Undead Emperor

Chapter 2635: Body Sanctification (Part 2)

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The fourth Buddhist scripture enters the soul, Su Yin opens his mouth to recite the scriptures: "At that time, there is no limit to the world, and it cannot be said that all the Buddhas and the great Bodhisattva Mahasa, all come to the assembly."

The notes are transformed into Sanskrit scripts, which radiate golden light and possess the power of exceeding sentient beings.

For a time-

The sky is full of Sanskrit chants.



Su Zhen began to recite the Scriptures, and the scriptures were the same: "If I heard it. At one time the Buddha was in the sky, saying that as a mother, then there are infinite worlds in all directions, and it cannot be said that all the Buddhas and the great Bodhisattva Mahasa are all Come to the rally. "

Every note fell, and a golden Sanskrit appeared in the air.

Sanskrit is compiled into Buddhist scriptures, suspended in the sky dome, even if there are such things as Jun Yuzhen, King Yan Luo, the guardian, and the ancestor of the demon, it still cannot affect it.

It seems to surpass all sentient beings.

The Bodhi tree heard the scriptures, shivered with excitement, folded his hands together, and quickly obeyed: "Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha."

He kept begging.

The Kraken Emperor stood beside him, and was confused by Su Zhen change. Seeing the bodhi tree seemed to know the inside story. He couldn't help but ask: "Don't be busy reading the sutra, tell me what's going on?" "Amitabha, this It ’s the “Tibetan Bodhisattva ’s Book of Scriptures”, which records the Buddha ’s saying in his celestial palace, for his mother Mrs. Maya, and praised the great vows of the “Tibetan Bodhisattva”, “Hell is not empty, you ca n’t become a Buddha, all living beings are exhausted, and Founder Bodhi” . "Bodhi ’s eyes are hot, like

A fanatical believer ca n’t wait to worship and perform a five-body throwing ceremony: "The master can recite the scriptures, which means that he has received the true biography of Dizang Wang Bodhisattva, and this is his new supernatural power of awakening his tongue [Zizang Mantra]!"

The Kraken in front was inexplicably listening, and the following sentence understood.

Tongues and supernatural powers: Dizang mantra?

The Kraken Emperor frowned slightly: "He has long awakened his tongue, and he has the magical power of" Desire Brahma ". Are you mistaken?" "Nine consciousness of the Buddha, every awakening at least gets a magical power, but it does not mean I can only have one door. There are four kinds of "Tianyin Chan" suoming Sanskrit "in my tongue knowledge. The owner really only has" Suoming Sanskrit ", but just now, his tongue consciousness awakened again. , Master the best supernatural powers

One of the "Zhizo Mantra", this is far more than Tianyin Zen singing and Suo Ming Sanyin! "Bodhi Tree Road.

"He awakened his tongue again?"

The Kraken froze.

"It's not just tongue consciousness, the golden light in the eyes is just the top level of consciousness [fire eye golden eyes], in addition to the ear consciousness‘ listening to the Three Realms ’, and the nose consciousness‘ smelling all over the thousand ’!” Said the Bodhi Tree.

Ear knowledge?

Nose awareness?

The expressions of the Kraken Emperor, King Kun, and the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Beams changed at the same time: "He awakened the new Nine Knowledge?"

"Why don't you understand!" The bodhi tree was very excited, and seemed dissatisfied with the slow response of his companion: "The master is not awakening new knowledge, but the nine consciousness is awakening at the same time. ! "

Hear this remark.

The Siren, the King of Kun, and the ancestor of the Demon finally figured it out, and there was a big surprise on his face.

And Jun Yuzhen, Yan Luo Wang, Qing, Bing, Man, and the 4th King are very ugly. The uneasy mood turned out to be this way. This guy really wanted to prove the Taoist God on the spot.

This kind of unheard of things will happen?

They are difficult to accept.

Jun Yuzhen understood that Dangdang was constantly rebelling against it, taking advantage of Su Zhen ’s failure to become a Buddha and strangling him in the cradle. He ordered the King of Zhongzhou to never be merciful.

