Undead Emperor

Chapter 1568: Encroaching upon the whole world, shocking the audience

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The first chapter of the five hundred and sixty-eight chapters swallowed Tibetans, shocked the audience


The Soul Extinguisher was crushed by a male mountain, and flew out of Baizhang, hit the cliff, leaving a human-shaped deep pit.


Defeat and destroy souls!

The audience was silent.

The holy infant, the lion ancestor, the blind old man and all the onlookers are in a state of sluggishness. Ca n’t believe the scene in front of me.

how can that be?

"Buddha heart Zen master also refined the soul?" Ci Hang demon monk dream came to understand the meaning of Su Zhen's phrase "a true lord relying on the god's soul." Scattered people.

As soon as this statement came out, all the people should suddenly wake up.

No wonder that Su Zhen's fist is equally divided with the soul extermination. The original major is also the way of the soul of the god. This is not difficult to explain. The blood-shaking thing that shakes the earth and earth is really something that bluffs people.


The cliff wall exploded, and a figure rose into the sky, carrying a monstrous grief and standing in the air, his hair was circulated, the corner of his mouth was tickled with blood, a big hole in his chest, his internal organs were completely broken, and his body was completely destroyed. However, the Yin Soul is super strong, using blood vessels as a channel, extending a black soul line, and patching the broken body together, barely maintaining its use.

Dao Zang is Dao Zang after all, Su really hit him, but he failed to kill him.

"Damn, can you just ignore my soul and kill me?" Soul extinguishes people's eyes with fear, but he is a master at the bottom of the box. He wanted to kill Su Zhen with one blow, deter all directions, spread the name of the murder, and was murdered. Ignore the punch.

"You are far worse than me."

Su Zhen rose into the sky, covered the Yin and Yang grinding discs in his hands and flew between his hands, and hit the flame ice road, forcing the soul to disperse and quickly resist.

Boxing continues to share equally.

Su Zhen is good at boxing, sweeping Yuanying like slaughtering chickens and killing dogs, but in the face of Dao Zang, even Dao Zang who is not proficient in boxing, it is not easy to achieve equal division. It is nonsense to want to crush. To cause psychological pressure and destroy the soul, the people are in a hurry and choose to continue to attack with the soul.

as expected.

The soul-killing people are all in the spirit of the soul, and when they see Su Zhen killing himself, they instinctively use the spirit to defend the enemy, and a black mist sprays from his mouth and hits Su Zhen.

"Rotten Soul Poison!"

The demon monk Cihang spoke of the origin of the black mist.

This highly toxic malaria gas collected from the polluted river of Huangquan, after being refined by seventy-nine methods, is refined with other poisons, and has the effect of rotting the ghost. As long as the skin comes in contact, it can be contaminated with the ghost.


Su Zhen opened his mouth and sucked.


This poisonous mist that can rot the ghosts and can't even be avoided by the true monarch was swallowed by him at one bite, and then just like the no one, leaned in front of the soul extinguisher, and put his palm up as a knife, splitting it out.

Palm Gang shot!

With a crackling noise, the Soul Extinguisher split from the forehead, along the eyebrow, nose bridge, lips, throat, chest, and down to the genitals, divided into two neat sections. Su Zhen kicked out the flicks with his feet, and the foot gang stepped on the two bodies. Before the black thread sewed on, he stepped on and exploded into a sky of blood mist, leaving no meat residue.

With a palm, ruin the body.

The onlookers were dumbfounded again, and the banquet was still dead. The pupil of Cihang ’s demon suddenly shrank and looked at Su Zhen, wondering to what extent his spirit was so strong.

How could he know that the stronger the soul attack, the easier Su Zhen resolved.

On the attack of the soul and soul, the soul destroyer has already surpassed the limit of Su Zhen's endurance. Once he entered his mind, he instantly inspired the guardian mode of the will of the undead emperor Wu Dao, and then there was no ash left in the refining. If the soul destroyer knew that the defeat was fast, yes Because he is too strong, he is not willing to die.

The flesh was destroyed, and the Soul Extinguisher did not directly fall, but instead turned into a black mist and escaped quickly, suspended in the distant air, contracted into a round ball, with spikes all over his body, fluctuating, and watching Su Zhen cautiously.

"You, who are you ..."

The incoherent voice came from the orb, this is the ghost of the soul extermination.

"The one who killed you."

Su Zhen took off the Skeleton Rosary with his right hand and threw it towards the black ball. The skeleton split into 100 in the air, roaring and roaring, arrogant, fierce and powerful. If you concentrate, you can burst the ghost.

Seeing that the soul extinguishing and the scattered people are going to fall, the key moment is--


A loud drink sounded.

A celestial lion claw photographed like a wall in front of the black ball, banged all the rosary skulls, it was the lion ancestor who rescued the soul exterminator, he was a monster, repaired the flesh, resisted Killing fist kendo is effortless.

"Buddha heart, you have ruined the soul of the soul, give me a face, this is the case."

Shizu Road.

They formed an alliance with the Soul Extinguishers, and if the Soul Extinguishers were killed in public, their faces were dull, so they decided to save their companions.

"Alas, it's a pity."

The Cihang demon sighed long.

This is a good opportunity to kill and dispel souls and souls. However, the lion ancestor, the holy infant, and the blind old man said that Su Zhen would not dare to continue to struggle. Except for a very small part of the floating world, who dares not sell their three faces?

"It's a bit unpleasant." The onlookers were disappointed.

And just when all the demons thought that the battle was over, even the ghosts of Soul Extinguishers took a sigh of relief, and after the spikes converged, the indifferent voice came from the mouth of the fat head, the face full of flesh, the tyrannical arrogance, the evil and evil demon Come out: "What kind of things do you deserve for me? I kill souls like slaughter dogs, the same is true of killing you, fight if you don't obey, and dare to stop me and kill you together!"

The sound like a thunder exploded, just like contempt for exterminating souls and scattered people, it was shocked again in the heart of the group of demon, and this time the contempt was the lion ancestor, as well as the same infant and blind old man.

The voice fell.


Su Zhen incarnates into Thunder, tearing the void and breaking through to the black ball.


The lion ancestor was frightened and angry, and manipulated the lion's claws to shoot at Su Zhen.


Su Zhen's cuffs swayed violently, and a black circle with a diameter of ten feet was born. The inner circle was nested and overlapped. Each black circle was also covered with sharp teeth, like an ugly mouthpiece of a deep-sea monster, swirling up. , There is a strong suction, eat the attacking lion claw in one bite.

The lion claws entered and blasted away.

Immediately it was refined into pure energy and added to Su Zhen's body. The seemingly unstoppable attack was reduced to Su Zhen's nourishment. Su Zhen opened his mouth and swallowed at the black ball.

"Come into me!"

Su Zhen swallowed the black ball into his mouth, grunted, and swallowed into his stomach. All the demons watching were dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Even the merciful demon monk, the lion ancestor, the holy infant, and the blind old man were dull and could not believe their own. eye.

A true monarch who is proficient in the way of the soul is eaten?

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