Undead Emperor

Chapter 1948: Attack on Snake Island

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Chapter 1948 Attacking Snake Island

Eagle man tribe, located in Xueqianling, Langang Mountains, with a population of 150,000. The talent is magical for flying, and the two-claw crushed stone is cracked with gold. The current tribal leader 'Eagle King' is extremely powerful. .

His son Ying Shaotian, only 25 years old, is close to the Eagle King. He is cruel in nature and enjoys killing. Since serving as the deputy leader of the Eagle Clan, he led the tribe to wage 17 wars, destroying the Clan, and snatching it. Three major sites.

In recent years, coveting the Snake Island, our family has a final battle with it.

This is information about the Eagle Clan, and there are many news and rumors, including the guess of the former leader of the Snake Island, who noticed that Snake Domineering had a dissent and secretly met with Eagle Shaotian.

"Unfortunately, one step slower."

Su Zhen shook his head.

The former leader of Snake Island has the ability. Even through the clues and traces, he guessed that the Snake Pavilion was secretly murdered, but he was assassinated without finding detailed evidence. The most unexpected thing was that all the eight families were rebellious, even the witch doctor among them.

The people betrayed their relatives, but so.

"Brother, are you really going to fight with the Eagles?" She Yiqian was very worried. "The Eagles are already stronger than us. Coupled with the eight big families, we have a very low chance of winning."

"I'm enough alone." Su Zhen looked indifferent.


She Yiqian stopped talking, she looked at Su Zhen's face halfway, and finally said this: "Brother, can you tell me, who the **** are you?"


Su Zhen turned around.

She Yiqian drummed up her courage and stared at him closely, saying: "You block the Eagle Shaotian's blow for me, I clearly see your gut broken, there is no breath, should not be alive, and now you, let me Very strange, not only the strength, but also the personality has completely changed, brother, who the **** are you? "

She finally asked what she was thinking.

Su Zhenyun is breezy: "I am a snake, but I have a great fortune, and give me ten days to wait for everything to be handled, and I will tell you the whole situation."

She Yiqian stared at him.

"It's dangerous lately, you hide first." No matter what she thought of the Snake Girl, Su Zhen took her away and continued to read the information. The next thing she looked at was the Witch Doctor Alliance, which was his real goal.


The Witch Doctor Alliance, Lan Gang, the real overlord, exists supremely, and controls the mainland for countless years, either explicitly or implicitly.

This is the first sentence recorded in the book.

According to ancient legends, the Langang continent once had a mysterious energy from the sky. The first batch of aliens who came into contact with this energy, whether it be snakes, eagles, lions, or apes, all turned into the same form.

Claiming to be a ‘Witch’.

The original Wu people were powerful, deliciously spitting fire, breathing Yunxia, ​​riding the wind and riding the waves, moving mountains and mountains, manipulating the thunder and so on. , You can get the magic power.

At that time, the Wu people were kings.

But as the river lapsed over time, the Wu people gradually weakened, the powerful wizards were faulted, the green and yellow were not connected, and the Lan Gang continent returned to the era of the alien separatism, while the Wu people used medical skills to station each tribe, renamed the witch doctor, and obtained a transcendent status and continued in secret Take control of the Land Continent.

The Witch Doctors Union is the renamed Wu clan.

According to rumors, there are still several ancient big witches in the Witch Doctor Alliance, who still master the magical energy, vomiting the green fire, breathing Yunxia, ​​moving mountains and Yue Yue, manipulating the thunder, one thought can kill people.

After many years of reviewing the ancient books, the current leader of the Witch Doctor Alliance, that is, the leader of the Wu people, is a great witch named ‘Zhen’.


"Spitting fire, breathing Yunxia, ​​condensing refining the Gang realm, or Jin Danyuan infant realm?" Su Zhen closed the data. Because the words "rumored" legend "according to the legend" are often used in the records, it is difficult to judge Out of the realm, according to the performance of Rain Witch Doctor, he felt that the "shock" should be the Jindan level.

Once born, a golden pill.


However, Su Zhen didn't feel relieved at all: "To continue to retreat tonight, first return to the Lingquan Realm, look for something that can replace the Yin Vein and Tian Gang Yang Vessel, and if you have some, you can directly sprint Jindan, and if you don't, don't worry. "

The Endless Continental Cultivation System needs both of these and cannot be found. Even if the Yuanshen can't rebuild it, Su Zhen is also proficient in another cultivation system——


Buddhism cultivated nine consciousnesses, and all nine consciousnesses were all advanced. He was promoted to Yuanshen. With his cultivation of four consciousnesses, he suppressed a Jindan and raised his hand.

That night, Su Zhen closed.

If there are endless mainland monks here, you can witness the heaven and earth aura on the Snake Island, ingested by the invisible vortex, falling like a whale to the study room of the Snake House, as if the sea vortex is hanging down, and you can hear the rumbling vibration .

The next morning, early in the morning.

As the sun rises, the light of the morning dawns over the Snake Island, and the island that experienced the **** slaughter opens a new chapter.


Many snake people on the island pushed open the door and looked at the green buds on the tree, slightly wet mud, with a puzzled expression on their faces: "Strange, thunder all night, did it rain?"

Sky Snake House, study.


When the door opened, Su Zhen's muscles and bones came out, with a faint smile on his face. His breath was a hundred times stronger than yesterday. This is due to the cultivation to the Lingquan Realm.

"What a lively day for a refreshing day, come and enjoy yourself."

Su Zhen is in a good mood.


At the same moment.

The snow-capped mountains of the Langang Mountains are named after the snow-capped mountains in winter.


The Xueqianling Eaglemen Tribe received a secret letter.

"Young Master, came from Snake Island." An eagle human race escaped into a small palace on the towering ancient trees and bowed to a young man with a fierce face wearing silver robes.

"Snake Batian succeeded the leader?"

The young man's five fingers formed into claws, and he grasped the void. With his palm, he swallowed the letter and opened it, but his eyebrows wrinkled into Chuan characters.


He photographed the letter on the table, and the solid wooden table was torn apart. The sound of the explosion scared the eagle to be shocked.

"Less, less master?"

The Hawk raised his head nervously.

"Snake was really life-threatening. He survived and was still inherited from witchcraft? The tyrannical snake snake created so many opportunities for him, and the whole army was wiped out, even the old life was taken in! The eight major families are also waste wood. Tens of thousands of people ca n’t stop a snake from falling down. The patriarch is cut in public, and even the fart dare not let go. ”Ling Liqing ’s eyes narrowed into a slit:“ This guy looks like a strange encounter, the witch doctor They are all killed, and the potential is too great to stay. "

Talk about it.

He suddenly got up and walked out, rumored that Eagle was busy keeping up.

The young man escaped to the sky and said with a deep voice: "The Eagle-Earth Army listened to my orders, gathered together, attacked Snake Island, and beheaded the snake!

"Snake Island?"

The rumored Eagle was shocked, but it was the Serpent's Nest.

The youth was expressionless and indifferent, saying: "The Snake Tribe is a piece of sand, and it is good at fighting in the nest. We go directly to nothing. On the contrary, the eight major families will help.

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