Undead Emperor

Chapter 1487: Kill a beast with a sword

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Chapter 1487 Killing Beasts with One Sword

Liuli Bodhisattva burst out with a punch, and the fist gang turned into a three-headed bodhi.


Python Titan meets.

The two attacks collided in mid-air, and the yellow earth fist was destroyed and exploded. The Python Titan dodge quickly, and the Bodhi Elephant hit the air and landed on the sea surface, exploding into the sky.

"This is your capital of Yuanying?"

The Python Titan stared at the Ruri Bodhisattva, and the fighting intent in his eyes increased: "I want to see if your **** is powerful, or my ancient blood is powerful!" He roared to the sky to reveal the body, a giant more than 1,500 meters The python appears on the sea like a bridge across the sea.

"Titanium Aura!"

The Titan Python spit out a ring of yellowish aura.

The aura rises in response to the storm, covering a radius of ten miles, and the earthy yellow light emanates to form a special plane. The gravity inside is increased by ten times, and every move seems to be carrying a mountain.

It is rumored that the Titan Giant lives on the Titan Star, and the gravity of that place is terrifying. The starry sky monster breaks into the explosive body and will die. The Titan Aura creates a reduced version of the Titan Star.

Su Zhen is very uncomfortable.

The Python Titan is like a fish, and the mouth is spurting the glow of the sun, even hitting Su Zhen like a ballista.

"Three Kills!"

Su Zhen integrated the killing fist kendo into the boxing technique, and the fist sword fist defeated Xiaguang ... but it was only defeated, and the effect of far from being destroyed and destroyed did not appear, and more killing was forced to offset the effect of Titan aura.

"You can't win me, Titan's Fury!"

Behind the Python Titans, there appeared a giant phantom. The phantom was standing on the ground. The body was composed of rocks. The flames were burning in the cracks of the rocks. The upper body was hidden in the clouds and could not be seen clearly. Standing there was more mountains than a volcano. Produces a strong sense of suffocation.

This is the Titan Giant.

One of the most powerful races in the universe!

The giant's hands were raised, and the sky covered with his movements was adjusted, and then the flames burned, forming a flaming cloud hammer in his hands, as large as a mountain.

The giant waved the cloud hammer down.

Rumble, the sky is full of thunder roar, as if the sky is falling.

"Fighting seven wounded fists."

Su Zhen snorted, and there were seven muffled sounds in his body, the momentum climbed to the peak, the blood and Buddha light mixed to form a red cloud that covered the sky, and as he waved his fist, the red cloud rolled like a tsunami. The wave was higher than a wave and hit the cloud hammer.


The sky fell apart, the mountains moved, the black cracks like spider webs appeared in the air, the flames were burning, the sea was rough and the waves were rolling, like the end of the world.

Then the storm stopped, and no one could help anyone.

Su Zhen's peak boxing is just tied with Titan's fury?

"The Titan aura is too weak for me, otherwise I can break this hammer." Su Zhen found the root of the problem and used the undead bloodline to repair the internal injury, and immediately integrated the killing fist kendo into the "three killing fist classics" to the yellow halo. .

After a violent collision.

A crack appeared in the yellowish halo, and Su Zhen took the opportunity to escape and climbed back to the top.

"Is there any other way to make it out." Su Zhen stared at the Python Titan, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and an idea appeared in his mind, for which he had to verify that the other party failed.

"The Titan Python family has three great talents: Titan Aura, Titan Fury, Titan Grip, you resist the first two, and see if you can resist the strongest third!" Python Titan is fierce.

As his demon urged, the power of the bloodline exploded, and a thick arm appeared behind him.

The arm is very similar to the giant phantom. The difference is that this is obviously more solid. The texture of the black rock is clear, the orange flame rises in the cracks of the stone, the sea surface is boiled, and the void is burned.

The giant hand caught in the air and the palm lines were very clear.

Titan Grip: The Titan Titan has a magical sign, the palm has the ability to lock, and the target will be increased by a hundred times as long as the surrounding gravity field is locked.

Su Zhen was caught.

"The Titan's Wrath!" Giant Titan's ghost image appeared again behind the Python Titan, and the clouds were adjusted to a burning sledgehammer. Titan's grip is to control supernatural powers. The weaker enemies can be arrested at once. However, the existence of Suzhen's physical perfection can't be arrested, and can only be coordinated with another supernatural power.

Flame Cloud Hammer hit his head.

A blood hole emerged behind Su Zhen, and another blood hole was nested inside the blood hole, which overlapped and overlapped. The deep sea monster squirmed like a mouthpiece and swallowed the flame cloud hammer.

Supernatural power: Blood Devil Cave of Ten Thousand Realms!

It is rumored that the Titan Giant's angry blow can explode a small planet, but the Titan Python is just an ancient fierce beast. It has a little power of Titan and has limited power. It can already offset the world of blood demon cave.

Don't forget, this is the natural supernatural power of the blood demon ancestor.

"Su Zhen, you are really powerful, but we have been fighting for so long, the toad ancestor will soon come, and you will not be able to escape to death at that time." Seeing the three great supernatural powers, Su Zhen couldn't help but the Python Titan stopped attacking.

He still has the law of the avenue.

But he is very clear that Su Zhen has more cards, such as qi and blood tilting, essence blood incarnation, blood dripping and rebirth are useless, can break free at any time and anywhere, want to kill the other party is nonsense, the only thing that can be done It is delaying time.

"That toad will not come."

Su Zhen grinned: "I am very satisfied with the three Titan supernatural powers, can you have other means?"

"What do you mean?"

Python Titan's erect pupil shrank slightly, and his heart felt a bad feeling.

He was very anxious that the ancestor hadn't come yet. He just wanted to ask the Conch for an inquiry, and there was an urgent cry. The content is very simple: Qingxuanjian faction appeared in Shenjiao Bay. Toad ancestors and whale emperors rushed over there. Only the demon of King Kong Island stood in front of Su Zhen. Let him withdraw quickly.

No reinforcements?

The appearance of the Python Titan changed drastically, and he no longer dared to stay for a long time, swinging his body towards the island of King Kong.

"Now I want to go. It's a pity, it's too late. I like the three supernatural powers of Titan. Give them to me." Su Zhen blew himself up. At the next moment, a thick beam of light was shot from the sea in front of him and poured into the sky. Cloud sea Buddha country.

He was reborn with the help of an avatar.

The incarnation was right in front of the Python Titan. The latter noticed the Buddha Kingdom of the Sea of ​​Clouds, and sacrificed the law of the main road to resist it. After a fierce battle, he barely resisted. Without waiting for a breath, a glass Buddha bouncing out of the water and punching him.

This time, Su Zhen went all out!

"Three Kills Boxing", "Fighting Seven Wounds", Blood Thunder Road, Flame Ice Road, Hundred Kills Fist Sword Road, many magical rites, forced the Python Titan into desperation, then he understood Su Zhen How big is the gap.

"Titanium Aura!"

Python Titan creates a gravity field.

"Do you have me? The next thing I want to merge is the gravitational path, first to grab your three supernatural powers." Su Zhen grabbed the void, the cast iron epee appeared, ten kinds of incomplete ependous dao were activated, and they pierced the gravity field in one fell swoop The Black Dragon Jiangang pierced the snake's head and nailed the Python Titan to the sea.

Kill a fierce beast in a sword town!

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