Undead Emperor

Chapter 2166: Return to the river of destiny

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Chapter two hundred and sixty-sixth return to the river of destiny

"What's going on?" Hong Longhe shook.

Emperor Pai: "The mysterious Daozang discovered by the five military governors' government is fake. I realized that I was fooled and came here immediately. As a result, the Yan Mo Zen has disappeared, but it is just an energy group left in place." The voice became cold: "Several, explain."


Several great counselors were also ignorant.

The eldest prince stepped forward and snorted coldly: "General Tiance, what do you mean, and I suspect that my hands are moving?"

The emperor looked at the big prince's eyes and closed his mouth no more.

Hong Longhe stood up angrily and said, "Master Yan Yan is yours. Now you are carrying adventures and disappearing, not looking for who you are looking for? It's too coincidental that the mysterious Dao hides, the emperor has also gotten away from the tigers and the mountain plan, and there is still left to guard Your people, don't doubt who you doubt! "

As the crown prince, he was the only one who dared to challenge the eldest prince. He used to be in harmony on the surface, fighting secretly, and now the bamboo basket fetched water, and both ends were missed. Hong Longhe's temper also came up.

The crown prince: "Prince, do you want to smear me?"

Hong Longhe didn't let him down: "Everyone knows that Yan Mo is yours, leaving the guard or yours. Now that he is missing with his adventures, his elder brother will find a way to explain it to his father and emperor early tomorrow!" The voice seemed to be a poisonous python vomiting letters, and all felt creepy at the scene: "Yes, don't blame your younger brother for not reminding you that the disappearance of Yan Mo and the mysterious Dao Zang are too coincidental, and I will tell the father emperor truthfully."

Talk about it.

He waved his hand at the emperor and hummed: "Let's go!"

The two leave.

Only the big prince and his party remained in the tower.

The great prince looked at several great counsellors, his face gloomy like rain, and asked, "Tell me the truth, did you let go of the demon?"

"Your Highness Mingjian, it has nothing to do with us."

The counselor shouted injustice.

The crown prince thought somberly: "The crown prince is right. The mysterious Dao-zang appeared too coincidental, which led to the emperor's hegemony, so that the master Yanzhan could be freed from the difficulties. There must be a relationship between the two."

"We promise that no one will come here."

"Well, Yan Yan slipped under your eyes. If a stronger came here, can you find it? Obviously Yan De only cares about the emperor, and he also knows that the prince has the hatred of the mysterious Dao, once he gets the news of whereabouts, This series is definitely not a coincidence, but a premeditated plan to send emperors to them. "Hong Longhe ate one after another. The prestige set up in these years has been greatly reduced. As the beneficiary, the great prince is happy to watch, but at the same time he also checked the mystery. Dao Zang, want to know who shot. What happened today made him realize that he was afraid to be alone, and the mysterious Daozang also pulled him into the water.

"His Royal Highness, is the Master Yan Mo ..." a strategist thought of something terrible.


Another categorically denied: "When the ascending ladder was destroyed for the second time, I ordered His Highness to meet Master Yan Mo, and he personally spoke to him. How could he be split into two? What's more, Master Yan Mo and Heavenly Demon, Yan Gui tied the game. In the face of the national teacher Yuan Dongdao, it is not bad to be able to save his life. He is not the same person as the mysterious Daozang. "

The crown prince nodded, and he also concluded that the mysterious Dao Zang was never a master of Yan Mo, but things were too strange tonight.

Or maybe--


The great prince was shocked, thinking of the terrible possibility, and quickly escaped from the temple tower.

The strategists were caught off guard and looked at each other until the figure of the eldest prince gradually disappeared in the moonlight before they reacted.

Then I saw—

The eldest prince escaped directly into the cave, and the new demon sent to block the place was too late to stop.

"Flash off!"

Several great planners screamed and broke into the underground cave.

All the way down.

Soon, I came to the karst cave area and saw the remnants of the evacuation, and the crown prince was standing in the middle to let go of his consciousness, searching inch by inch, and several master planners held their breaths and dared not ask more.

Yixiang incense past.

The great prince seemed to have caught the traces of the clues, and suddenly opened his eyes and escaped towards a dry pool.

Several great counselors kept up.

The eldest prince stood by the pool, his eyes narrowed into the gap and looked inside. After watching for a long time, he did not find any difference, and then looked around, then fell on the statue of the Buddha, and finally looked at her broken jade bottle.


The crown prince snorted coldly, his hands flew over, and he threw a glorious glory.

Guanghua contains the supreme imperial energy, which seems to encompass the energy of all things. It even forcibly made up the Yujing bottle temporarily, and the water like the Milky Way stream was re-injected into the pool, showing the open Buddhist door.

But there is no golden light.

"Your Highness, is this ..." Several great counselors were shocked.

The eldest prince went straight in.

As soon as I entered, I looked at the scene of the Elysium Pure Land composed of auspicious clouds and golden glow, but in this sea of ​​clouds lies a giant corpse, which is awesome! Following the great planners, the pupils shrunk to the tip of the needle, and at the same time they lost their voices in horror: "Master Yan Mo!"

"what happened?"

"Master Yan Mo is dead? No, just now we watched him enter the temple pagoda, what is going on?"

"That's fake?"

Being able to serve as a counsellor is not a stupid person. After a brief shock, I realized that I was deceived, including the emperor. The demon Zen master just now is fake, and it is the mysterious Daozang traced by the gods!

"Your Highness, what should I do?"

A counselor asked.

The crown prince was chilled, and his eyes contained Chongxiao's killing intent, and his voice was cold like Wan Zai Han Cave: "The crown prince wants to bite me with Yan Yan. Since Yan Yan is here, this matter has nothing to do with me. Responded. "Pausing, took a deep breath, the tone became colder:" But the mysterious Dao hidden boldly, even my people dare to kill, this time the prince will not spare him! "

Yuan Dongdao, Yan Yao, and Yan Gui died, and it was Yan Yan who was the master of the country. The first prince was to get a big help, and now it is thrown into the east, and his anger can be imagined.

"Go to Yan Gong's Everlasting Lamp to the East Palace and tell the prince."

The great prince said.

"His Royal Highness, don't wait until tomorrow morning?" A strategist felt that this was an opportunity. After Hong Longhe was in front of the great prince of civil and military officials, he took out the evidence and would hurt Hong Longhe's face.

But the great prince did not want to.

"Mysterious Dao Zang committed a major event, and even my people died. I said it up early. Do I have a good face? This guy dares to offend me, don't want to feel at ease, I will kill him first!"


The crowd left the Dizang cave.

While the crown prince and Hong Longhe joined forces for a short time, the target they wanted to kill had already reached the long river of fate with their consciousness, and returned to the palace of light. Coincidentally, the king of light was in the palace.

Su Zhen saw the King of Light again.

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