Undead Emperor

Chapter 1515: The enemy is back

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Chapter 1515 The Enemy Is Coming Again

"Yuan Xueshi, have you made a new discovery?" A white-haired old man next to him looked up. His eyes were muddy, making people wonder whether it would be a problem not to see the characters.

"Just an incarnation fell."

Qi Yuxuan's youth is Yuan Dongdao. At this time, he is a deity. His temperament is more than ten million deeper than his incarnation. It is like a blue sea, and he can't see the edge at a glance.

"Using the incarnation game red dust is very helpful for cultivation, but Yuan Xueshi still mainly deals with court affairs. Besides, it will be the birthday of Lord Liu after a while, and Yuan Xueshi, as the gentleman's son-in-law, is also more attentive."

The white-haired old man said blandly.

"Yuan Mou remember." Yuan Dongdao nodded, but in his mind was thinking about the destruction of the incarnation, secretly said: "Xue Jun is already a half-walk Tibetan, and he is a rare enemy in Qingzhou, and I am sheltered by the incarnation, except in the later period of Daozang , Otherwise there is no reason to escape, which old-school road hides his hand, even my face is not given? I feel a terrifying fear from the remaining emotional fluctuations of the incarnation, it seems to be a long-established old brand Master. However, even if you are the master, kill my lover and die, I will definitely find out! "


Underground chamber.

The flames rise, the fire is at its peak, the scent of fragrant incense is overflowing, and the spirit is wafting.

Su Zhen sat cross-legged, her hands clenched, and he continuously shot the glow towards the hearth.

A stunning woman was sitting in the hearth, and her brow furrowed in pain. The most peculiar thing is that her body flickered, and her flesh and blood were all there, and sometimes she turned into a crystal skeleton, as if a skeleton spirit was crossing the robbery.

"You consume too much, causing the flesh to dry up, and now hold on to your heart, and leave the rest to me."

Su Zhen took out the precious elixir and put it in the hearth.

The elixir was incinerated by flames and turned into pure aura. Under the control of Su Zhen, it entered the body through Yuan Chan's pores to nourish the exhausted life potential. Yuan Chan was like a dry lake bed, moistened by rain.

"It's not enough, use the medicine to light the glass flame."

Su Zhen turned into a glazed bodhisattva, and his palm bloomed with glazed flames, and was thrown into the hearth. The fragrance of the medicine immediately came out, and he took a deep breath and looked radiant. Yuan Chan's virtual and physical transformation tended to be stable, changing from one second to ten seconds to a crystal skull.

"Add another fire."

Su Zhen's face was ruthless, and he took out a big drop of sesame blood.

Essence blood into the furnace.

As the flames burned, the sperm changed from sesame to thick viscous blood, filling the furnace tripod, boiling and tumbling. The boiled Yuan Chan's face turned red, and his skin was like hot shrimp.

"Alchemy with blood is for blood."

"Blood Pills can make up for blood deficiency, full of blood, strong body and longevity. The better the quality of the blood, the stronger the blood pill effect. If the blood is stored in the Dao, one can make Yuanying bones and muscles." According to the records of "Gan Tian Dan Dao", the fingerprints were continuously printed, and the essence in the blood was refined into a potted ball.

Next is ‘shaping’.

This is related to Cheng Dan's quality, and Su Zhen didn't do this step at all. He directly injected the semi-finished product into Yuan Chan's body, and used the medicine light Liuli flame to help refine it, thereby greatly reducing the time.

after one day.

In the secret room, the flames were extinguished, the furnace was cooled, the scent of the medicinal medicine, and the majestic essence of blood disappeared, and Yuan Chan sitting in the center of the furnace completely maintained the human form, but Xiu fell to the Jindan realm.

She opened her eyes tiredly: "Save it?"

Su Zhen's non-stop alchemy, nervousness, severe energy exhaustion, and also exhausted, took a deep breath: "The flesh is preserved, but the state of decline is severe, it will take five years to recover."

Yuan Chan is bearish: "The realm is not a problem."

Compared to the trouble of reshaping the body, the restoration of the realm is extremely simple. As long as she retreats and recharges, she will soon recover Yuanyingjiu.

"You must use these elixirs first. After I returned to the ground, the whole army of Yuelu Academy was destroyed. I am not worried that they will reveal your identity. I am afraid that someone will guess your identity."

Su Zhen left the panacea and returned to the ground.

One day, the ruins of Haoran Academy have been almost cleared. This is the convenience of the warrior. The destruction is as fast as the reconstruction. Some students have come out of the secret realm, staring at the ruins and imagining the fierce fighting.

"President, this is a report of casualties." Lu Qianqiu handed over a document.

Su Zhen glanced.

There are many familiar names on it, such as the master of the beast master, the incense burner, the students who have fought side by side, and the tutors who have rubbed together. Every time they see one, it makes Su Zhen look so dull.


All the half-ancestral groups of Yuelu Academy are in full swing, otherwise he can kill Yuelu Academy.

"I know, open the alchemy first, or the quota will have to be increased." Su Zhen entered the alchemy room alone, took out the part from the Qingxuanjian School of Lingcao magic medicine, and found some from the inventory of Haoran Academy. Take out Xue Jun's body.

Simmer in the stove.

Hundreds of crystal clear Dabuxue Dan finally appeared.

"You divide these and say that all of them are made from herbs." Su Zhen is used to eating and practicing. Others may not be able to accept it, but it is better to beautify it slightly.

Two days later.

Those who were taken away by Shou Yuan from Hengguang recovered as before, only Gu Heihe, Long Changmei, Zhennanhou, and Baixu were recuperating at the college. Haoran Academy returned to the right track. Su Zhen went to see the three women alone. Xia Yuanchan's identity.

Small building in the forest.

The reconstruction of the secluded wooden building was completed, and the transplanted plants were not as lush as before, but the academy was full of spirits, and it would be able to flourish within a few months. Instead, the girls in the small building were very worried.

Especially Miss Dantai, as if she had knocked over the jar of vinegar, was unhappy all day.

"Your injuries have been healed? I will simply say the identity of Xiayuan Daoyou ..." Su Zhen felt someone behind her and turned her head to see Huangfu Qingqing, and the beautiful woman she was carrying was a beautiful woman.

She was also in the forest?

"I called Huangfu Daoyou over, the college has undergone a sudden change, I am afraid she is alone."

Lan Zhi asked: "How about Senior Yuan's injury?"

"Basically stable, but I can't use force within five years. Let me talk about her identity first." Su Zhengang wanted to explain, and suddenly noticed that a terror was coming to the academy, just like an archaic murderer, shaking the world and threatening the world.

Those students who just came out, kneeled down on the ground uncontrollably, Lu Qianqiu and other foreheads violently jumped on their foreheads, violently shaking the world, the blood vessels broke apart, and the four men and women of Gu Heihe were under pressure, spitting out blood Injury.


Shake the fierce world to crush the small building in the forest.


Su Zhenyang hit a fist and cracked the fierce suppression, and at the moment of the collision, he also distinguished the realm of the comer. He was another Dao Tibetan ancestor, and he was above the incarnation of Yuan Dongdao!

The enemy is back.

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