Undead Emperor

Chapter 1362: Ranking announcement

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Chapter 1362 rankings announced

In the early morning, on the lush tree-lined trail of Haoran Academy, Su Zhen slowly paced to enjoy the soft morning light, and at the same time nodded his greetings with the students, and was so free for the first time since he became the dean.

At this time, seven days had passed since he left the customs. Although his promotion to Yuanying Erzhong was not widely advertised, it was gradually known by everyone.

The three presidents sent representatives to congratulate, Dantai Xingxuan came on behalf of Dantai Yongchang to congratulate, and now live in Xiaozhu in the forest, Dantai Xuanji is tired of showing off his Jin Danxiu every day.

As for Huangfu and Jiaren, they also handled it properly. Su Zhenming built a cave house in a remote corner of the college, where students were scarce and suitable for her.

There are currently three things to do.

1. Help Brother Jiedan.

2. Find a high-grade Tiangang Yang vein for Huangfu Qingqing.

3. Find Xuan Qing and other accounts.

But before doing these things, there is one thing that must be dealt with first, that is the ranking of the Kyushu Fengyun Ranking Qualifier! The originally expected ranking of results in about a month was nearly doubled, but there have been definite news, and the list has been announced in recent days.


The Wanli transfer sound slightly shocked, and the voice of Lu Qianqiu came out: "President, please come to the Supreme Pavilion, the list is announced!"

"Are you finally here?"

Su Zhen uttered silently, and infuriated his legs with a sudden movement.


After a subtle roar of thunder, a layer of ripples appeared in the void. The figure of the sword-eye star in the spot gradually became blurred and then slowly disappeared. It turned out to be a residual image.


The avenue is supreme.

Su Zhen pushed in and found Zhennanhou also.

"President Su, congratulations on winning the qualifier." Zhennan Hou held a top list and greeted Su Zhen as a congratulatory greeting, but the bitter smile on his face showed that it was not his real idea.

The side of Lu Qianqiu's brows have been frowned into Sichuan characters.

Su Zhen took the list.

After unfolding, a dense cluster of golden text was suspended in mid-air, and the names were lined up in order, with a star value after each name.

Starting from the first line-

Su Zhen: Qingzhou monk, Yuan Yingjing.

Total score: 29 stars.

Number one.


Prince Li: South China Sea, Yuan Yingjing.

Total score: 22 stars.

Ranked second.


Yan Ling: Monk of Shengzhou, Tiangang Realm.

Total score: 21 stars.

Ranked third.


Su Zhen took a quick look and found that--

Bai Shi: Qingzhou monk, Yuan Yingjing.

Total score: sixteen stars.

Ranking: 54th.


Dantai Xuanji: South Haizhou monk, Jindan realm.

Total score: sixteen stars.

Ranking: 82nd.


Jin Shang: No license to repair, Yuan Yingjing.

Total score: Fourteen stars.

Ranking: Three hundred seventy-nine.


Huangfu Qingqing: Yingzhou monk, condensing the realm.

Total score: Twelve stars.

Ranking: Eight hundred fifty-four.


A total of 2,000 rankings were counted in the Emperor List. After reading the last name, there was no discovery of Acacia Washing Red Beans and Gu Heihe. Obviously their overall scores were not on the list.

That is to say.

Not qualified to participate in the Imperial City Finals, but a few unfamiliar Haoran College students made the list.

"How are these star ratings evaluated?"

Su Zhen asked.

"The star value is divided into three aspects, which are 'Talent` `Strength' 'Qiyun', each full value is ten stars. Taking Dean Su as an example, you must be full value in combat strength, and you must be in luck. It ’s the first with the same full value. The only one lost is talent. ”Zhennan Hou paused, adding:“ But since the opening of the Fengyun List, the talent has no full value. Even if you can reach seven stars, even if you are superior, you are nine stars The second, the first is the former Yuanying record holder in the Imperial City. "

No wonder the span is so large.

The first place is 29 stars, and the second place is 22 stars.

"Isn't combat power based on real combat power?"

Su Zhen asked.

"Yes." Zhennanhou nodded: "This is the same level of combat power measurement, including magical powers and magic weapons. As far as I know, the third-ranked Yan Ling combat power is also full."

Su Zhen: "How do you distinguish high and low on the same star?"

Zhennanhou: "The Eternal Kingdom has a complete evaluation system, and the same star will also divide a lot of highs and lows. In the past, simple bonus items will be listed. It is estimated that there will be some errors, but probably not wrong. "

Su Zhen nodded.

Lu Qianqiu couldn't help but say: "President, let's talk about your thoughts, as long as you make the emperor list, you have to participate in the Imperial City Finals. The specific time for this session has not been issued. It is generally one hundred years. What do you do?"

Su Zhen: "Will you not go?"

Zhennan Hou shook his head: "The emperor list is sacred and cannot be blasphemed any more. Unless you are destroyed or even killed, you must go to Zhongzhou when the time comes, and Dean Su has only a hundred years left."

"I know."

Su Zhen smiled and walked outside.


Lu Qianqiu was shocked.

Zhennan Hou reached out to stop him and sighed: "Don't shout, Dean Su knows clearly. I think he will wipe out the threats from Haoran Academy within a hundred years, but Director Lu must also pay close attention to practice, you one day Broken Dan became an infant, he could not rest assured of Haoran Academy for one day. ”Looking at the back of Su Zhen ’s departure, Zhennanhou also looked very heavy:“ Haoran Academy has many potential threats. The family, and even the demon nun, not to mention ... The ranking of the Fengyun Ranking was announced. The Qianlong Building and Qianfeng List were also updated. At that time, the endless mainland will be surging, and countless hidden giant forces will spring up. There will be countless olive branches thrown at Dean Su. At the same time, there will be countless people who regard him as a threat and want to get rid of it soon. The water that has just been cleared will be muddy again. "


Changfeng College.

"President, Zhenbeihou came with the Emperor List."

"How many of our colleges are on the list?"


"Yes, there is one more than last time. Who is this second?"

"Prince Carp! Dean, you don't want to know who is the first?"

"You still have to ask? It must be Dean Su. He still has a lot of troubles to deal with, but now he has to fall into a bigger vortex. Haoran Academy is destined to be calm."


Ask the Heart Academy.

"Master Dean, there are five of our colleges on the list, but the first is Dean Su Zhen, and the second is Prince Lei."

"I know."


Cangyun Academy.

"The dean, like Wenxin College, we have five students on the list, but it is not as good as Changfeng College and Haoran College."

"The former is profound and incomparable, the latter is a sudden rise, and it seems that the unlimited scenery has a solid foundation. Looking at the name on the list, Dean Su won the first is not a good thing but a bad thing. As for Dantai Xuanji, Jin Shang these Although it is also included in Haoran Academy, the former is his non-student, and I have never heard of the latter. It is said that he is his friend? In other words, Haoran Academy is really not as good as us, after all, they have just Go through the catastrophe. "

"It turns out so."

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