Undead Emperor

Chapter 1960: Sorcerer

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Chapter 1960 Chapter Sorcerer God


The expressions on the members of the Snake Island are all dull, and they never dreamed that this was the end result. The legendary witch gods have come, is it that the leader has been refined into a new god?

"Praise you, great witch god!"

"The witch **** is magnanimous and transforms the sinners who profane you into gods. This is the supreme Dulwich and the kindness of Purdue. As a faithful believer, I am willing to serve you all my life."

"Praise the Witch God!"

"My Lord!"

The few aliens who were taken by the Witch Doctors Union, who were not actually a witch, knelt down on the ground, their expressions excited, and their hands stretched out to the sky for constant praise, like a group of fanatic believers.


However, it is not.

At the moment when Wu Wu's avatar broke into Su Zhen's mind, he was destined to be a dead end ... Majestic Shenwei blasted into his mind, and then the waves of the sea, the turbulent wind, the raging waves, the identity of the witch God condensed out, standing indifferently on the sea : "A blasphemous ant, hand over the treasure."

"Well, this is it."

A voice came from above, and the witch **** looked up and found a sturdy silver pillar, standing at the top of a human figure Su Zhen.


The witch god's eyes were slightly surprised.

Su Zhen's Soul is a human form, and upon seeing this, he realized that the guy in front of him was not a Langang mainland creature, but as a magnificent immortal, the witch **** was not at ease, but locked on that thick silver pillar.

Just one glance.

The witch **** was shocked: "This is a top artifact!"

Su Zhen: "I know the goods."

The voodoo's voice became agitated, and some words were incoherent: "Tiny human, you are not qualified to master this thing, only I deserve it, give it to me!"

Su Zhen: "Then you get it."

The witch **** laughed aloud: "The tiny human, you think that mastering this artifact can threaten me, but you do n’t know that the artifact is noble, and you ca n’t use it if you do n’t want to be pushed by the divine power. It's a great luck to throw down the inheritance of the Tao, and to have such a harvest! Hahaha ... "He smiled exaggeratedly, and could not wait for a second to catch the Five Dragon Painted Halberd.


The witch **** galloped across the sea, rushed to draw the halberd, and grabbed the halberd rod: "Bring me!"


He grabbed the halberd.

Wu God's expression is even more exciting. His deity is a lower-level god, belonging to the weakest grade. He is not in the midst of the vast universe, and he never dreams of holding an artifact one day, or even a top-level artifact.

"Hahaha, the **** is about to rise."

He was very excited.

Standing on the side of the halberd, Su Zhen's condescending mouth twitched, jokingly said: "You really haven't seen the world, always thought it was an adventure, but I stepped into the ghost gate."


The Wujin didn't listen to him, so he tried his best to draw the halberd, and his face turned red.

"Oh, no effort is required, this thing is not something you can master, but as a reward for your self-investment, I can let you see the original face of this thing before you die." Su Zhen looked at Zhihai: "The five Things, should be awake. "

The voice fell.

Boom Boom Boom ... The sea of ​​consciousness exploded five waves of turbulence, and with the tremendous dragon roar, five fierce dragon heads were ejected from the sea, while dragging a huge body, making waves and wreaking havoc on the sea.

Wulong wakes up.

"What's this?" Wu Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't expect this kind of upheaval. What made him more frightened was that every divine power contained in the evil dragon surpassed his countless grades. Anyone who crushed him like a soot blower.


Su Zhen is more certain of his own judgment. The witch **** is not in the eye right now. The Yulong will fight for the world and open up the territory for the ancient heaven.

It can only be explained that he was too weak to tell him.


The golden evil dragon took the lead in attacking, swallowing the blood basin and swallowing the witch god.

"Do not touch me!"

The witch **** dodges in horror.

As soon as he flashed off, the black evil dragon rushed up, and the red evil dragon, the blue evil dragon, and the brown evil dragon also besieged him from all sides, immediately blocking all the dodge directions, and directly fell into desperation.



Five evil dragons went up and bit the witch **** at the same time.


The latter screamed and his body was dismembered. At the same time as it collapsed, Su Zhen then used ‘He Xin Tong’ to forcibly read the memory. This time it was unobstructed and he got the information he wanted to know.


After swallowing the Wujin doppelganger, the five evil dragons slept again to know the sea, and Su Zhen was calm in his mind.



The members of Snake Island looked dull, and those aliens continued to bow down.


Su Zhen thought.

He did not rush out, but read the memory of the other party and figured out the coordinates of the starry sky. The star map held by the witch **** is more detailed than that provided by Dao Taizhen. The surrounding star fields are all included. What surprises Su Zhen most is the skull star. The distance from Lan Gang Star is only three million miles.

It can be said that the two are almost neighbors.

"I was involved in the chaotic flow of time and space, actually speeding up the journey? Ha ha, interesting." I learned from the star map that there is a small galaxy between the two planets. Since Dao Tai never crossed this river, so no Draw the blue gang star.

But very close.

"Inheritance place of Skeleton Celestial?" Su Zhen read the information of Skeleton Star and found that the origin of the planet is extraordinary. Whether it is territory or creatures, it is far superior to the Blue Gang Star, but it is a high-grade heaven site.

Skeleton Celestial is also the strongest existence in this star field.

However, it is dead!

According to the memory of the witch god, the Skeleton Celestial has a dojo in another giant star field. The planet is called ‘Infinite Continent’, and countless celestial beings have a dojo there. But then there was a huge change in the endless continent, and it was rumored that a personal emperor abolished prostitution and banned the spread of faith. Many Celestials were furious and wanted to get rid of that person. Skeletal Celestials was also one of them and participated in that war.

Later, it never appeared again.

In the memory of the Witch God, the Skeletal Celestial King has never reappeared, and it is unclear whether it fell. As an endless mainland martial artist, Su Zhen is very clear. This unlucky Celestial Celestial, like other Celestial Immortals, must have become one of the merits of the Emperor Dagan.

"Skeleton Star is also deserted for a long time, and I don't know the current situation, but as one of the heavenly dojos, there must be adventures, and Yuan Chan may be trapped there." Looking through the description of the Skeleton Stars, then cooperate with the great adventures found by Dao Taizhen. , It ’s probably where it happened.

Finally it is no longer ignorant.

Su Zhen sighed with relief and then said to himself: "After Dao Taizhen's death, King Guangming can control the overall situation, but I still have to hurry up and set off for the Skeleton Star tomorrow."


Regain control of the flesh, and suddenly opened his eyes.


"The leader is awake!" The member of Snake Island saw him open his eyes, his heart raised his throat, and She Yiqian clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of worry, and stared at Su Zhen, wondering if he had been crossed. Change.

For a time.

This is true of all aliens.

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