The king of Zhongzhou smashed the eight dragon lock magic ball.

But everything is late.

The moment Su Zhen touched the [Fahua Dizang], his body was protected by the imprint of the Dzang Bodhisattva. Even the higher level of crossing the robbery and even the Heavenly Fairyland was difficult to break, let alone a Zhongzhou king?

The demon relic hit


Along with the loud noise, it was directly swept by the glowing glow of Su Zhen's body. This is the soul in my mind, integrated into the fifth scripture.

Six feet gold body.

The Liuzhang golden body is one of the top magical powers of Buddhism, which is not weaker than the pure glass bodhisattva body made by Su Zhen's current predecessor, using the predecessor to understand the magical power, and the derived version of "The Archaic True Body (Middle Volume)".

Treating him with six feet of golden body, combined with the real "Emperor True Body (Middle Volume)", to make a new body, the power will inevitably shake the sun and the moon.

Since he could not stop Su Zhen from advancing, he could only watch.

next moment--




Su Zhen tremored behind his head, six circles of Buddha light appeared in succession, the colors were different, there were pictures hidden in each circle, there were peacocks on the screen, there were hundreds of birds facing the phoenix, there were eight heavenly dragons, there were vajra and so on.

This is the light behind the head.

There are masters of Buddhism, and according to the number, they can judge the height of the state. For example, there are nine circles of Buddha light behind the head of the Bodhi tree, but there is no picture in his aperture.

The subtle differences show that Su Zhen is different from him.

This is conscious magic [if I smell it], and it is also one of the top conscious magic.


In my mind.

The inheritance of the Fahua Dizang is not over yet. The seventh Buddhist scripture is integrated into the soul. Su Zhen of the state of the soul changes drastically, rolling like a thick fog, and four new heads grow in succession at the neck.

Five-faced Buddha!

Respectively: greed, aversion, infatuation, slowness, doubt.

This is the Buddha's five poisonous hearts.

And this also corresponds to the previous knowledge, eyes look, like beauty and hate, ears, sounds, joy and puncture, nose smell, smell and smell, joy and greed, hate and aversion, and enjoyment , If you lose, you will suffer.

Su Zhen has never mastered the ‘Athanasis’.

Today, finally master!

His Athana consciousness is "Five-faced Heart Buddha". Needless to say, it is also one of the top-level Athana consciousness.

Next is the eighth chapter.


When the Buddhist scriptures entered the soul, Alaya awakened again.

"Yin Soul" Su Zhen becomes both yin and yang, yin and evil, yang good, yin and green face fangs, red hair iguana, yang face kindly eyebrows and good looks, crane hair childish.

The two are in perfect balance.

This is one of the top supernatural powers of Arayah [Samsara Buddha], the representative is the reincarnation of good and evil, the cause of the past life, the result of the future life, the present life, the afterlife report.

This world is bitter, and life is happy.

Reincarnation in bitter music, reincarnation in good and evil.


The rest is the last Buddhist scripture, and the most important knowledge-

The head of the nine senses: Amorus!

Amoronic consciousness is the true face of consciousness. It is not filthy, it does not increase, it does not degenerate, it is immortal, it is the realm of the Buddhas, it transcends bitterness and happiness, so it does not reincarnate in bitterness.

Master this knowledge and become Buddha.

Nine consciousness is one mind, all sentient beings are born from it, and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas form from it.


Sutras enter the soul.

'Yin Soul' Su Zhen shuddered, the first eight consciousnesses were like birds and phoenixes, and this consciousness rushed to merge into one body quickly, whether it is a reincarnation Buddha statue, a five-faced heart Buddha, if I smell it, or a six-foot golden body, The Dizang mantra, heard thousands of words, listened to the Three Realms, and got the ninth awareness.


With a huge earthquake. "Yin Soul" Su Zhen produced earth-shaking changes, the changes affected the flesh, and the whole person began to sublime ... At this moment, Su Zhen awakened the ninth consciousness and finally became a Buddha!

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