordinary contestants either stepped into the light beam or entered the formation. on.




For a time, the sky was dazzling and bright, and some contestants returned directly to the endless continent, and some entered the Hualong Daochang, and the final sprint began.


Ask the Temple of Heaven.

Prince Yue looked at Guangzhu with emotion: "I can see if I can change my life and change my life, I really don't want to fall into the eternal kingdom."

Emperor Dayong: "I don't want to, so I must do my best."

Prince Le smiled bitterly: "It's ridiculous that we can't make any effort. The pain of being a background character is to watch other people decide our destiny. Once there is a move beyond the boundary, the spirit will come immediately."

Emperor Dayong: "Oh."

Prince Le: "Let's go back to the palace to discuss Taoism. Only the Tao can make me meditate now."

He turned and left.

Emperor Dayong looked at his back, and a crazy color flashed in his eyes, as if there was a terrible idea, but it was soon covered up, and the old emperor who looked down on the flowers in front of the court was restored, walking back with his hands palace.


Hualong Daochang, in a mountain like the Luoxia Mountains, beside a turbulent waterfall, Su Zhen's five people are familiar with the luck control method.


The waterfall crashed into the cold lake, and a thunderous sound erupted, causing splashes of water and mist.

On slippery rocks.

Su Zhen closed her eyes and selected Qigong.

He is in the form of a poisonous snake. Although he is a huge snake, if he wants to exert his maximum power, he must cooperate with the snake-related Qigong and read the memory in his mind. Su Zhen finds tens of thousands of corresponding Qigongs. .

After some selection.

Select "Snake-Shaped Hand", "Snake Out of the Hole", "Snake Plate" three qigongs, plus "Shifting Shadow", the first two main attacks, the second main defense, the last one is the body law.

Others also teach according to their aptitude——

Dantai Xuanji taught: "Catching Dragons and Controlling Cranes" and "Linglong Traveling Clouds".

The Golden Lion King teaches: "The Raptors Cross the River".

Huangfu Qingqing taught: "Strange Python Turn Over" and "Python Power".

Bai Shi teaches: None.

The urgent thing for the grass snake baby is to find some adventures and increase the body volume, otherwise others will not let it go and swallow it, and they will not be able to bite at all. This is really helpless, Bai Shi sits next to him and rolls his eyes.

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