Undead Emperor

Chapter 1599: Explosive

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Chapter 1599

Thousands of miles away from the abyss of Dizang, a group of monsters were killed in a mighty way, and the evil spirits were carried over the world. They were headed by Soul Son, Archbishop Keo, Ancient Sword Dao, Wu Mei, Gu Dao Ren and so on.

"Hunzi, are you sure that guy is not dead?"

Asked Archbishop Keo.

"The news I received is such that if the human being can survive under the crimson helm, it can only show that he has mastered the power of the demon bone."

Soul Son's eyes were cold.

Hearing that Su Zhen was not dead, the group demons in the fierce battle were shocked. But how could he survive the power that even Dao Zang Pinnacle could kill? Some monsters with flexible right brains instantly think of the world's demonic bones, and only that thing can resist the semi-finals?


As he said, Soul Son seemed to perceive something, staring at the underground abyss, feeling that there was massive blood and blood accumulating there: "What a strong power of blood and blood, is this man's magical power?"

"It is indeed." Wu Meimei's eyes were startled. She knew the blood.

The voice fell.


Hearing a loud noise, a blood column that shook the world rose into the sky, penetrated into the sky, and began to transform into a cloud sea Buddha country on the border with Yinsha. The area covered thousands of miles. The shadow of the Buddha.

Yunhai Buddha Kingdom!

This is undoubtedly the qi and blood supernatural power of the mankind.

"That human is alive!"

"It is indeed him!"

"The magical power of this supernatural power is amazing. I will work together to resolve the crisis, and then go to capture him." Archbishop Keo, although he had not experienced the power of the blood and the sky, he could imagine it when he looked at the tragic battlefield. After these fierce battles in the Sacred Realm, Yuanying fell into a batch again. If he was hit by the **** sky again, there was a risk of interruption of inheritance, so he called for cracking magical powers.


Archbishop Keo unfolded a pair of bright wings behind. The feathers contained sacred and pure energy. The soft light emitted was like the body protection of the Buddhist monks, and it had the effect of transforming the demon.

He flapped his wings.

call out.

call out.

call out.

One feather shot, and the arrows shot at the Cloud Kingdom.

"Seven evil spirit refining smoke."

Soul Son sacrificed seven evil treasure gourds, with purple and black gourds suspended in front of them, and seven kinds of poisons in the underworld portrayed on the surface. With the injection of the demon element, the poisons come to life.


The cork was pulled out, and the gourd's mouth sprayed out a suffocating smoky smoke, soaring up to 90,000 miles, invading the Yunhai Buddha Kingdom.

"Hang the sword from the air."

With a big wave of ancient kendo, Baizhang's sword appeared in the air, rose into the sky, and darted into the sea of ​​Buddha.

As for Wu Mei, Gu Dao Ren, Lord Crimson Rudder, and Bishop Kurt, etc., they did not make a move. If the three Dao Zang pinnacles teamed up and could not break through the cloud and sea Buddha Kingdom, it would only prove that they met Yuan Shen Realm.

At the same time as they shot, the Yunhai Buddha Kingdom also collapsed, and the energy of both sides collided in the sky.


The Buddha mourned and the Bodhisattva wept.

The feather arrow shot at the Buddha and exploded, each taking away a fallen Buddha. Qisha's refining soul smoke enveloped the bodhisattva, and the majestic bodhisattva was infested and turned into a gloomy demon. The dangling sword was collided with the ancestral shadow of the Buddha, and Jiangang cut the Buddha's shadow. The storm caused by the explosion of the Buddha's shadow also destroyed the Jiangang, and the Luohan and Galan of the leaked fish were also wiped out by the storm.

For the first time, the unprecedented Buddha Kingdom of the Clouds returned without success.

"Holy Son!"

"Bishop Kamui!"

"Pavilion Divine Prowess!"

Soul Hall members, members of the Holy Devil Church, asked the members of the sword pavilion to raise their arms and shout in excitement. The frightened demon kings watched the Yunhai Buddha Kingdom be resolved, and their excited eyes were red. They understood that they were stronger.

After cracking the magic power.

Soul Son waved his hand: "Kill, attack the underground abyss!"


The army of demons swarmed like locusts.

Above the virgin forest hundreds of miles away, there is a group of monsters suspended. They sell strangely. Most of them are wounded. The head is a new ghost dragon robe. The cheeks, neck, and arms are all injured. Eerie young man, he was a corpse prince.

"Cloud Buddha Kingdom?"

The corpse prince looked at the dispelled magical power, his eyes split, and he gritted his teeth and said: "That human being is still alive, he must have mastered the secret of the demon bone, and he must be caught at all costs!"

Yin Leizhou was the biggest loser of this war, and it was almost beaten into the holy demon domain of that year. If the bones were not available, the corpse prince would be mad.

"Your Highness, don't be impulsive." Jumorosh quickly persuaded.

"Prince Ben understands that after the mantis catches the cicada cardinal, the three of them join hands to fight us, and now we will not go out, and then we will do it when their head is fighting for the demon bone."

The corpse prince ordered his subordinates to keep up.


Is it the edge of the underground abyss, Su Zhen, who is the incarnation of the Jinglili Bodhisattva, looked at the Cloud Kingdom and the Buddha Kingdom was cracked, and could not help but sigh: "If one day does not advance to Daozang, it is the same as Daozang with the cloud of the sky and soil, which is the most important thing."

Su Zhen has always tried to convince people.

I'm willing to break through thousands of Qigongs and thousands of supernatural powers, and facing Dao Zang, especially the pinnacle Dao Zang, has left him with thousands of Qigong and thousands of supernatural powers.

Calculate the time.

There is another quarter of an hour, plus a cup of tea!

"No way, let it explode." Su Zhen splits into nine, and the nine serpent incarnations are lined up like a long snake array, just like a steel gun straight into the heart of the demon army, and Su Zhenzhen is in first place.

One thousand miles, eight hundred miles, six hundred miles, five hundred miles, three hundred miles ...


The two met in two hundred miles.

Su Zhen didn't kill him, but did something that made all the monsters unprepared. He reversed his anger, blew Yuan Ying, regarded himself as a super thunder pill, and blasted away.

The storm swept through all directions.


"Ancestor saved me ..."

"Run away!"

The demon comes quickly and escapes fast, even if there are thousands of infants, Jindan, Tiangang, and Ningshajing demon are killed.

"He blew himself up?"

"Damn it, it's a good thing for him to take the initiative to die, let's continue to the Dizang Abyss."

The demon revives the team.

Fifty miles after the advance, Su Zhen kept intact in front, before the demon had reacted, reversed the real device again, exploded Yuanying, a terrifying storm swept all directions, and sent thousands of demon back to the west.

what's the situation?

The demons have been blown silly, even the soul son, Archbishop Keo, Ancient Kendo, etc. do not understand at all, why can a self-destructive human being be reborn, is it also the effect of the demon bone?

For a time, the army dared not go deep.

"Don't stop!"

Soul Son, Archbishop Keo, Ancient Kendo, etc. stand in front, Wu Mei, Gu Dao Ren, Crimson Rudder Master, and Bishop Kurt form a wall of true monarchs immediately afterwards. .

Go twenty miles.


Su Zhen attacked for the third time.

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