Undead Emperor

Chapter 1357: Shocked Yuanying's second heavy

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Chapter 1357 impacts the second weight of Yuanying

After an hour.

Su Zhen explained the details in detail, and at the same time said the reason for attracting the Dragon family. Vice President Ma agreed with both hands, but Lu Qianqiu was worried about whether or not to raise tigers.

This is not impossible.

Su Zhen has too many enemies. In the event of a fall, they will not be able to hold their feet ... To take a step back, even if Su Zhen has been alive, who can guarantee that no one from the Dragon family will advance to Dao Tibet?

Once there is Dao Zang backing can also be anti-guest-oriented.

"First of all, I do n’t think Long Ya can advance to Dao Zang. Secondly, it does n’t matter if I really advance to Dao Zang, maybe I will take a step first. Finally, even if I do n’t advance to Dao Zang, the Dragon family cannot support the Dao Zang as a supporter. of."


"This is one."

"Alas, the matter has come to this point, you can only accept it first." Lu Qianqiu sighed, apparently dissatisfied with Su Zhen's handling method, but the other party was Dean Haoran and he couldn't say much.

Su Zhen understands his concerns.

But there are things that cannot be said, such as ‘other friends’. Su Zhen does not refer to the Bai family at all, but to the light sacred religion, or even the ancestral ancestors of the barren ancestors and the monster beast ancestral courts, as long as they know the Yuanshen realm and are afraid of what is the Tibetan realm.

The next three days were very cumbersome.

That night, Su Zhen went to Zhennanhou to explain things to Zhennanhou and obtained consent. During the day, Haoran Academy announced the return of Su Zhen, and announced that Long Changmei would serve as Honorary Vice President of Haoran Academy, and held a ceremony for it two days later.

The next day, prepare for work.

On the morning of the third day, we welcomed the dean of the three colleges, Bai Xu, and other representatives of the upper ancestors. The grand ceremony was held at noon, which nominally congratulated Long Changmei on actually paying more attention to Su Zhen. A banquet was held in the evening. Su Zhen pushed the cup and exchanged ideas with everyone. The guests and hosts left after all the fun, while Bai Xu was left to discuss things.

On the fourth day, Bai Xu returned to Zhongyu, and Haoran Academy returned to its normal state.

This is a nominal recovery.

One, Su Zhen returned. Second, Long Changmei served as Honorary Vice President. In three cases, what happened in Yingzhou came gradually. In four cases, everyone pays close attention to Su Zhen's trends, will they retaliate against Xuan Qing and others. Five, waiting for the Kyushu ranking list to be announced.

There are five explosive topics in a row that won't cool down in a few months.

Especially Articles 4 and 5.

The former Qingzhou top powers are concerned, and even Leizhou, Shengzhou, Yingzhou, and Nanhai are concerned about the wind direction. Once there is action, it will inevitably be a major event that will shake the pattern of Qingzhou.

The latter is the concern of all people in Kyushu.

Outside, the wind surged, and Su Zhen was hiding in Haoran College while dealing with college affairs and family affairs. The most difficult thing for him was undoubtedly the Huangfu and Jiaren. Fortunately, the three girls were more inclusive than he had imagined, and took the initiative to take care of Huangfu and his wife, and did not find Su Zhen trouble. According to Lan Xiao, Su Zhen came to face the Huangfu and his wife when they woke up.


You can avoid the first day, but not the fifteen.


It ’s a day to hide!

During this period, Su Zhen went to see Yuan Chan. The latter was still at the critical moment of rushing into the realm. He didn't bother much. After returning to the academy, he handed things over again to Lu Qianqiu and came to practice in the underground kilometer chamber.

Su Zhen is ready to rush down the realm.

He already mastered the flame road and the ice road, but only the final fusion, which requires an opportunity. Su Zhen found the right thing in the Hualong Daochang, and now finally has time to try it.

In the back room.

Su Zhen activates the formation, isolates all interference, and takes a deep breath to take out a furnace tripod, which is the Xuanbing fiery tripod that Nalan listens to the wind.

When the Dayong Dynasty was created, the emperor gave many real weapons undefeated. The Emperor Dayong was the jade seal, the invincible Han was the sword of protecting the country, the Nalan listening to the wind was the Xuanbing fiery fire tripod, in addition to the death book of the criminal department Thousand Magic Beads of the Ministry of Industry, War Platform of the Ministry of War, Dahuadian of the Ministry of Rites, Yuantong Ten Thousand Dollars of the Hubu, and Qunying Policy of the Librarian. Now, except for the national jade seal, everything else falls into Su Zhen's pocket.

He claimed that it is not false to take out ten real devices without blinking!

"The six real artifacts have supplemented the college inventory, the national sword of protection has become my oversword, and the Xuanbing fiery fire tripod is my opportunity to advance." Su Zhen turned his hands over the room, hitting golden rays of light into the tripod.



A blaze of flames sprayed out, burning Xiaguang's invasion, followed by a burst of ice, and the frozen Xiaguang invaded. This is the real weapon's self-defense ability.

"The Lordless also resists?"

Su Zhen continued to play Jin Xia, quickly rubbed away the imprint of Nalan's spiritual knowledge, and then incorporated it into his own. After some sacrifices, he suddenly felt a sense of blending. He carefully enlightened Xuan Bing's fiery fire.

Ice, fire, two extremes.

One cold and one hot.

Under normal circumstances, they are incompatible, but the heavens and the earth are mutually compatible. The two look completely different. In the Ming and Ming, they have the same source, just like the Yin and Yang sides.

Yin does not leave Yang, Yang does not leave Yin.

Yin and Yang this one!

"I used the" Technical Derivation Method "to divide a thousand thoughts, and I haven't felt the clue for decades. Every fusion will produce a violent reaction, but the Xuan Bing fiery fire trip is very perfect. The ice and fire appear at the same time. Do n’t interfere with each other ... No, it ’s against each other. After the flames are burned, the ice is frozen, and the principle of quenching and heating is used to double the lethality. "

Su Zhen urged the furnace to run.


Orange flames rose, the temperature of the secret room increased sharply, the walls turned red, and the ore of the masonry showed signs of melting.


The azure blue ice sprayed out, the temperature of the secret room dropped sharply, a layer of frost formed on the walls, and the ore in the fortress cracked instantly due to the sudden cold and sudden heat.

"Flame has a boundary with ice?"

Su Zhen was slightly startled.

"carry on!"

Xuan Bing's fiery fire urged again, re-spraying flames and frost, Su Zhen carefully observed the operation process.

"The two are one?"

Su Zhen has a new discovery.

"carry on!"

Xuanying's fiery fire urged again, this time spraying frost and then flame.

"The two overlap?"

Su Zhen was shocked.

"carry on!"


In repeated iterations, Su Zhen made new discoveries every time, and the Chamber of Secrets was unbearably tortured and collapsed at the fiftieth time. Su Zhen had to enter the second Chamber of Secrets to learn.

It lasted for ten days.

In the back room.

A blaze of orange flames flew in the air, with a clear blue ice inside, and no signs of melting. As Su Zhen's thoughts moved, the flame quickly shrank into a ball, and the blue ice expanded to wrap it upside down, and the flame was not extinguished. With Su Zhen's thoughts moving again, the azure blue ice slightly contracted and the orange flames expanded, and the two completely merged together to form a perfect fusion state.

A magical ice fire flew in the air.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhen's mouth showed a long-lost smile and heaved a long breath: "The opportunity was finally found by me!"

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