Undead Emperor

Chapter 1967: The execution begins!

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Chapter 169th execution begins!

"It turned out to be a newcomer to the Gushengyuan." Deacon Yu's subordinates eased their vigilance: "We are going to the Jiandian, Deacon Yan should also be there, do we want to go together?"

"it is good."

Su Zhen readily agreed.

With the cooperation of these skeletons, Su Zhen didn't have to worry about being recognized, and soon came to the front of the sword palace, and found that a lot of skeleton essences were gathered, talking in groups of three to five, the content revolved around Yuan Chan. These are the subordinates such as Jianxianzun, Deacon Deacon, Deacon Deacon, etc., and they do not want Yuan Chan to live. After hearing Shangfeng discussing this matter, they all came here to wait for the results.

Su Zhen mixed in.

After listening for a moment, quietly approached the main hall, let go of the spiritual consciousness and invaded inside.

next moment--

The scene in the sword hall emerged before him.

There are thirteen skeletons in it, headed by a sword robe, and there are two purple robe next to them, all of them are Taoist realms, and the other are all dressed in different dresses.

In order to prevent being discovered, Su Zhen runs the secret technique of Guiyuan.

This technique can cover the Yuanshen, the strongest sword string on the scene is not awesome, and he can't detect his spiritual consciousness at all. The dialogue is heard by him without saying a word ... Jianxun Zun summons everyone, really wants to follow up Gu Tongtian talked about it, but the problem was that these followers did not want to persevere. The two elders in purple robe took the lead to persuade all the deacons.

"Secretary Sword, forget it, the demon does not know how to leave."

A purple robe elder said.

"Yes, the leader has already made a decision, let's not find it easy, let alone Gu Chansheng obviously wants to take this prestige, forcibly dissuade, and the leader will inevitably be suspicious, and things have spread all over the world, and it will hurt the prestige of the leader."

Elder Zipao said.

Jian Xianzun said in a deep voice: "The demon and the devil destroyed the continent, causing lives to be burnt. I also want to smash her corpses, but the current situation is that the continent keeps collapsing. It is a dead end to not leave. The only hope is to leave the demon . "

"She was held hostage and would never leave."

Elder Zipao said: "Associate Bishop, you said that the demon confessed to you. She has to know how to leave. She told you long ago, how can she delay it until now?"


"Don't insist on the deputy leader, kill it."


All the deacons spoke out.

Jianxian Zundao said: "I also believe that the demon does not know how to leave, but one thing you do not know, she has an extraordinary background and a big background. As long as she is here, someone will definitely come."

"It's been three years, who could save her?"


"Associate Bishop, even if someone really rescued her, that is the type of devil, let alone lead us to leave, the mainland will accelerate the collapse ... We and they are a great enemy that do not share the sky!"

The deacons said.

In the end, Elder Zipao said: "Vice lord, let's forget about this matter. Gu Chansheng sent personnel to the underground palace, poison, scorpion, gu, and the four elders to sit in the town. Obviously, it is to guard you. "

Jian Xianzun remained silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "Let's go."

He gave up.

Two elders and ten deacons left.

Overhearing this, Su Zhen left quietly and then turned into an ordinary human form to escape to Lava Island. He knew that if he wanted to save Yuan Chan, it would be inevitable to shake the Skeletal Religion, so he had to go to Lava Island in advance to prepare. There are four Dao Tibetans in the Underground Palace. His current combat power is a delusion of delusion, and he is involved in the skull and goddess. He is asking for bitter food. The only chance is the day of execution.

The Lava Island is an open area, and with the religious teachings in order to conform to the people's hearts and allow everyone to watch, there will be more loopholes on the scene.

The most important thing.

Skeleton gods never dreamed that someone would rob the court, which Su Zhen wanted to grasp.


Lava Island is an isolated island with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. It is located in the center of magma and surrounded by hot lava. The air is permeated with a pungent sulfur smell. It is a low believer and will be poisoned for a long time.

Yansha's desperate environment is very bad.

The Disha Yin vein was suppressed by the gods, and no one was in charge of the magma area, but a long wall was built on the outer periphery to block the heat wave and the highly toxic sulfur air, keeping the original appearance as a whole.


Becoming the best place to execute Yuan Chan, civilians can stand and watch from the periphery. It is flat and unobstructed, as far as the gods do not care about these magma.

On this day--


A figure descended, revealing Su Zhen's appearance.

There are several figures on the island, most of them are skeletons who come here to arrange the venue. The execution platform has been completed, and the high platform is built in front of the platform to be flush with the execution platform.

"Hey, what are you doing here." A skeleton essence discovered Su Zhen.

"I heard that after three days, the Banshee was waiting to be executed on Lava Island. I came to see it in advance." Su Zhen looked at the high platform and asked with grim and excitement: "This is the construction of the execution platform. Can I Take your hand? "

"Haha, there is a helper."

The skull patted Su Zhen's shoulders and laughed: "The demon girl was executed to celebrate the whole world. Everyone is waiting for that moment, brothers don't worry!" He pointed to those human races and said: "Well, these are people who think like brothers , Come on, build a scaffold for the demon together. "

Su Zhen mixed into the engineering team.

He worked hard to build, and behaved like other people, with resentment, savageness, excitement and other emotions. The only difference was that the part he handled quietly arranged the formation.

Two days later.

After the construction of the execution ground of Lava Island, Su Zhen arranged a total of fifteen formations.

"Thank you brothers for helping me to complete the task ahead of time. I invite you to have a meal and watch the execution of the demon girl together tomorrow!" The skeleton head patted everyone on the shoulders and then left Lava Island together.

Next is a banquet.

Su Zhen mixed in and asked about the latest trends in the Skeletal Religion, and then left the scene for excuses ... Yansha is desperately buried deep underground, there is no distinction between day and night, and the time is judged by the morning bell and the drum.

The next day.

Boom Boom Boom--

The melodious bells came from the Protestant Church and resounded throughout the desperation. All the residents have spontaneously gathered together, rushing to the lava islands one after another, with a total of more than hundreds of thousands. This is the last remaining mainland.

Under the fence.

All of them are full of silhouettes, some are grim, some are excited, and some are weeping with different expressions, all of them are the same, and all look forward to the moment of execution.

Su Zhen is also inside.

Some people were cursing, some screaming, some crying, listening to the noise, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, but his expression returned to normal, and his eyes were firm.

"For whatever reason, Yuan Chan must save!"

Su Zhen said firmly.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly exploded, the noise reached its climax and swept through all directions like a mountain tsunami, and even the cave walls above were shaking and shaking. Su Zhen looked up and saw that it was the skull gods.

In the middle, there is a prison car with a figure in it.

"Yuan Chan!"

Su Zhen's pupils shrank and his spirit stretched into a string.

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