Undead Emperor

Chapter 2207: Retreat

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The emperor of the Daqian emperor was undefeated and returned to the DPRK in advance. The news spread among the courts and only the officials of Sanpin and above heard it. It immediately caused an uproar, from the members of the cabinet to the six books.

The emperor of the endless continent is about to return.


In the long river of unbounded destiny, Su Zhen is still catching the law of Tao, and he had good luck to find [Vajra], ingested into the secret room to suppress it on the ground, and transformed into a body cast like gold, with a wide eyebrow and a wide-mouthed mouth. Lord Lohan.

It constantly hammered around.

Su Zhen raised his sword, and nailed it to the ground.

"Continue." Su Zhen knew the fate of Shen Fanghe and searched for the prototype of similar laws ... Tian Dao truly embraced everything, but the coordinates of the Palace of Light were immobile. Su Zhen still had no power to cross the long river and traveled at will. Significantly low.

time flies.


Three months later, he finally discovered a new prototype. The law is particularly conspicuous in the long river, the others are colorful streamers, or a thunderbolt, or a raging sky fire, and the transformation is nothing more than sword gas, beasts, fierce birds, only this is an ancient bronze bell , Engraved with Sanskrit on it, trembling with the tapping, every time

All stimulated the appearance of Sanskrit, condensed a gorgeous chapter around the body, and faintly accompanied by the sound of Tianyin Zen singing.

Su Zhen releases tentacles of spiritual awareness.

Taking the secret palace of the Bright Palace as the origin, the tentacles are like octopus monsters. Eight claws stretch out through the gaps of laws, rubbing the turbulence and entangle the bronze bell.



"Dong Dang Dang ..." Bronze bell felt threatened, the resounding sound became louder, the amplitude of tremor was obvious, and the ripples visible to the naked eye swayed away. There is a feeling of cracking.

This is not over yet.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the gorgeous Sanskrit chapter stretched out, breaking three tentacles and spreading along the remaining Chao Suzhen.

"Oh?" Su Zhen raised his eyebrows. This bronze bell has extraordinary background and extremely high precision. If there is no interference, it can grow into a law of Tao. Seeing its continuous evolution in Sanskrit, changing times and times, it may evolve into the law of Dao after ten years. This is the most pure and perfect one that Su Zhen has seen in the long course of fate

The rule of law takes shape and its potential has no limit.

"The stronger you are, the more I need, come over to me!"

Su Zhen snorted. The five tentacles skyrocketed and dragged crazy around the bronze bell toward the secret room, but the bronze bell was unwilling to show its weakness, and the amplitude of the tremor became stronger and stronger. Even the transparent shield on the surface of the secret room is affected and emits a weak





After three crisp sounds, only two tentacles were broken.

Seeing that the bronze bell was about to escape from the trap, Su Zhen's eyes flashed coldly, urging the two avenues of law 【All Living Avenue】 【All Evil Avenue】, and only two shots were left, winding around the bronze bell.

"I can ingest even the prototype of the avenue, and I want to escape from the prototype of every rule of the road? Last time I ventured into the river of destiny. Today I am staying in the Chamber of Secrets and dragging you in forcibly."

Su Zhen's eyes were firm.

His rule of avenues is not in the long river of fate. Each one is equivalent to two ordinary ones. It is powerful and extraordinary. After entangled the bronze bell through the tentacles of spiritual knowledge, it is like the powerful Tibetan master grabbing the half ancestor of Yuanying.

Thoughts moved.


The bronze bell was quickly pulled, and the blocked Sanskrit, bells, and chanting did not help, and fell directly into the Palace of Light ... The rest was simple, Su Zhen let out a sword and nailed it to the ground, with the name King Kong Luohan as a companion.

The second intake is completed.

Su Zhen's muscles and bones made a long breath of relief: "At this rate, will I be able to repair the Dao-Zang triple in ten years? Before you return undefeated, can you repair the Dao-Zang triple?"

This speed of cultivation has been shocking to speak out, but Su Zhen still feels not enough.

Immediately, Su Zhen did not take a break to invest in a new search, looking for the prototype of the third compound Tao law. If it is the same as the prototype of Longjiao Python, if you catch ten at once, it will be more effective, but it is impossible to meet the circumstances, it depends on luck.

The prototype of the search rule is tedious. In the process, Su Zhen also realized three other things-

1. "The Archaic True Body (Middle Volume)".

He practiced a derivation version of this method, using a core as a substitute, and cultivated it with the Buddha's body knowledge to become a "clean glass bodhisattva body". Its physical strength is comparable to that of a holy weapon. It can crush ancient fierce beasts and it is difficult for Dao to hide in the situation. There are those who can break the defense.

But looking at Yuanshen is not enough.

He has experienced the power of Yuanshen personally. It is strange and powerful, which is not something that Dao Zang can resist. Even if Jingliu Bodhisattva is a saint, he can't stop Yuanshen's means.

The strongest qigong he currently masters is "Thirteen Boxing of Zhenzong", followed by various levels of qigong.

These cannot stop Yuanshen.

The only promising thing is "The Archaic True Body". This Qigong was repaired by the ancient immortal prince in the fairy realm. Its flesh is hailed as the strongest by the immortal emperor. Even if it is only a middle volume, it should be able to block the Yuanshen with the flesh.

"If you want to build a middle volume, you must first have a star core." Su Zhen thought.

Star core, the core of the planet.

If Su Zhen can refine the star nucleus of the Endless Continent, he can even learn to kill the undefeated monarch. After all, the Endless Continent belongs to higher ranks in the entire world, far more than ordinary heavenly immortals, otherwise there will not be so many heavenly immortals This preaching.

But this is fantasy. The premise of refining the star core is that the power is above this continent. Su Zhen can't even beat the Yuanshen, which is undoubtedly a big tree that compares to the endless continent. The ultimate goal of undefeated is the blood sacrifice continent, I am afraid that I want to start from the star core, the latter's power must be planned for thousands of years, how is he a district of Tibet?

How dare you dream?

Not to mention.

When the star core is taken, the continent must be exhausted, just like the skull continent he encountered. Su Zhen is not a good person, nor can he destroy a continent, no matter how many billions of life and death come to practice, what is the difference between doing so and being undefeated? There is only one way to build "The Archaic True Body (Middle Volume)" in front of him, that is to go to the outer sky and look for the exhausted or not

A continent with souls, digs out the core of the star, refines it into magical power, and forms a fairy body.

"I'm going to take another adventure in outer space?"

Think about it.

Su Zhen shook his head: "The last time I came back from the outer universe, I was nine dead, I couldn't go to it in less than a million. If I had" Fan Seal God Arms "in battle, I learned the tenth boxing of" Thirteen Boxings of Zhenzong ". Create your own magical power "Qi Xue Tian Qing", consider the evolution of the third form. "Qi Xue Tian Qing is the second thing, this one is also the most promising.

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