Undead Emperor

Chapter 2691: Nether Beast

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The fire-breathing dragon crawled out of the ground and was covered with delicate black scales. The broad flesh burned with flames. The sharp dragon claws stepped on the fire cloud. The thick lizard had four curved bone spurs at the end.


The dragon roared up in the sky, blowing flames madly.

Su Zhen can see that there are dense wounds on the dragon's body, especially the flesh wings have more than ten holes, and the largest one can let the elephant pass.

It flutters its wings.

At this time, it was seen that the tail bone spurs were tied with an iron lock. The diameter of the iron lock was more than three meters, and there could be runes on the surface. As the fire-breathing dragon dragged the runes, they lit up and set it at one kilometer from the ground the height of.

This dragon is imprisoned?


Su Zhen found something wrong.

He wanted to judge the realm of the dragon, but could not sense the slightest life characteristics, just like facing a giant puppet monster.

This fire-breathing dragon is ... "Nethergarde Beast?" Ding Jian resisted the heaven penalty, and he glanced at the fire-breathing dragon. He was shocked with just one glance: "The forbidden evil spell of Zhushan Religion has been greatly Was the Gan Dynasty created? The Dagan Dynasty held high the banner of the Heavenly Way in the ancient times

, Abolition of ritual worship, closure of the gods, establishment of colleges, Xing Medical Museum, and the appearance of washing the martial arts. As a result, you are the most evil. Even this taboo evil technique has been secretly perfected and succeeded. "

Ding Jian recognized the origin of the fire-breathing dragon.

The ancestor of ten thousand demon beside Su Zhen, who followed the ten thousand beast immortal palace, also belonged to the first-class existence in ancient times. He explained: "Zhushan Religion is one of the ancient cults. It is famous for puppetry. Today's institutional puppetry is basically inherited from Zhushan Religion. You must have heard some of Zhushan Religion's signatures, such as 'Son and Mother Chasing Soul Sword' Bamboo Sword Array 'etc. But Zhu Shan teaches really

The place of positive terror is taboo puppetry, and the most famous one is the 'nether beast'. "

With the introduction Su Zhen understands.

The Nether Beast is based on unborn creatures, combined with various materials, mysterious and evil means, and undergoing complex refining, and it must be carried through the heavens to make successful things.

Speaking of the dragon in front of you. When it was still an egg, it was stolen from the dragon's lair and refined into a puppet by taboo methods. After becoming a puppet and losing his life characteristics, Zhu Shanjiao gave him the ability to continue to incubate through cruel means, that is, to kill his parents and inject the souls of his parents

In the egg. Use the nature of their parents to give them hope that they can hatch their offspring, burn their souls willingly, and give their eggs a life.

This completes the incubation process.

The nether beast hatched has the same appearance as the ordinary form, but there is no spirit, no heartbeat, and it belongs to the dead. However, the growth of this monster will be completed in one night, and it has a combat power far exceeding that of its peers.

The most frightening thing is that the Nether Beast can force its talents and magical powers according to different needs. In front of me, this one is calculated according to the dragon's adulthood as the Yuanshen. When it hatched, it had the fighting power of the robbery level. Xia Changqing took it to hide in the purgatory city for thousands of years. If Xia Changqing has been cultivating ghost beast development, it is now extremely

Ability to fight beyond the robbery.

"You should have heard something called 'Under Corpse Emperor'."

The ancestor of the demon.

Su Zhen nodded: "Using the body of the emperor as a material, refined into a ghost corpse emperor, his emperor's dragon spirit can force down a large layer of everyone in the range." "Yes, so the ghost corpse emperor is listed as the first taboo , Whoever dares to refine will be attacked by the group, any martial arts, monsters, monsters have a responsibility to destroy the ghost corpse king. "The ancestor of the demon looked at the fire-breathing dragon and said:" The ghost corpse king's refining method is refining Corpse

It was created by stealing cheats from Zhushanjiao Nether Beast. "


Su Zhen raised his eyebrows, he really didn't know that this relationship. "The Zhushan believers are talented and intelligent generations. In this respect, they can be regarded as arrogant to all the forces of the ancient times. The number of puppets created by the organization is endless. However, the taboo creature Ghost Beast has remained in the design stage until the sect's death. One. Instead, the corpse stolen cheats created a more evil ghost corpse emperor, and now the Daqian dynasty has completed the design of the ghost beast. "The ancestor of the demon:" Senior Ding Jian said that Xia Changqing's plot is also the star core , This ghost beast must be approved for the star

Prepared, now used to deal with Senior Ding Jian, I wonder if it can cope. "


Ding Jian's cuff waved out an auspicious light, spreading in the air to form a white cloud layer, the three punishments and nine hard-to-condensed heavens punishment fell, all blocked by the clouds.




The purple arc splits and the white cloud layer continues to explode, but its toughness seems to be very good. Even if the splits are transparent, it still does not let any punishment pass.

The five great crossings took the opportunity to regenerate their limbs.

Su Zhen glanced at them and found the problem at a glance. The wind demon, the ghost mother-in-law, the melted man, the extinct sword respecter, although Wang Hu's limbs were all reborn, they were all energy condensed, not real flesh.

"" Six Beasts Devouring Sorcery "can seal the engulfed flesh in the belly of the beast, and unless the" Six Beasts Devouring Sorcery "is destroyed, the eaten part will never be taken back." Su Zhen remembered the previous conversation .

The five great crossings gathered together.

Wang Hu raised his head and said, "Brother, can you bear the punishment?" "It's not true that the three disasters and nine disasters broke out, and the mountain protection array can stop it. Of course, I have no problem." His face changed suddenly and shouted: "Be careful." Then Void stomped on his right foot, and his right foot stepped on the air to explode the air ring.

In the formation, the volley cover is down.

Below is the ghost beast that rushed.

"Roar!" Nether Beast spouted orange flames with his mouth open, and his tongue of fire shot out of Baizhangyuan to swept through the five great crossings, and was blocked halfway by the circle pattern.

The fire tongue hit the array and the two sides exploded.


No one took advantage.

"This ghost beast is comparable to the fairy level, and inform everyone to leave the Valley of the Wicked!" Ding Jian cried out to the gods.


Wang Hu was shocked: "Brother, can you deal with it?" "The ghost beast is not a creature, and there will be no heavenly calamity in the ascension of the realm. This one will go beyond the realm of tribulation. It ’s no problem to deal with it, but the Valley of the Wicked will be destroyed in the battle storm, and everyone will be withdrawn immediately

from. "Ding Jian can deal with Nether Beast.


If the Nether Beast can really shake Ding Jian, Xia Changqing does not need to flee with Jun Yuzhen and other embarrassments, proving that he has counts.

"Everyone left!" Wang Hu's organization evacuated.

Su Zhen and the ancestors of the monsters escaped into the air: "Senior, Jun Yuzhen, what should they do? Never let them leave the Purgatory alive."

"Of course."

Wang Hu rushed to the eight wicked men: "The third, fourth, and fifth come, six brothers, and seven sisters. You join hands with other Yuanshen, and slaughter these traitors!" Let me kill Xia Changqing together? "Extinct Jianzun stood up:" I. "

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