Undead Emperor

Chapter 163: Bloody proposal

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Chapter 163 The Bloody Proposal

Su Zhen released the Dongmen Tu flying boat and soon returned to Vientiane Sect.

But instead of entering the sect gate, he went directly to the Minjiang Water Mansion. When he arrived at the water mansion, he found that a large number of members of the Holy King Party greeted him spontaneously.

"Welcome the commander back!" The ordinary members shouted.

"Brother Su Zhen."

Right Vice President Xu Luyan, Chief Executive Officer Yang Xingshi, Elite Leader Ning Xinhan, and Deputy Head Luo Feng are also outside.

"Sister Xu, Sister Yang, Sister Ning, Sister Luo." Su Zhen expected that after Han Yunfeng fled back to the Zongmen, it would cause uproar, and he also knew that the disciples of the inner door would hold him back even more, but did not expect that even Xu Luyan, Yang Xingshi and others He valued him so much and greeted himself outside.

If Yang Xingshi, Ning Xinhan, and Luo Feng greet it are justified, Xu Luyan really broke the specifications.

Even if An Zun returns, it is only such a battle.

It can be seen that Su Zhen's status in the Holy King Party is no weaker than An Zun.

"Yi Shengxue was looking for Hunyuan Qingmu for Brother Anzun. He didn't come back. Brother Xiang Fantian went to suppress the chaotic water demon in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. I didn't expect that there was a male anaconda that was killed not long ago. He rushed into the water house three days ago. Range, even hurting several members, I could n’t help it, Xiang Fantian went into the water to chase him, and drove it back upstream, which would not be there either. ”Xu Luyan said:“ I ’ll take you back to the water palace, all your encounters in the Misty Swamp It ’s a rumor, you have to hear it in detail. ”

Several people dived into Shuifu.

In the Dragon Palace, the first throne is empty, and Su Zhen and Xu Luyan are sitting on an equal footing.

Su Zhen briefly finished the process.

After hearing this, Yang Xingshi looked somber: "I didn't expect that the Holy King Party was infiltrated by others. Wang Zhong and Gu Hao have been investigated. There are others who are under strict investigation, and they must never leave any traitors!"

"Wang Zhong is a member of the elite regiment. It is my responsibility to collude with outsiders to secretly calculate the commander. I am willing to accept the commander's punishment." Ning Xinhan stood up with Luo Feng to pay the court.

"What are the two brothers doing?" Su Zhen quickly asked them to sit down: "Fu Lingtian is good at calculations, and the chess pieces have been arranged as early as the outside door, even if the Holy King Party is inevitable. Moreover, the seventy-two parties compete with each other and friction continues It ’s normal for them to intervene with each other. The two brothers do n’t blame themselves. ”

The Holy King Party is the largest party. It has been stared by countless people. It has been attacked the most. It is normal to be raped.

Even the strict review by the Holy King Party is inevitable.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention leading a big party? It's normal to have a small problem. If you say responsibility, the party leader An Zun, his commander-in-chief is heavier than Ning Xinhan Luo Feng, there is no need to blame, just a few words to expose the end.

After seeing several people finish talking, Xu Luyin asked, "What is Brother Junior going to do?"

"What do you do?"

"Brother Su was besieged for nine lives, even though he murdered the other five people, he was a secret strategist, did he swallow this bad breath like this?" Xu Luyan said: "Brother Anzun has learned about this and let me Tell you what you want to do, he will support you, even if you kill the unicorn peak, he will accompany you. "

"Kill the unicorn?"

Su Zhen was quite surprised: "Brother Anzun doesn't even care about Ge Hongtian?"

"Ge Hongtian was in the late third stage of Lingquan. Although Brother Anzun was capable of fighting the old woman of the snake stick, he was still a little bit up to Ge Hongtian, but it was no problem to entangle him. Brother Shi had enough time to kill Han Yunfeng and Ge Qian. The inner door is your master's world, even the Penal Hall must be listened to, and Ge Hongtian doesn't dare to really shoot you. Killed and killed, no one in the inner door dares to trouble you, even if Ge Hongtian uses outside forces, please repair evil. To kill you, our Holy King Party is stronger than him. If he is enough to be the three elders, he would n’t mind making him a broken mortal mortal. ”Xu Luyan's tone was flat, but his eyes were firm, showing strong confidence.

The inner door is the inner door of the Vientiane Sect, and the top administrator is the elder Liu Cong.

In the inner door, Liu Cong has a right to say!

Anything that goes wrong can be suppressed.

Liu Chong ’s apprentices were secretly calculated, and even if he killed the one-horned peak, in the presence of the three elders, he cut off the two apprentices, and no one dared to say half. On the contrary, if something goes wrong with his apprentice, he will swallow his voice, so that people will feel a joke. Liu Chong's prestige will also be greatly lost.

Not to mention the Holy King Party.

A force stronger than most elders!

If Su Zhen speaks now, saying that killing the Dujiao Peak, the members of the Holy King Party will rush to the nest and immediately rush up, and the party leader An Zun will also go out and personally accompany Su Zhen to kill Han Yunfeng.

Everyone waited for Su Zhen to speak.

Looking at the eyes that everyone expected, Su Zhen smiled slightly and said indifferently: "My plan is to ... continue to practice."


Everyone is baffled.

"Not bad." Su Zhen nodded: "How can I kill the unicorn peak and kill Han Yunfeng now with the help of the master brother? The most important thing for the monk is personal strength. For example, if I had n’t been a strong individual this time, I would have died in the misty swamp, even if I had a senior brother to support me, could I be exempted from death? It doesn't matter how I say it, I want to continue to practice and kill Han Yunfeng naturally. Han Yunfeng is nothing in my eyes, he wants to hide in Dujiaofeng as a dog, then I continue Cultivate to improve strength, as long as I touch him with my own eyes, then I will kill him. "

Su Zhen wanted to kill Han Yunfeng very much, but he didn't want to rely on the force of Master Brother. He had to rely on himself.

Han Yunfeng is his demon.

Only by beheading the demons by oneself can one reach the mind and realize the epiphany.

With the help of external forces, it is not good.

"The younger brother is worthy of being a rare wizard in a century. The idea is different from ours. Instead, I encountered such a thing. When I came back, I immediately notified the master to kill the enemy's old nest together. Revenge first and then say, how could you think so much?" Yang Xingshi admired: "The younger brother said well, that being strong is really strong, strength is the foundation of everything, and only cultivation is king."

The battle of Misty Marsh has greatly improved Su Zhen's prestige.

Especially the killing of Fu Lingtian, Bai Daosheng, Duan Tianluo, Wang Zhong, Gu Hao, Han Yunfeng and Ge Qian have made everyone think that his fighting power has reached the level of Xu Luyan and Xiang Brahma.

In the inner door, can be ranked in the top five!

And he was born out of the seventhfold, and there are a lot of places where he can improve.

After finishing talking with several people, Su Zhen returned to the Fishbone Cave.

In the fish bone cave, Su Zhenxiangong maintained the state to the peak, and then took out a crystal box. After opening, it was a milky white ball, exuding the majestic ability. It was Fu Lingtian's Dantian!

It is not suitable in the misty swamp, so you can take it with peace of mind.

"I don't know if I can eat me after I eat you? Fu Lingtian, this is the last thing you have left in the world. I hope you won't be disappointed. It's your honor to turn into my cultivation behavior!" Su When she really opened her mouth, she sucked the milky white beads into her belly.

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