Undead Emperor

Chapter 2662: Goodbye Star Monster

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There is a blood red clothing hand oracle, the next thing is much smoother, accompanied by Qing Yun throughout the ride to the periphery of the Magma Plain.

Looking up, a wall of light stood in front of me, blocking the way.

There is a stone tablet next to it, engraved with the words [First Forbidden Place]. "The Magma Plain was formed by the impact of extraterrestrial stars, and the space was extremely unstable. The sovereigns were afraid of the collapse of this place, which would cause a chain reaction, so they were listed as forbidden areas, even if the Yuanshen could not easily enter. under

No one will intervene, but there are dangers inside, and three people need to take care of it. Qingyun reminded.

"There is labor."

Su Zhen nodded his thanks. Then he walked into the light wall with the ancestor of the demon and the golden lion king. The light wall is a prohibited type. It is almost the same as the mask of the ghost ghost lord, the flying supreme, and the other to seal the lost paradise. But the current situation is much weaker, even if Yuanying charges

All segments can be entered, purely for alert.

Three people easily enter.

When I stepped over the mask, I immediately felt the change of the world's vitality. The most obvious thing was the increased sensation of heat. It seemed that I was in a big stove, my skin was dry and my hair was burning.

Heaven and Earth's vitality is abnormally disordered, doped with a lot of energy that cannot be absorbed, Su Zhen can judge it at a glance, this is the most common composition in the vast universe.

When he went to the Skeleton Continent to rescue Yuan Chan, he couldn't get energy supplement along the way, because it was all these things.

The ancestor of the demon took out a crystal ball, and after injecting it into the real unit, a light spot was lit, which was very weak, and even those with poor eyesight could not see it.

This is a magical tool given by the King of Light before he leaves. It also retains the breath of the Light Maiden and can display the position of the Maiden within a certain range.

The brighter the spot, the better the situation of the saint, and vice versa.

The current weak situation indicates that the Bright Lady is seriously injured even if her life is not in danger and she must be found as soon as possible.

"Over there." The ancestor of the demon led the way.

Three people fled.

It was only after a short distance from Fei Dun that it was discovered that the position where the light wall stands is not actually a magma plain.

The few vegetation on the edge completely disappeared, the ground was cracked, and stones stood scattered.

The climate is dry, the temperature is extremely high, and the air is distorted.

The only advantage is that no monsters are encountered. Presumably this place is not suitable for the survival of monsters.

Moving on, after three hundred miles, the environment changed again, black smoke came out of the cracks in the earth, the air was full of pungent sulfur smell, fire clouds appeared in the sky, and there was a tropical storm.

Looking at the crystal ball, half of the distance from the light spot, the three continued to fly.

Five hundred miles deep into the plain.

The magma plain is completely exposed here, the ground is cracked, there are many holes, lava flows in the cracks, the black smoke is gurgling, and the smell of sulfur becomes more pungent.

The high-altitude clouds are like a sea of ​​fire, and the tropical storm is surging like a world of flames.

"This is very similar to your furnace." The Golden Lion King said suddenly. "My melting pot is much hotter than here. It may not be as violent as here. Look at the terrain. In some places, there are faults that do not conform to the rules. Some are directly superimposed on one piece. It must be caused by the" Starry Sky Fault. " Ever, this

The ground is formed by the impact of a meteorite in the sky, carrying a lot of cosmic energy. "

Su Zhendao. He could see that the plain suddenly lost an area, and some two layers were superimposed like Qionglou, which is obviously the characteristics of the starry sky fault. If you stand on the edge of the fault, half of your body will stay in place and contact the other half of the fault, which may appear in

A dozen meters away, it may be hundreds of miles away.

Yuanshen can travel through the stars, but few people do it because there are too many similar dangers.

Nine lives are not enough.

"It's close enough, you can't cover the bright maiden with spiritual knowledge?" The golden lion king looked at the crystal ball, leaving less than a hundred miles.

Such a distance, Su Zhen can certainly do it, not to mention the ancestor of the demon.

However, it is not. "The energy of the starry sky has too much influence on the spiritual consciousness, and it is definitely more dangerous to move forward. I guess it can only be seen with eyes." Su Zhen had already tried the spiritual consciousness coverage, and it could cover a hundred when he first entered the light wall. Here, officially entered the magma plain and shrank to no

Full ten miles.

There is not even three kilometers now.

"Wait." As Su Zhen progressed in a dialogue with the Golden Lion King, the ancestors of the demon shouted at them and turned their heads to see that the light spot in the crystal ball had disappeared.


Su Zhen frowned, what happened?

The Golden Lion King has heard the introduction of the King of Light, thinking that the Saint of Light has encountered something unexpected. Just when he was about to ask, the light spot appeared, but the location was more than 400 miles south.

"Starry sky fault?" The Golden Lion King blurted out.

This is clearly one of the phenomena that Su Zhen just introduced.

Before they were ready to change direction, the light spot disappeared again. When the Golden Lion King thought that the saint had touched the starry sky fault again, the light spot appeared in place, but it became darker.

"She was injured." Su Zhen said.

When the words fell, the three of them went to the new coordinates in a tacit understanding, while constantly paying attention to the changes in the light spot, and the light spot disappeared again in less than a scent of incense.

The reappearance is still in place, and the color becomes darker.

And then.

The frequency of disappearance increases, from a dozen breaths at a time, to a few breaths, then to a breath, to the last breath can disappear three times.

Suddenly bright and dark, with life and death, the brightness is almost invisible.

"Pansi Daxian divination is three days, how can it be so fast?" Su Zhen vaguely felt bad, seeing the light spot change, the Saint could not hold on for half an hour. "Fortune-telling is a game of astronomy. It's difficult to predict. Every small change can trigger hundreds of millions of results. Pansi Daxian's divination is the death of the Bright Lady three days later. If it can't be changed, why come to Purgatory City? At that moment, the knot

If it has changed, the death no longer exists after three days, maybe it can be saved, maybe ten days later, maybe it will die now. "The ancestor of the demon was calm.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has been in contact with divination.

Want to come too.

In the ancient times, the ancestors were everywhere, the denominations were like clouds, and the Wu Dao divination was a big vein. It could really derive all frogs, and the ancient times would not be ended by the Dagan dynasty.

Maybe the Ten Thousand Beast Immortal Palace had been derived, but the result was still beyond control.

"Then hurry up." Su Zhen accelerated to fly away, but at this moment, a bang came from the sky with a loud noise, and a hurricane of violent fire and cloud fell like Optimus Prime.

Su Zhen quickly dodges.

The hurricane hit the ground and made a loud noise with a roar.

The next moment-the hurricane dissipated, a huge figure that Su Zhen had never seen before, shook his head from the ground, and it was a starry monster!

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