Undead Emperor

Chapter 1931: Beyond the existence of Yuanshen

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Chapter 1931 Beyond the Presence of Yuanshen

The order of not moving was very sudden. In addition to the news received in the morning, the Flying Supreme has been suppressed, and there is no reason to not move. The only explanation is that Dao really shot.

Engagement in the Ice Plain is a manifestation, and the real battlefield is in the river of destiny.

As long as the King of Light, the Kraken, the High Priest, and the Ancestors of the Ten Thousand Beasts are defeated, the Daxue Mountain is a thing in the bag. No need to consider at all ... To understand this, the faces of Li Yanting and Dean Yuelu have all changed.

They feel fear.

It has long been rumored that Dao Taizhen went to the outer realm to get a terrifying adventure, and even the four demon emperors of the realm sold their faces, and now it seems that this adventure is more exaggerated than imagined.

"what are you guys saying?"

Their gaffes awakened Qian Wuji and the mole cricket Lama. The two of them had nothing to do with their subordinates and did not care about themselves.

"I know why Senior Taizhen kept us from moving."

Li Yanting said with a trembling voice.


Qian Wuji has an interest.

"The master of the tower will soon know." However, Li Yanting didn't tell him clearly, and he said nothing.

As the most well-connected person in Kyushu, the main tower of Danta, Li Yanting respected and even stifled him. But all this time was ruined. A fake news had to kill hyacinths, Chu Shi Crocodile, and Bazaan Lama. He and Dean Yuelu were anxious like the ants on the hot pot, but the other person closed his eyes freely to raise his mind. Everyone looked angry.


Ha ha, he left the servant of the Ministry of Arms no longer buying it!

"President Heng, do you know the reason?" Qian Wuji saw the other party plaguing him, and his face sank slightly. He quelled his anger and asked President Yue Lu, he was still more interested in the reason.

"The Lord of the Tower is waiting."

Unexpectedly, Dean Yue Lu also didn't give a good face, and blocked it back in one sentence.


Qian Wuji stood up suddenly, his face sullen.

The mole cricket's face was somber, and his hands were sang together: "Amitabha, Lord Li, Dean Heng? What do you mean? I helped the main pagoda to fight, and even the poor monk and brothers sacrificed their lives, but you bothered me both?"

"Don't dare, it's just that we are not sure, and dare not make rash statements."

Dean Yue Lu said indifferently.

Put it in front of him, even though he had resentment against these two, he did not dare to treat it like this. After guessing what Dao was really doing, his brain was shocked, more shocked than seeing Yuanshen, who cares about these two people ? Not to mention them, as long as Dao is really like they thought, even if the guardian mage standing behind him, the magical pill comes, it is not respectable.

"Oh, what a hospitality." Qian Wuji snorted coldly.

But Dean Yuelu and Li Yanting didn't care anymore. Even if they left now, they didn't care anymore. There was only one thing in their minds, that is, what happened in the river of destiny.


The battle is still going on in the vast galaxy that overwhelms the Nine Sky and wraps the endless continent. The ancestors of the Four Avenues of the Sun crush the three emperors of the underworld. The latter keeps retreating, especially the overlord of the ghost, which has been bombed into the bottom of the river hundreds of times.

"Suppress him first!"

Photographed by King Guangming, there was a dazzling white light in his palm.


As he moved, the universe seemed to change color, the long river was rolling and turbulent, the water was turbulent, and the Yuanshen's body represented the strength. Compared with the thousand-footed figure of the overlord, the King of Light was obviously one size bigger.

Photographed with a palm.


The overlord of the ghost was hit into the bottom of the river, and his body was black, and he showed a fierce demon face. He screamed: "King Guangming, you don't need to be arrogant, it will soon be your death!"

"Great light."

The answer to him was Pinnacle Qigong, accompanied by the siege of the Kraken Emperor, as for the high priest entangled the holy demon master, the lord of the demon king, and the master of the soul palace, divided and ruled.




The Sect Master Yin was a little imprisoned and fell towards the vortex of the river bottom. That fierce demon face became impatient, but just as he was about to walk in the footsteps of the Supreme Master, a huge momentum suddenly came--


The river is rolling and the waves are gigantic.

A terrifying momentum appeared, like a planet plunging into a big river, ripples spread like a tsunami, forming a bowl-shaped space, and the ghost ghost sovereign who was suppressed to the bottom of the river was exposed to the air.

He turned around and fled.


The King of Light, the Siren, the High Priest, and the Ancestors of Ten Thousand Beasts stopped at the same time. The same is true of the Holy Sacred Master and the Lord of the Soul Hall.

Under their watch--

A figure of about ten thousand heights, manifested in the river of destiny, its facial features are a person who has never seen.

"Elder Powerhouse?"

Guangming Wang frowned into Sichuan.

As a guest in a long river of fate, he knew all the Yuanshen himself, but he had no impression at all. The most important thing is that the other party's size is so horrible, which is the only thing in his life.

Nowadays, the Yuanshen on the mainland does not have this person.

"King of Light, how long has it been since I couldn't recognize the old man?" Manzhang figure opened his mouth with a hint of joking, and the King of Light who heard this sentence, and three of the Kraken Emperor, the brain roared, and his face was at the same time. A change, shouting a person's name in unison——

"Tao is so real!"

"Do you think you should treat each other in three days?" Manzhang's figure laughed aloud, with a transcendental mentality that seemed to suppress countless years, and finally broke into cocoons.

Not bad.

This person is the truth.

Dao Taizhen, who is in charge of the Qingzhou royal palace, is the strongest Dao Tibetan ancestor in Qingzhou, but all Yuanshen in the endless mainland knows one thing. He is not an ordinary Dao Tibetan realm, but an old monster in Shouyuan.

Gratifying and sad.

I am fortunate to be one with the long river of destiny, not Yuanshen, better than Yuanshen, even if Yuanshen Daozu died, he would not die. Sadly, as part of the long course of fate, never think of detachment, this life stops here, and life and death are not controlled.

But one thing is the default.

Although Dao Taizhen took the wrong step, he could surpass the age of most Yuanshen and let him settle down the deepest. Once he found a breakthrough opportunity, he would work hard to overtake most Yuanshen and even surpass Yuanshen Realm.


This matter became a reality.

Dao Taizhen's voice is vicissitudes, thick, and contains irresistible majesty. Even if the Yuanshen Taoist ancestors must listen to the true colors: "The old man has not yet reached the peak, he must deal with the four of you. This makes the old man very dissatisfied." Voice said: "However, once the old man reaches the peak, he will surpass the Yuanshen Realm, and experience this realm before he surpasses. It is not regrettable."

This remark fell.


The minds of the four Kings of Light again shook their heads, and even the three ghost lords also changed their complexion. Rumors are too true. Once the opportunity is found, may it be true to surpass Yuanshen?

"No, please inform below."

The King of Light realized that it was bad, and immediately sent a ray of consciousness to the Endless Continent to tell the group of juniors that the situation had changed dramatically.

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